
89 lines
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Executable File

// Created by Иван Ильин on 12.01.2021.
#include <array>
#include "Point4D.h"
class Matrix4x4 {
std::array<std::array<double, 4>, 4> _arr_matrix{};
Matrix4x4 () = default;
Matrix4x4& operator=(const Matrix4x4& matrix4X4) = default;
[[nodiscard]] const std::array<double, 4>& operator[] (int i) const;
[[nodiscard]] std::array<double, 4>& operator[] (int i);
[[nodiscard]] Matrix4x4 operator-() const;
[[nodiscard]] Matrix4x4 operator+() const;
// Boolean operations
bool operator==(const Matrix4x4& matrix4X4) const;
bool operator!=(const Matrix4x4& matrix4X4) const;
// Operations with Matrix4x4
[[nodiscard]] Matrix4x4 operator+(const Matrix4x4& matrix4X4) const;
[[nodiscard]] Matrix4x4 operator-(const Matrix4x4& matrix4X4) const;
[[nodiscard]] Matrix4x4 operator*(const Matrix4x4& matrix4X4) const;
[[nodiscard]] Matrix4x4 operator/(const Matrix4x4& matrix4X4) const;
Matrix4x4& operator+=(const Matrix4x4& matrix4X4);
Matrix4x4& operator-=(const Matrix4x4& matrix4X4);
Matrix4x4& operator*=(const Matrix4x4& matrix4X4);
Matrix4x4& operator/=(const Matrix4x4& matrix4X4);
// Operations with numbers
[[nodiscard]] Matrix4x4 operator+(double number) const;
[[nodiscard]] Matrix4x4 operator-(double number) const;
[[nodiscard]] Matrix4x4 operator*(double number) const;
[[nodiscard]] Matrix4x4 operator/(double number) const;
Matrix4x4& operator+=(double number);
Matrix4x4& operator-=(double number);
Matrix4x4& operator*=(double number);
Matrix4x4& operator/=(double number);
// Operations with Point4D
[[nodiscard]] Point4D operator*(const Point4D& point4D) const;
// Other useful methods
[[nodiscard]] double det3D();
[[nodiscard]] Matrix4x4 inv3D();
Matrix4x4& transpose();
Matrix4x4& setIdentity();
Matrix4x4& setOnes();
Matrix4x4& setZero();
Matrix4x4& setConstants(double value);
[[nodiscard]] const std::array<std::array<double, 4>, 4> & data() const;
[[nodiscard]] std::array<std::array<double, 4>, 4> & data();
// Any useful matrix
Matrix4x4 static Identity();
Matrix4x4 static Zero();
Matrix4x4 static Constant (double value);
Matrix4x4 static Scale(double sx, double sy, double sz);
Matrix4x4 static Scale(const Point4D& s);
Matrix4x4 static Translation(double dx, double dy, double dz);
Matrix4x4 static Translation(const Point4D& v);
Matrix4x4 static Rotation(const Point4D& r);
Matrix4x4 static RotationX (double rx);
Matrix4x4 static RotationY (double ry);
Matrix4x4 static RotationZ (double rz);
Matrix4x4 static Rotation (double rx, double ry, double rz);
Matrix4x4 static Rotation (Point4D v, double rv);
Matrix4x4 static View(const Point4D& left, const Point4D& up, const Point4D& lookAt, const Point4D& eye);
Matrix4x4 static ViewInverse(const Point4D& left, const Point4D& up, const Point4D& lookAt, const Point4D& eye);
Matrix4x4 static Projection (double fov = 90.0, double aspect = 1.0, double ZNear = 1.0, double ZFar = 10.0);
Matrix4x4 static ScreenSpace (int width, int height);