
997 B

DWM rice

It includes patched dwm with gaps, st and tcsh config, all in the catppuccin frappe theme.


I wrote this in python, because why not? Please keep sysbar.py and dwmbar/ together, because sysbar.py includes last one.


Source there I think (I downloaded it a long time ago, so I just used google search).


Firstly edit dwm config (defines at the top of config.h, bindings). Then edit tcsh/.tcshrc for your needs.
Build and install dwm and st, copy files from tcsh/ to your home.
To run bar you can write something like this in the .xinitrc:

python path/to/sysbar.py &
exec dwm


DWM additionally depends on scrot for screenshots and amixer (alsa-utils in archlinux).
Bar depends on python, psutils python package for pc info and getlayout script for getting X11 layout.