
349 lines
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// Created by Иван Ильин on 05.02.2021.
#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
#include "RigidBody.h"
#include "../utils/Log.h"
#include "../utils/Time.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
RigidBody::RigidBody(ObjectNameTag nameTag, const std::string &filename, const Vec3D &scale) : Mesh(std::move(nameTag),
filename, scale) {
Vec3D RigidBody::_findFurthestPoint(const Vec3D &direction) {
Vec3D maxPoint{0, 0, 0};
double maxDistance = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for (auto &tri : triangles()) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// TODO: multiplying model() * tri[i] costs too much time to compute
Vec3D point(model() * tri[i]);
double distance =;
if (distance > maxDistance) {
maxDistance = distance;
maxPoint = point;
return maxPoint;
Vec3D RigidBody::_support(std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> obj, const Vec3D &direction) {
Vec3D p1 = _findFurthestPoint(direction);
Vec3D p2 = obj->_findFurthestPoint(-direction);
Vec3D res = p1 - p2;
return p1 - p2;
NextSimplex RigidBody::_nextSimplex(const Simplex &points) {
switch (points.type()) {
case SimplexType::Line:
return _lineCase(points);
case SimplexType::Triangle:
return _triangleCase(points);
case SimplexType::Tetrahedron:
return _tetrahedronCase(points);
throw std::logic_error{"RigidBody::_nextSimplex: simplex is not Line, Triangle or Tetrahedron"};
NextSimplex RigidBody::_lineCase(const Simplex &points) {
Simplex newPoints(points);
Vec3D newDirection;
Vec3D a = points[0];
Vec3D b = points[1];
Vec3D ab = b - a;
Vec3D ao = -a;
if ( > 0) {
newDirection = ab.cross(ao).cross(ab);
} else {
newPoints = Simplex{a};
newDirection = ao;
return NextSimplex{newPoints, newDirection, false};
NextSimplex RigidBody::_triangleCase(const Simplex &points) {
Simplex newPoints(points);
Vec3D newDirection;
Vec3D a = points[0];
Vec3D b = points[1];
Vec3D c = points[2];
Vec3D ab = b - a;
Vec3D ac = c - a;
Vec3D ao = -a;
Vec3D abc = ab.cross(ac);
if (abc.cross(ac).dot(ao) > 0) {
if ( > 0) {
newPoints = Simplex{a, c};
newDirection = ac.cross(ao).cross(ac);
} else {
return _lineCase(Simplex{a, b});
} else {
if (ab.cross(abc).dot(ao) > 0) {
return _lineCase(Simplex{a, b});
} else {
if ( > 0) {
newDirection = abc;
} else {
newPoints = Simplex{a, c, b};
newDirection = -abc;
return NextSimplex{newPoints, newDirection, false};
NextSimplex RigidBody::_tetrahedronCase(const Simplex &points) {
Vec3D a = points[0];
Vec3D b = points[1];
Vec3D c = points[2];
Vec3D d = points[3];
Vec3D ab = b - a;
Vec3D ac = c - a;
Vec3D ad = d - a;
Vec3D ao = -a;
Vec3D abc = ab.cross(ac);
Vec3D acd = ac.cross(ad);
Vec3D adb = ad.cross(ab);
if ( > 0) {
return _triangleCase(Simplex{a, b, c});
if ( > 0) {
return _triangleCase(Simplex{a, c, d});
if ( > 0) {
return _triangleCase(Simplex{a, d, b});
return NextSimplex{points, Vec3D(), true};
std::pair<bool, Simplex> RigidBody::checkGJKCollision(std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> obj) {
// This is implementation of GJK algorithm for collision detection.
// It builds a simplex (a simplest shape that can select point in space) around
// zero for Minkowski Difference. Collision happend when zero point is inside.
// See references:
// Get initial support point in any direction
Vec3D support = _support(obj, Vec3D{1, 0, 0});
// Simplex is an array of points, max count is 4
Simplex points{};
// New direction is towards the origin
Vec3D direction = -support;
int iters = 0;
while (iters++ < size() + obj->size()) {
support = _support(obj, direction);
if ( <= 0) {
return std::make_pair(false, points); // no collision
NextSimplex nextSimplex = _nextSimplex(points);
direction = nextSimplex.newDirection;
points = nextSimplex.newSimplex;
if (nextSimplex.finishSearching) {
if (obj->isCollider()) {
_inCollision = true;
return std::make_pair(true, points);
return std::make_pair(false, points);
CollisionPoint RigidBody::EPA(const Simplex &simplex, std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> obj) {
// This is implementation of EPA algorithm for solving collision.
// It uses a simplex from GJK around and expand it to the border.
// The goal is to calculate the nearest normal and the intersection depth.
// See references:
std::vector<Vec3D> polytope(simplex.begin(), simplex.end());
std::vector<size_t> faces = {
0, 1, 2,
0, 3, 1,
0, 2, 3,
1, 3, 2
auto faceNormals = _getFaceNormals(polytope, faces);
std::vector<FaceNormal> normals = faceNormals.first;
size_t minFace = faceNormals.second;
Vec3D minNormal = normals[minFace].normal;
double minDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
int iters = 0;
while (minDistance == std::numeric_limits<double>::max() && iters++ < size() + obj->size()) {
minNormal = normals[minFace].normal;
minDistance = normals[minFace].distance;
Vec3D support = _support(obj, minNormal);
double sDistance =;
if (std::abs(sDistance - minDistance) > Consts::EPA_EPS) {
minDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> uniqueEdges;
size_t f = 0;
for (auto &normal : normals) {
if ( > 0) {
uniqueEdges = _addIfUniqueEdge(uniqueEdges, faces, f + 0, f + 1);
uniqueEdges = _addIfUniqueEdge(uniqueEdges, faces, f + 1, f + 2);
uniqueEdges = _addIfUniqueEdge(uniqueEdges, faces, f + 2, f + 0);
faces.erase(faces.begin() + f);
faces.erase(faces.begin() + f);
faces.erase(faces.begin() + f);
} else {
f += 3;
std::vector<size_t> newFaces;
for (auto[edgeIndex1, edgeIndex2] : uniqueEdges) {
faces.insert(faces.end(), newFaces.begin(), newFaces.end());
auto newFaceNormals = _getFaceNormals(polytope, faces);
normals = std::move(newFaceNormals.first);
minFace = newFaceNormals.second;
_collisionNormal = minNormal;
if (std::abs(minDistance - std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) < Consts::EPS) {
return CollisionPoint{minNormal, 0};
return CollisionPoint{minNormal, minDistance + Consts::EPA_EPS};
std::pair<std::vector<FaceNormal>, size_t>
RigidBody::_getFaceNormals(const std::vector<Vec3D> &polytope, const std::vector<size_t> &faces) {
std::vector<FaceNormal> normals;
size_t nearestFaceIndex = 0;
double minDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for (size_t i = 0; i < faces.size(); i += 3) {
Vec3D a = polytope[faces[i + 0]];
Vec3D b = polytope[faces[i + 1]];
Vec3D c = polytope[faces[i + 2]];
Vec3D normal = (b - a).cross(c - a).normalized();
double distance =;
if (distance < -Consts::EPS) {
normal = -normal;
distance *= -1;
normals.emplace_back(FaceNormal{normal, distance});
if (distance < minDistance) {
nearestFaceIndex = i / 3;
minDistance = distance;
return {normals, nearestFaceIndex};
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>
RigidBody::_addIfUniqueEdge(const std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> &edges, const std::vector<size_t> &faces,
size_t a, size_t b) {
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> newEdges = edges;
// We are interested in reversed edge
// 0--<--3
// / \ B / A: 2-0
// / A \ / B: 0-2
// 1-->--2
auto reverse = std::find(newEdges.begin(), newEdges.end(), std::make_pair(faces[b], faces[a]));
if (reverse != newEdges.end()) {
} else {
newEdges.emplace_back(faces[a], faces[b]);
return newEdges;
void RigidBody::solveCollision(const CollisionPoint &collision) {
Vec3D velocity_parallel = collision.normal * velocity().dot(collision.normal);
Vec3D velocity_perpendicular = velocity() - velocity_parallel;
if (velocity().dot(collision.normal) > 0) {
translate(-collision.normal * collision.depth);
void RigidBody::updatePhysicsState() {
translate(_velocity * Time::deltaTime());
_velocity = _velocity + _acceleration * Time::deltaTime();
void RigidBody::setVelocity(const Vec3D &velocity) {
_velocity = velocity;
void RigidBody::addVelocity(const Vec3D &velocity) {
_velocity = _velocity + velocity;
void RigidBody::setAcceleration(const Vec3D &acceleration) {
_acceleration = acceleration;
RigidBody::RigidBody(const Mesh &mesh) : Mesh(mesh) {