// // Created by Иван Ильин on 06.02.2021. // #include "Engine.h" #include #include "Player.h" #include "ResourceManager.h" #include "gui/Window.h" #include "Client.h" #include "Server.h" #include using namespace std; // Read server/client settings and start both. // If client doesn't connect to the localhost - server doesn't start. void InitNetwork(shared_ptr server, shared_ptr client) { std::string clientIp; sf::Uint16 clientPort; sf::Uint16 serverPort; std::ifstream connectfile("connect.txt", std::ifstream::in); // If failed to read client settings if (!connectfile.is_open() || !(connectfile >> clientIp >> clientPort) || sf::IpAddress(clientIp) == sf::IpAddress::None) { connectfile.close(); // Create file and write default settings clientIp = ""; clientPort = 54000; std::ofstream temp("connect.txt", std::ofstream::out); temp << clientIp << std::endl << clientPort; temp.close(); } connectfile.close(); // If failed to read server settings connectfile.open("server.txt", std::ifstream::in); if (!connectfile.is_open() || !(connectfile >> serverPort)) { connectfile.close(); // Create file and write default settings serverPort = 54000; std::ofstream temp("server.txt", std::ofstream::out); temp << serverPort; temp.close(); } connectfile.close(); if (clientIp == sf::IpAddress::LocalHost) { server->start(serverPort); if(server->isWorking()) server->generateBonuses(); } client->connect(clientIp, clientPort); } class Shooter : public Engine { private: shared_ptr player; sf::Sound backgroundNoise; Window mainMenu; shared_ptr server; shared_ptr client; bool inGame = false; public: Shooter() = default; void start() override; void update() override; void gui() override; void play(); }; void Shooter::start() { // This code executed once in the beginning: setDebugText(false); screen->setMouseCursorVisible(true); world->loadMap("../maps/map1.obj", "map", Point4D{5, 5, 5}); player = std::make_shared(); client = std::make_shared(player, world); server = std::make_shared(); player->setAddTraceCallBack([this](const Point4D& from, const Point4D& to){ client->addTrace(from, to); }); player->attachCamera(camera, screen); player->attachWorld(world); setUpdateWorld(false); world->addBody(player, player->name()); player->setDamagePlayerCallBack([this] (sf::Uint16 targetId, double damage) { client->damagePlayer(targetId, damage); }); player->setTakeBonusCallBack([this] (const string& bonusName) { client->takeBonus(bonusName); }); // windows init: mainMenu.title("Main menu"); mainMenu.setBackgroundTexture("../textures/back.png", 1.1, 1.1, screen->width(), screen->height()); mainMenu.addButton(screen->width()/2, 200, 200, 20, [this] () { this->play(); }, "Play", 5, 5, "../textures/gui.png", {0, 66}, {0, 86}, {0, 46}, "../engine/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf", {255, 255, 255}, "../sound/click.ogg"); mainMenu.addButton(screen->width()/2, 350, 200, 20, [this] () { this->player->translateToPoint(Point4D{0, 0, 0}); this->player->setVelocity({}); this->play(); }, "Respawn", 5, 5, "../textures/gui.png", {0, 66}, {0, 86}, {0, 46}, "../engine/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf", {255, 255, 255}, "../sound/click.ogg"); mainMenu.addButton(screen->width()/2, 500, 200, 20, [this] () { client->disconnect(); server->stop(); this->exit();}, "Exit", 5, 5, "../textures/gui.png", {0, 66}, {0, 86}, {0, 46}, "../engine/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf", {255, 255, 255}, "../sound/click.ogg"); // connecting to the server InitNetwork(server, client); // Waiting for connect and updating server if it's same window while (client->isWorking() && !client->connected()) { client->update(); server->update(); Time::update(); } // If connect fail - return to menu if (!client->isWorking()) { inGame = false; server->stop(); } } void Shooter::update() { // This code executed every time step: server->update(); client->update(); // Check all input after this condition please if (!screen->window.hasFocus()) return; if(screen->isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::Escape)) { inGame = !inGame; screen->setMouseCursorVisible(!inGame); } if(inGame) { screen->setName("Shooter"); player->update(); } else { mainMenu.update(screen); } setUpdateWorld(inGame); // background sounds and music control if(backgroundNoise.getStatus() != sf::Sound::Status::Playing) { backgroundNoise.setBuffer(*ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer("../sound/backNoise.ogg")); backgroundNoise.play(); } } void Shooter::gui() { sf::Sprite sprite; sprite.setTexture(*ResourceManager::loadTexture("../textures/gui.png")); sprite.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(243, 3, 9, 9)); sprite.scale(3, 3); sprite.setPosition(screen->width() / 2.0 - 27.0/2.0, screen->height() / 2 - 27.0/2.0); sprite.setColor(sf::Color(0,0,0, 200)); screen->window.draw(sprite); // health player stats player->drawStats(); } void Shooter::play() { inGame = true; screen->setMouseCursorVisible(!inGame); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Shooter game; //game.create(1280, 720, "Shooter"); //game.create(1920, 1080, "Shooter", true, {255, 255, 255}, sf::Style::Fullscreen); game.create(2048, 1152, "Shooter"); //game.create(3072, 1920, "Shooter", true, {255, 255, 255}, sf::Style::Fullscreen); return 0; }