// // Created by Иван Ильин on 26.01.2021. // #ifndef ENGINE_ANIMATION_H #define ENGINE_ANIMATION_H #include "../utils/Time.h" #include "../Triangle.h" #include "Interpolation.h" #include "../Vec2D.h" class Animation { public: enum class InterpolationType { linear, cos, bezier, bouncing }; enum class LoopOut { None, Cycle, Continue }; protected: double _time = 0; // normalized time (from 0 to 1) double _dtime = 0; double _timeOld = 0; double _endAnimationPoint = 0; double _startAnimationPoint = 0; double _duration = 0; bool _started = false; LoopOut _looped = LoopOut::None; // _p - animation progress double _p = 0; double _dp = 0; InterpolationType _intType = InterpolationType::bezier; std::unique_ptr _bezier[2] = {std::make_unique(Vec2D{0.8, 0}), std::make_unique(Vec2D{0.2, 1})}; // If '_waitFor' == true then we need to finish all animation before starting this one. (for example for a_wait() or a_scale()) bool _waitFor = false; bool updateState(); public: Animation() = default; virtual ~Animation() = default; void setBezierPoints(const Vec2D& p1, const Vec2D& p2) { _bezier[0] = std::make_unique(p1); _bezier[1] = std::make_unique(p2); } [[nodiscard]] bool waitFor() const { return _waitFor; } // You should override this method for your particular animation virtual bool update() = 0; }; #endif //INC_3DZAVR_ANIMATION_H