1) Create PlayerController

2) Split Screen.cpp into (Screen.cpp & Keyboard.cpp & Mouse.cpp)
Vectozavr 2021-09-19 19:44:31 +07:00
parent be42d4d9bc
commit 5a1c9d8f67
20 changed files with 497 additions and 368 deletions

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ add_executable(shooter
engine/network/UDPSocket.h engine/network/UDPSocket.h
engine/network/config.h engine/network/config.h
engine/animation/AFunction.h engine/animation/AFunction.h
) PlayerController.cpp PlayerController.h engine/Keyboard.cpp engine/Keyboard.h engine/Mouse.cpp engine/Mouse.h)
include_directories(/usr/local/include) include_directories(/usr/local/include)

View File

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ void Client::processCustomPacket(MsgType type, sf::Packet& packet) {
p2 = Point4D(dbuff[3], dbuff[4], dbuff[5]); p2 = Point4D(dbuff[3], dbuff[4], dbuff[5]);
tmp = "Client_fireTraces_" + std::to_string(fireTraces++); tmp = "Client_fireTraces_" + std::to_string(fireTraces++);
_world->addBody(std::make_shared<RigidBody>(RigidBody(Mesh::LineTo(p1, p2, 0.05))), tmp); _world->addBody(std::make_shared<RigidBody>(Mesh::LineTo(p1, p2, 0.05)), tmp);
_world->body(tmp)->setCollider(false); _world->body(tmp)->setCollider(false);
_world->body(tmp)->a_color(tmp + "_fadeOut", {255, 255, 255, 0}, 1, Animation::None, Animation::linear); _world->body(tmp)->a_color(tmp + "_fadeOut", {255, 255, 255, 0}, 1, Animation::None, Animation::linear);

View File

@ -9,161 +9,6 @@
void Player::update() { void Player::update() {
// friction
_velocity = _velocity - _velocity * Time::deltaTime() * 2;
if(_isInSlowMo) {
if(_ability > 0)
_ability -= Time::deltaTime();
else {
_ability = 0;
_isInSlowMo = false;
setVelocity(velocity() * _slowMoCoefficient);
setAcceleration(_acceleration * _slowMoCoefficient * _slowMoCoefficient);
double coeff = _isInSlowMo ? 1.0 / _slowMoCoefficient : 1.0;
bool inRunning_old = _inRunning;
_inRunning = _screen != nullptr && (Screen::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::A) || Screen::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::D) || Screen::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::W) || Screen::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::S));
// in case when the camera is attached we make some animation during running
if(_camera != nullptr && _inRunning && !_camera->isInAnim()) {
_camera->a_translate("hor_oscil", -_camera->left()/12, 0.3/coeff, Animation::LoopOut::None, Animation::cos);
_camera->a_wait("hor_oscil", 0);
_camera->a_translate("hor_oscil", _camera->left()/12, 0.3/coeff, Animation::LoopOut::None, Animation::cos);
_camera->a_translate("vert_oscil", -Point4D{0, 1, 0}/24, 0.15/coeff, Animation::LoopOut::None, Animation::cos);
_camera->a_wait("vert_oscil", 0);
_camera->a_translate("vert_oscil", Point4D{0, 1, 0}/24, 0.15/coeff, Animation::LoopOut::None, Animation::cos);
_camera->a_wait("vert_oscil", 0);
_camera->a_translate("vert_oscil", -Point4D{0, 1, 0}/24, 0.15/coeff, Animation::LoopOut::None, Animation::cos);
_camera->a_wait("vert_oscil", 0);
_camera->a_translate("vert_oscil", Point4D{0, 1, 0}/24, 0.15/coeff, Animation::LoopOut::None, Animation::cos);
_camera->a_translateToPoint("init", position() + Point4D{0, 1.8, 0}, 0.3/coeff, Animation::None, Animation::cos);
} else if(_camera != nullptr && inRunning_old && !_inRunning) {
_camera->a_translateToPoint("init", position() + Point4D{0, 1.8, 0}, 0.15/coeff, Animation::None, Animation::cos);
auto rayToFloor = (*_world).rayCast(position(), position() + Point4D{0, -5, 0});
if(_world != nullptr && _screen != nullptr && _camera != nullptr) {
// Left and right
if (Screen::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::A)) {
translate(_camera->left() * Time::deltaTime() * _walkSpeed * coeff);
if (Screen::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::D)) {
translate(-_camera->left() * Time::deltaTime() * _walkSpeed * coeff);
// Forward and backward
if (Screen::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::W)) {
translate(_camera->left().cross3D(Point4D{0, 1, 0}) * Time::deltaTime() * _walkSpeed * coeff);
if (Screen::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::S)) {
translate(-_camera->left().cross3D(Point4D{0, 1, 0}) * Time::deltaTime() * _walkSpeed * coeff);
if (_ability > 0 && !_isInSlowMo && Screen::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::LShift)) {
// slow mo
_isInSlowMo = true;
setVelocity(velocity() / _slowMoCoefficient);
setAcceleration(_acceleration / (_slowMoCoefficient * _slowMoCoefficient));
} else if (_isInSlowMo && !Screen::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::LShift)) {
_isInSlowMo = false;
setVelocity(velocity() * _slowMoCoefficient);
setAcceleration(_acceleration * _slowMoCoefficient * _slowMoCoefficient);
if (Screen::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Space) && inCollision()) {
addVelocity(Point4D{0, std::abs(_collisionNormal.y()) * sqrt(2 * _g * _jumpHeight) * coeff, 0});
translate(Point4D{0, Time::deltaTime() * _walkSpeed * 2 * coeff, 0});
// Mouse movement
Point4D disp = _screen->getMouseDisplacement();
rotate(Point4D{0, -disp.x() / 1000.0, 0});
_velocity = Matrix4x4::RotationY(-disp.x() / 1000.0) * _velocity;
double rotationLeft = disp.y() / 1000.0;
// You can only see in range [-90 : 90] grad
if (_camera->angleLeftUpLookAt().x() + rotationLeft > M_PI / 2)
rotationLeft = M_PI / 2 - _camera->angleLeftUpLookAt().x();
if (_camera->angleLeftUpLookAt().x() + rotationLeft < -M_PI / 2)
rotationLeft = -M_PI / 2 - _camera->angleLeftUpLookAt().x();
rotateWeaponsRelativePoint(position() + Point4D{0, 1.8, 0}, _camera->left(), rotationLeft);
if (_screen->isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::Right) || _screen->isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::E)) {
if(_weapons.size() > 1) {
// change '_selectedWeapon'
_selectedWeapon = (_selectedWeapon + 1) % _weapons.size();
Log::log("selected _selectedWeapon " + std::to_string(_selectedWeapon));
if (_screen->isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::Left) || _screen->isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::Q)) {
if(_weapons.size() > 1) {
// change '_selectedWeapon'
if (_selectedWeapon > 0)
_selectedWeapon = (_selectedWeapon - 1) % _weapons.size();
_selectedWeapon = _weapons.size() - 1;
Log::log("selected _selectedWeapon " + std::to_string(_selectedWeapon));
if (_screen->isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Button::Left)) {
auto damagedPlayers = _weapons[_selectedWeapon]->fire(_world, _camera);
for(auto& damagedPlayer : damagedPlayers) {
sf::Uint16 targetId = std::stoi(damagedPlayer.first.substr(7));
_damagePlayerCallBack(targetId, damagedPlayer.second);
if(Screen::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::R)) {
if (_inRunning && inCollision() && _walkSound.getStatus() != sf::Sound::Status::Playing) {
if ((position() - rayToFloor.first).abs() < 2) {
int soundNum = round((double) rand() / RAND_MAX * 5) + 1;
_walkSound.setBuffer(*ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer("../sound/stonestep" + std::to_string(soundNum) + ".ogg"));
} }
void Player::rotateWeaponsRelativePoint(const Point4D& point4D, const Point4D& v, double val) { void Player::rotateWeaponsRelativePoint(const Point4D& point4D, const Point4D& v, double val) {
@ -172,98 +17,35 @@ void Player::rotateWeaponsRelativePoint(const Point4D& point4D, const Point4D& v
} }
void Player::drawStats() { void Player::drawStats() {
if(_screen == nullptr) if(_screen == nullptr)
return; return;
// health bar // health bar
int xPos = 10; double xPos = 10;
int yPos = _screen->height() - 10 - 10; double yPos = _screen->height() - 10 - 10;
int width = _screen->width()/2 - 20; double width = _screen->width()/2 - 20;
int height = 10; double height = 10;
sf::ConvexShape polygon1; _screen->drawTetragon(Point4D{xPos, yPos},
polygon1.setPointCount(4); Point4D{xPos + width, yPos},
sf::ConvexShape polygon2; Point4D{xPos + width, yPos + height},
polygon2.setPointCount(4); Point4D{xPos, yPos + height},
{ static_cast<sf::Uint8>((_healthMax - _health)/_healthMax * 255), static_cast<sf::Uint8>(_health * 255 / _healthMax), 0, 100 });
polygon1.setPoint(0, sf::Vector2f((float)xPos, (float)yPos)); _screen->drawTetragon(Point4D{xPos, yPos - 15},
polygon1.setPoint(1, sf::Vector2f((float)(xPos + width), (float)yPos)); Point4D{xPos + width * _ability / _abilityMax, yPos - 15},
polygon1.setPoint(2, sf::Vector2f((float)(xPos + width), (float)(yPos + height))); Point4D{xPos + width * _ability / _abilityMax, yPos - 15 + height},
polygon1.setPoint(3, sf::Vector2f((float)xPos, (float)(yPos + height))); Point4D{xPos, yPos - 15 + height},
{ 255, 168, 168, 100 });
polygon2.setPoint(0, sf::Vector2f((float)xPos, (float)yPos));
polygon2.setPoint(1, sf::Vector2f((float)xPos + width * _health / _healthMax, (float)yPos));
polygon2.setPoint(2, sf::Vector2f((float)xPos + width * _health / _healthMax, (float)(yPos + height)));
polygon2.setPoint(3, sf::Vector2f((float)xPos, (float)(yPos + height)));
polygon1.setFillColor({ 255, 174, 174, 100 });
polygon2.setFillColor({ static_cast<sf::Uint8>((_healthMax - _health)/_healthMax * 255), static_cast<sf::Uint8>(_health * 255 / _healthMax), 0, 100 });
// ability bar
sf::ConvexShape polygon3;
polygon3.setPoint(0, sf::Vector2f((float)xPos, (float)yPos - 15));
polygon3.setPoint(1, sf::Vector2f((float)xPos + width * _ability / _abilityMax, (float)yPos - 15));
polygon3.setPoint(2, sf::Vector2f((float)xPos + width * _ability / _abilityMax, (float)(yPos - 15 + height)));
polygon3.setPoint(3, sf::Vector2f((float)xPos, (float)(yPos - 15 + height)));
polygon3.setFillColor({ 255, 168, 168, 100 });
// ammo
sf::Text text_health;
// text health
text_health.setPosition(0, 0);
// text ammo
sf::Text text_ammo1(text_health);
sf::Text text_ammo2(text_health);
int ammo1Size = 100;
int ammo2Size = 50;
auto balance = _weapons[_selectedWeapon]->balance(); auto balance = _weapons[_selectedWeapon]->balance();
text_ammo1.setCharacterSize(ammo1Size); _screen->drawText(std::to_string((int)balance.first),Point4D{150, static_cast<double>(_screen->height() - 50 - 100)},100, sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 100));
text_ammo1.setString(std::to_string((int)balance.first)); _screen->drawText(std::to_string((int)balance.second),Point4D{50, static_cast<double>(_screen->height() - 50 - 50)},50, sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 70));
text_ammo1.setPosition(150, _screen->height() - 50 - ammo1Size);
text_ammo1.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 100));
text_ammo2.setCharacterSize(ammo2Size); _screen->drawText("KILLS: " + std::to_string((int)_kills) + " | " + "DEATHS: " + std::to_string((int)_deaths),
text_ammo2.setString(std::to_string((int)balance.second)); Point4D{10, 10},25, sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 100));
text_ammo2.setPosition(50, _screen->height() - 50 - ammo2Size);
text_ammo2.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 70));
// text _killSound/_deathSound stats
sf::Text text_kills(text_health);
text_kills.setString("KILLS: " + std::to_string((int)_kills) + " | " + "DEATHS: " + std::to_string((int)_deaths));
text_kills.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 100));
text_kills.setPosition(10, 10);
sf::Text text_deaths(text_health);
text_deaths.setFillColor(sf::Color(100, 0, 0, 100));
text_deaths.setPosition(10, ammo2Size + 10);
} }
void Player::playDeath() { void Player::playDeath() {
@ -339,3 +121,40 @@ void Player::initWeapons() {
_weapons[_selectedWeapon]->addToWorld(_world); _weapons[_selectedWeapon]->addToWorld(_world);
} }
void Player::nextWeapon() {
if(_weapons.size() > 1) {
// change '_selectedWeapon'
_selectedWeapon = (_selectedWeapon + 1) % _weapons.size();
Log::log("selected _selectedWeapon " + std::to_string(_selectedWeapon));
void Player::previousWeapon() {
if(_weapons.size() > 1) {
// change '_selectedWeapon'
if (_selectedWeapon > 0)
_selectedWeapon = (_selectedWeapon - 1) % _weapons.size();
_selectedWeapon = _weapons.size() - 1;
Log::log("selected _selectedWeapon " + std::to_string(_selectedWeapon));
void Player::fire() {
auto damagedPlayers = _weapons[_selectedWeapon]->fire(_world, _camera);
for(auto& damagedPlayer : damagedPlayers) {
sf::Uint16 targetId = std::stoi(damagedPlayer.first.substr(7));
_damagePlayerCallBack(targetId, damagedPlayer.second);
void Player::reload() {

View File

@ -33,23 +33,15 @@ private:
double _g = 35; double _g = 35;
double _slowMoCoefficient = 5;
bool _isInSlowMo = false;
std::shared_ptr<Camera> _camera; std::shared_ptr<Camera> _camera;
std::shared_ptr<Screen> _screen; std::shared_ptr<Screen> _screen;
std::shared_ptr<World> _world; std::shared_ptr<World> _world;
bool _inRunning = false;
// sounds // sounds
sf::Sound _killSound; sf::Sound _killSound;
sf::Sound _deathSound; sf::Sound _deathSound;
sf::Sound _walkSound;
sf::Sound _changeWeaponSound; sf::Sound _changeWeaponSound;
sf::Sound _slowMoSound;
sf::Sound _unSlowMoSound;
sf::Sound _fullHealthSound; sf::Sound _fullHealthSound;
sf::Sound _fullAbilitySound; sf::Sound _fullAbilitySound;
@ -62,7 +54,6 @@ private:
std::function<void(const Point4D&, const Point4D&)> _addTraceCallBack; std::function<void(const Point4D&, const Point4D&)> _addTraceCallBack;
std::function<void(const std::string&)> _takeBonusCallBack; std::function<void(const std::string&)> _takeBonusCallBack;
public: public:
Player() { Player() {
loadObj("../obj/cube.obj", "", Point4D{0.5, 1.9, 0.5}); loadObj("../obj/cube.obj", "", Point4D{0.5, 1.9, 0.5});
@ -73,9 +64,6 @@ public:
_changeWeaponSound.setBuffer(*ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer("../sound/weapons/change_weapon.ogg")); _changeWeaponSound.setBuffer(*ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer("../sound/weapons/change_weapon.ogg"));
_fullHealthSound.setBuffer(*ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer("../sound/fullHealth.ogg")); _fullHealthSound.setBuffer(*ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer("../sound/fullHealth.ogg"));
_fullAbilitySound.setBuffer(*ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer("../sound/fullAbility.ogg")); _fullAbilitySound.setBuffer(*ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer("../sound/fullAbility.ogg"));
@ -107,6 +95,13 @@ public:
_ability = a; _ability = a;
} }
void nextWeapon();
void previousWeapon();
void fire();
void reload();
[[nodiscard]] double ability() const { return _ability; }
void setFullHealth() { void setFullHealth() {
_health = _healthMax; _health = _healthMax;
_fullHealthSound.play(); _fullHealthSound.play();
@ -141,7 +136,6 @@ public:
void rotateWeaponsRelativePoint(const Point4D& point4D, const Point4D& v, double val); void rotateWeaponsRelativePoint(const Point4D& point4D, const Point4D& v, double val);
void drawStats(); void drawStats();
void addKill() { _kills++; } void addKill() { _kills++; }

PlayerController.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 19.09.2021.
#include "PlayerController.h"
PlayerController::PlayerController(std::shared_ptr<Player> player,
std::shared_ptr<World> world,
std::shared_ptr<Keyboard> keyboard,
std::shared_ptr<Mouse> mouse) : _player(player), _world(world), _keyboard(keyboard), _mouse(mouse) {
void PlayerController::update() {
// friction
_player->setVelocity(_player->velocity()*(1.0 - Time::deltaTime() * 2));
if(_isInSlowMo) {
if(_player->ability() > 0)
_player->setAbility(_player->ability() - Time::deltaTime());
else {
_isInSlowMo = false;
_player->setVelocity(_player->velocity() * _slowMoCoefficient);
_player->setAcceleration(_player->acceleration() * _slowMoCoefficient * _slowMoCoefficient);
double coeff = _isInSlowMo ? 1.0 / _slowMoCoefficient : 1.0;
bool inRunning_old = _inRunning;
_inRunning = ( Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::A) ||
Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::D) ||
Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::W) ||
// in case when the camera is attached we make some animation during running
if(_inRunning && !_player->camera()->isInAnim()) {
_player->camera()->a_translate("hor_oscil", -_player->camera()->left()/12, 0.3/coeff, Animation::LoopOut::None, Animation::cos);
_player->camera()->a_wait("hor_oscil", 0);
_player->camera()->a_translate("hor_oscil", _player->camera()->left()/12, 0.3/coeff, Animation::LoopOut::None, Animation::cos);
_player->camera()->a_translate("vert_oscil", -Point4D{0, 1, 0}/24, 0.15/coeff, Animation::LoopOut::None, Animation::cos);
_player->camera()->a_wait("vert_oscil", 0);
_player->camera()->a_translate("vert_oscil", Point4D{0, 1, 0}/24, 0.15/coeff, Animation::LoopOut::None, Animation::cos);
_player->camera()->a_wait("vert_oscil", 0);
_player->camera()->a_translate("vert_oscil", -Point4D{0, 1, 0}/24, 0.15/coeff, Animation::LoopOut::None, Animation::cos);
_player->camera()->a_wait("vert_oscil", 0);
_player->camera()->a_translate("vert_oscil", Point4D{0, 1, 0}/24, 0.15/coeff, Animation::LoopOut::None, Animation::cos);
_player->camera()->a_translateToPoint("init", _player->position() + Point4D{0, 1.8, 0}, 0.3/coeff, Animation::None, Animation::cos);
} else if(inRunning_old && !_inRunning) {
_player->camera()->a_translateToPoint("init", _player->position() + Point4D{0, 1.8, 0}, 0.15/coeff, Animation::None, Animation::cos);
auto rayToFloor = (*_world).rayCast(_player->position(), _player->position() + Point4D{0, -5, 0});
// Left and right
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::A)) {
_player->translate(_player->camera()->left() * Time::deltaTime() * _walkSpeed * coeff);
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::D)) {
_player->translate(-_player->camera()->left() * Time::deltaTime() * _walkSpeed * coeff);
// Forward and backward
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::W)) {
_player->translate(_player->camera()->left().cross3D(Point4D{0, 1, 0}) * Time::deltaTime() * _walkSpeed * coeff);
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::S)) {
_player->translate(-_player->camera()->left().cross3D(Point4D{0, 1, 0}) * Time::deltaTime() * _walkSpeed * coeff);
if (_player->ability() > 0 && !_isInSlowMo && Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::LShift)) {
// slow mo
_isInSlowMo = true;
_player->setVelocity(_player->velocity() / _slowMoCoefficient);
_player->setAcceleration(_player->acceleration() / (_slowMoCoefficient * _slowMoCoefficient));
} else if (_isInSlowMo && !Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::LShift)) {
_isInSlowMo = false;
_player->setVelocity(_player->velocity() * _slowMoCoefficient);
_player->setAcceleration(_player->acceleration() * _slowMoCoefficient * _slowMoCoefficient);
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Space) && _player->inCollision()) {
_player->addVelocity(Point4D{0, std::abs(_player->collisionNormal().y()) * sqrt(2 * _g * _jumpHeight) * coeff, 0});
_player->translate(Point4D{0, Time::deltaTime() * _walkSpeed * 2 * coeff, 0});
// Mouse movement
Point4D disp = _mouse->getMouseDisplacement();
_player->rotate(Point4D{0, -disp.x() / 1000.0, 0});
_player->setVelocity(Matrix4x4::RotationY(-disp.x() / 1000.0) * _player->velocity());
double rotationLeft = disp.y() / 1000.0;
// You can only see in range [-90 : 90] grad
if (_player->camera()->angleLeftUpLookAt().x() + rotationLeft > M_PI / 2)
rotationLeft = M_PI / 2 - _player->camera()->angleLeftUpLookAt().x();
if (_player->camera()->angleLeftUpLookAt().x() + rotationLeft < -M_PI / 2)
rotationLeft = -M_PI / 2 - _player->camera()->angleLeftUpLookAt().x();
_player->rotateWeaponsRelativePoint(_player->position() + Point4D{0, 1.8, 0}, _player->camera()->left(), rotationLeft);
if (_keyboard->isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::Right) || _keyboard->isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::E)) {
if (_keyboard->isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::Left) || _keyboard->isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::Q)) {
if (Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Button::Left)) {
if(Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::R)) {
if (_inRunning && _player->inCollision() && _walkSound.getStatus() != sf::Sound::Status::Playing) {
if ((_player->position() - rayToFloor.first).abs() < 2) {
int soundNum = round((double) rand() / RAND_MAX * 5) + 1;
_walkSound.setBuffer(*ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer("../sound/stonestep" + std::to_string(soundNum) + ".ogg"));

PlayerController.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 19.09.2021.
#include "Player.h"
#include "Keyboard.h"
#include "Mouse.h"
class PlayerController {
std::shared_ptr<Player> _player;
std::shared_ptr<World> _world;
std::shared_ptr<Keyboard> _keyboard;
std::shared_ptr<Mouse> _mouse;
bool _inRunning = false;
double _slowMoCoefficient = 5;
bool _isInSlowMo = false;
double _g = 35;
sf::Sound _slowMoSound;
sf::Sound _unSlowMoSound;
sf::Sound _changeWeaponSound;
sf::Sound _walkSound;
double _jumpHeight = 3;
double _walkSpeed = 10;
PlayerController(std::shared_ptr<Player> player, std::shared_ptr<World> world, std::shared_ptr<Keyboard> keyboard, std::shared_ptr<Mouse> mouse);
void update();

View File

@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
Engine::Engine() { Engine::Engine() {
screen = std::make_shared<Screen>(); screen = std::make_shared<Screen>();
keyboard = std::make_shared<Keyboard>();
mouse = std::make_shared<Mouse>();
world = std::make_shared<World>(); world = std::make_shared<World>();
camera = std::make_shared<Camera>(); camera = std::make_shared<Camera>();
} }
@ -18,13 +21,14 @@ void Engine::create(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, const std::string &name,
_name = name; _name = name;
screen->open(screenWidth, screenHeight, name, verticalSync, background, style); screen->open(screenWidth, screenHeight, name, verticalSync, background, style);
Log::log("Engine::create(): started engine (" + std::to_string(screenWidth) + " x " + std::to_string(screenHeight) + ") with name '" + name + "'."); Log::log("Engine::create(): started engine (" + std::to_string(screenWidth) + " x " + std::to_string(screenHeight) + ") with title '" + name + "'.");
Time::update(); Time::update();
start(); start();
camera->init(screenWidth, screenHeight); camera->init(screenWidth, screenHeight);
screen->getMouseDisplacement(); // We do it to set mouse position in the center (see how getMouseDisplacement() works) mouse->setMouseInCenter();
while (screen->isOpen()) { while (screen->isOpen()) {
screen->clear(); screen->clear();
@ -69,7 +73,8 @@ void Engine::exit() {
screen->close(); screen->close();
} }
ResourceManager::unloadAllResources(); ResourceManager::unloadAllResources();
Log::log("Engine::exit(): exit engine (" + std::to_string(screen->width()) + " x " + std::to_string(screen->height()) + ") with name '" + screen->name() + "'."); Log::log("Engine::exit(): exit engine (" + std::to_string(screen->width()) + " x " + std::to_string(screen->height()) + ") with title '" +
screen->title() + "'.");
} }
void Engine::printDebugText() const { void Engine::printDebugText() const {

View File

@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
#include "Screen.h" #include "Screen.h"
#include "Keyboard.h"
#include "Mouse.h"
#include "World.h" #include "World.h"
#include "Camera.h" #include "Camera.h"
#include "utils/Log.h" #include "utils/Log.h"
@ -21,6 +24,9 @@ private:
protected: protected:
std::shared_ptr<Screen> screen; std::shared_ptr<Screen> screen;
std::shared_ptr<Keyboard> keyboard;
std::shared_ptr<Mouse> mouse;
std::shared_ptr<World> world; std::shared_ptr<World> world;
std::shared_ptr<Camera> camera; std::shared_ptr<Camera> camera;

engine/Keyboard.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 19.09.2021.
#include "Keyboard.h"
#include "utils/Time.h"
bool Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key key) {
return sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(key);
bool Keyboard::isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::Key key) {
if (!Keyboard::isKeyPressed(key))
return false;
if(_tappedKeys.count(key) == 0) {
_tappedKeys.emplace(key, Time::time());
return true;
} else if((Time::time() - _tappedKeys[key]) > 0.2) {
_tappedKeys[key] = Time::time();
return true;
return false;

engine/Keyboard.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 19.09.2021.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
class Keyboard {
std::map<sf::Keyboard::Key, double> _tappedKeys;
Keyboard() = default;
static bool isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key key); // returns true if this key is pressed
bool isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::Key key); // returns true if this key is tapped and 1/5 sec passed (button bouncing problem solved)

engine/Mouse.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 19.09.2021.
#include "Mouse.h"
#include "utils/Time.h"
Point4D Mouse::getMousePosition() const {
sf::Vector2<int> pos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(*_window);
return Point4D(pos.x, pos.y, 0, 0);
Point4D Mouse::getMouseDisplacement() const {
sf::Vector2<int> mousePos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(*_window);
sf::Vector2<int> center = sf::Vector2<int>(_window->getSize().x/2, _window->getSize().y/2);
sf::Vector2<int> disp = mousePos - center;
return Point4D(disp.x, disp.y, 0, 0);
void Mouse::setMouseInCenter() const {
sf::Mouse::setPosition({ static_cast<int>(_window->getSize().x / 2), static_cast<int>(_window->getSize().y / 2) }, *_window);
bool Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Button button) {
return sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(button);
bool Mouse::isButtonTapped(sf::Mouse::Button button) {
if (!Mouse::isButtonPressed(button))
return false;
if(_tappedButtons.count(button) == 0) {
_tappedButtons.emplace(button, Time::time());
return true;
} else if((Time::time() - _tappedButtons[button]) > 0.2) {
_tappedButtons[button] = Time::time();
return true;
return false;
void Mouse::setWindow(std::shared_ptr<sf::RenderWindow> window) {
_window = window;
void Mouse::setMouseCursorVisible(bool visible) {

engine/Mouse.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 19.09.2021.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include "utils/Point4D.h"
class Mouse {
std::shared_ptr<sf::RenderWindow> _window;
std::map<sf::Mouse::Button, double> _tappedButtons;
Mouse() = default;
void setWindow(std::shared_ptr<sf::RenderWindow> window);
static bool isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Button button); // returns true if this button is pressed
bool isButtonTapped(sf::Mouse::Button button); // returns true if this button is tapped and 1/5 sec passed (button bouncing problem solved)
[[nodiscard]] Point4D getMousePosition() const;
[[nodiscard]] Point4D getMouseDisplacement() const;
void setMouseInCenter() const;
void setMouseCursorVisible(bool visible);

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
void Screen::open(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, const std::string &name, bool verticalSync, sf::Color background, sf::Uint32 style) { void Screen::open(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, const std::string &name, bool verticalSync, sf::Color background, sf::Uint32 style) {
_name = name; _title = name;
_w = screenWidth; _w = screenWidth;
_h = screenHeight; _h = screenHeight;
_background = background; _background = background;
@ -19,26 +19,27 @@ void Screen::open(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, const std::string &name, bo
sf::ContextSettings settings; sf::ContextSettings settings;
settings.antialiasingLevel = 8; settings.antialiasingLevel = 8;
window.create(sf::VideoMode(_w, _h), name, style, settings); _window = std::make_shared<sf::RenderWindow>();
window.setVerticalSyncEnabled(verticalSync); _window->create(sf::VideoMode(_w, _h), name, style, settings);
} }
void Screen::display() { void Screen::display() {
sf::Event event{}; sf::Event event{};
while (window.pollEvent(event)) { while (_window->pollEvent(event)) {
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) { if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) {
window.close(); _window->close();
} }
} }
std::string title = _name + " (" + std::to_string(Time::fps()) + " fps)"; std::string title = _title + " (" + std::to_string(Time::fps()) + " fps)";
window.setTitle(title); _window->setTitle(title);
window.display(); _window->display();
} }
void Screen::clear() { void Screen::clear() {
window.clear(_background); _window->clear(_background);
} }
void Screen::drawTriangle(const Triangle& triangle) void Screen::drawTriangle(const Triangle& triangle)
@ -49,74 +50,19 @@ void Screen::drawTriangle(const Triangle& triangle)
sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(triangle[1].x(), triangle[1].y()), triangle.color()), sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(triangle[1].x(), triangle[1].y()), triangle.color()),
sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(triangle[2].x(), triangle[2].y()), triangle.color()) sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(triangle[2].x(), triangle[2].y()), triangle.color())
}; };
window.draw(tris, 3, sf::Triangles); _window->draw(tris, 3, sf::Triangles);
} }
void Screen::setName(const std::string& title) { void Screen::setTitle(const std::string& title) {
_name = title; _title = title;
} }
bool Screen::isOpen() { bool Screen::isOpen() {
return window.isOpen(); return _window->isOpen();
} }
void Screen::close() { void Screen::close() {
window.close(); _window->close();
bool Screen::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key key) {
return sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(key);
Point4D Screen::getMousePosition() const {
sf::Vector2<int> pos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(window);
return Point4D(pos.x, pos.y, 0, 0);
Point4D Screen::getMouseDisplacement() const {
sf::Vector2<int> disp = sf::Mouse::getPosition(window) - sf::Vector2<int>(_w/2, _h/2);
return Point4D(disp.x, disp.y, 0, 0);
void Screen::setMouseInCenter() const {
sf::Mouse::setPosition({ _w / 2, _h / 2 }, window);
void Screen::setMouseCursorVisible(bool visible) {
bool Screen::isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::Key key) {
if (!Screen::isKeyPressed(key))
return false;
if(_tappedKeys.count(key) == 0) {
_tappedKeys.emplace(key, Time::time());
return true;
} else if((Time::time() - _tappedKeys[key]) > 0.2) {
_tappedKeys[key] = Time::time();
return true;
return false;
bool Screen::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Button button) {
return sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(button);
bool Screen::isButtonTapped(sf::Mouse::Button button) {
if (!Screen::isButtonPressed(button))
return false;
if(_tappedButtons.count(button) == 0) {
_tappedButtons.emplace(button, Time::time());
return true;
} else if((Time::time() - _tappedButtons[button]) > 0.2) {
_tappedButtons[button] = Time::time();
return true;
return false;
} }
@ -129,5 +75,42 @@ void Screen::debugText(const std::string& text) {
t.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); t.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
t.setPosition(10, 10); t.setPosition(10, 10);
window.draw(t); _window->draw(t);
void Screen::drawTetragon(const Point4D &p1, const Point4D &p2, const Point4D &p3, const Point4D &p4, sf::Color color) {
sf::ConvexShape polygon;
polygon.setPoint(0, sf::Vector2f((float)p1.x(), (float)p1.y()));
polygon.setPoint(1, sf::Vector2f((float)p2.x(), (float)p2.y()));
polygon.setPoint(2, sf::Vector2f((float)p3.x(), (float)p3.y()));
polygon.setPoint(3, sf::Vector2f((float)p4.x(), (float)p4.y()));
void Screen::drawText(const std::string& string, const Point4D &position, int size, sf::Color color) {
sf::Text text;
text.setPosition((float)position.x(), (float)position.y());
void Screen::drawSprite(const sf::Sprite &sprite) {
void Screen::drawText(const sf::Text &text) {
void Screen::attachMouse(std::shared_ptr<Mouse> mouse) {
} }

View File

@ -11,53 +11,46 @@
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> #include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <map> #include <map>
#include "utils/Time.h" #include "utils/Time.h"
#include "Mouse.h"
class Screen { class Screen {
private: private:
int _w = 1920; int _w = 1920;
int _h = 1080; int _h = 1080;
std::string _name; std::string _title;
sf::Color _background; sf::Color _background;
std::map<sf::Keyboard::Key, double> _tappedKeys;
std::map<sf::Mouse::Button, double> _tappedButtons;
std::string _font = "../engine/fonts/Roboto-Thin.ttf"; std::string _font = "../engine/fonts/Roboto-Thin.ttf";
std::shared_ptr<sf::RenderWindow> _window;
public: public:
sf::RenderWindow window;
void open(int screenWidth = 1920, int screenHeight = 1080, const std::string& name = "engine", bool verticalSync = true, sf::Color background = sf::Color(255, 255, 255), sf::Uint32 style = sf::Style::Default); void open(int screenWidth = 1920, int screenHeight = 1080, const std::string& name = "engine", bool verticalSync = true, sf::Color background = sf::Color(255, 255, 255), sf::Uint32 style = sf::Style::Default);
void display(); void display();
void clear(); void clear();
bool hasFocus() const { return _window->hasFocus(); }
void drawTriangle(const Triangle& triangle); void drawTriangle(const Triangle& triangle);
void drawTetragon(const Point4D& p1, const Point4D& p2, const Point4D& p3, const Point4D& p4, sf::Color color);
void drawText(const std::string& string, const Point4D& position, int size, sf::Color color);
void drawText(const sf::Text& text);
void drawSprite(const sf::Sprite& sprite);
void setName(const std::string& title); void setTitle(const std::string& title);
std::string name() const { return _name; }; [[nodiscard]] std::string title() const { return _title; };
bool isOpen(); bool isOpen();
int width() const {return window.getSize().x;} [[nodiscard]] int width() const {return _window->getSize().x;}
int height() const {return window.getSize().y;} [[nodiscard]] int height() const {return _window->getSize().y;}
void close(); void close();
static bool isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key key); // returns true if this key is pressed
bool isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::Key key); // returns true if this key is tapped and 1/5 sec passed (button bouncing problem solved)
static bool isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Button button); // returns true if this button is pressed
bool isButtonTapped(sf::Mouse::Button button); // returns true if this button is tapped and 1/5 sec passed (button bouncing problem solved)
Point4D getMousePosition() const;
Point4D getMouseDisplacement() const;
void setMouseInCenter() const;
void setMouseCursorVisible(bool visible);
void debugText(const std::string& text); void debugText(const std::string& text);
void attachMouse(std::shared_ptr<Mouse> mouse);
}; };

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ void World::addBody(std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> body, const string &name) {
void World::loadBody(const string &name, const string &filename, const std::string &materials, const Point4D& scale) { void World::loadBody(const string &name, const string &filename, const std::string &materials, const Point4D& scale) {
_objects.emplace(name, std::make_shared<RigidBody>(Mesh(filename, materials, scale))); _objects.emplace(name, std::make_shared<RigidBody>(Mesh(filename, materials, scale)));
Log::log("World::loadBody(): inserted body from " + filename + " with name '" + name + "' with " + std::to_string(_objects[name]->triangles().size()) + " _tris."); Log::log("World::loadBody(): inserted body from " + filename + " with title '" + name + "' with " + std::to_string(_objects[name]->triangles().size()) + " _tris.");
} }
void World::removeBody(const string &name) { void World::removeBody(const string &name) {

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public:
// rayCast returns pair of Point4D and std::string: // rayCast returns pair of Point4D and std::string:
// 1) Point4D is point of collision (the last coordinate is -1 if there are no collisions) // 1) Point4D is point of collision (the last coordinate is -1 if there are no collisions)
// 2) std::string - name of the object // 2) std::string - title of the object
std::pair<Point4D, std::string> rayCast(const Point4D& from, const Point4D& to); std::pair<Point4D, std::string> rayCast(const Point4D& from, const Point4D& to);
void loadMap(const std::string& filename, const std::string& name = "", const Point4D& scale = Point4D{1, 1, 1}, const std::string &materials = "../maps/materials.txt"); void loadMap(const std::string& filename, const std::string& name = "", const Point4D& scale = Point4D{1, 1, 1}, const std::string &materials = "../maps/materials.txt");

View File

@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ void Window::addButton(int x, int y, int w, int h, std::function<void()> click,
buttons.back().init(); buttons.back().init();
} }
void Window::update(std::shared_ptr<Screen> screen) { void Window::update() {
screen->setName(s_name); _screen->setTitle(s_name);
screen->window.draw(back); _screen->drawSprite(back);
Point4D mousePos = screen->getMousePosition(); Point4D mousePos = _mouse->getMousePosition();
Point4D dMousePos = mousePos - prevMousePosition; Point4D dMousePos = mousePos - prevMousePosition;
back.setPosition(back.getPosition() - sf::Vector2f(dMousePos.x()/30, dMousePos.y()/30)); back.setPosition(back.getPosition() - sf::Vector2f(dMousePos.x()/30, dMousePos.y()/30));
bool isPressed = screen->isButtonTapped(sf::Mouse::Left); bool isPressed = _mouse->isButtonTapped(sf::Mouse::Left);
for(auto& button : buttons) { for(auto& button : buttons) {
if( mousePos.x() > button.x - button.w*button.sx/2 && mousePos.y() > button.y - button.h*button.sy/2 && if( mousePos.x() > button.x - button.w*button.sx/2 && mousePos.y() > button.y - button.h*button.sy/2 &&
@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ void Window::update(std::shared_ptr<Screen> screen) {
button.unSelect(); button.unSelect();
} }
if(screen->isOpen()) { if(_screen->isOpen()) {
screen->window.draw(button.button); _screen->drawSprite(button.button);
screen->window.draw(button.text); _screen->drawText(button.text);
} }
} }

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "Button.h" #include "Button.h"
#include "Screen.h" #include "Screen.h"
#include "Mouse.h"
class Window { class Window {
private: private:
@ -20,8 +21,11 @@ private:
sf::Sprite back; sf::Sprite back;
Point4D prevMousePosition; Point4D prevMousePosition;
std::shared_ptr<Screen> _screen;
std::shared_ptr<Mouse> _mouse;
public: public:
explicit Window(std::string name = "Menu", std::string backTexture = "") : s_name(std::move(name)), s_backTexture(std::move(backTexture)){} explicit Window(std::shared_ptr<Screen> screen, std::shared_ptr<Mouse> mouse, std::string name = "Menu", std::string backTexture = "") : _screen(screen), _mouse(mouse), s_name(std::move(name)), s_backTexture(std::move(backTexture)){}
void addButton(int x, int y, int w, int h, void addButton(int x, int y, int w, int h,
std::function<void()> click, std::function<void()> click,
@ -34,7 +38,7 @@ public:
void setBackgroundTexture(const std::string& texture, double sx = 1, double sy = 1, int w = 1920, int h = 1080); void setBackgroundTexture(const std::string& texture, double sx = 1, double sy = 1, int w = 1920, int h = 1080);
void update(std::shared_ptr<Screen> screen); void update();
}; };

View File

@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ public:
std::pair<bool, Simplex> checkGJKCollision(std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> obj); std::pair<bool, Simplex> checkGJKCollision(std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> obj);
CollisionPoint EPA(const Simplex& simplex, std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> obj); CollisionPoint EPA(const Simplex& simplex, std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> obj);
[[nodiscard]] Point4D collisionNormal() const { return _collisionNormal; }
[[nodiscard]] bool isCollision() const { return _collision; } [[nodiscard]] bool isCollision() const { return _collision; }
[[nodiscard]] bool inCollision() const {return _inCollision; } [[nodiscard]] bool inCollision() const {return _inCollision; }
[[nodiscard]] bool isCollider() const {return _isCollider; } [[nodiscard]] bool isCollider() const {return _isCollider; }
@ -67,6 +69,7 @@ public:
void setAcceleration(const Point4D& acceleration); void setAcceleration(const Point4D& acceleration);
[[nodiscard]] Point4D velocity() const { return _velocity; } [[nodiscard]] Point4D velocity() const { return _velocity; }
[[nodiscard]] Point4D acceleration() const { return _acceleration; }
[[nodiscard]] const std::function<void(const std::string&, std::shared_ptr<RigidBody>)>& collisionCallBack() const { return _collisionCallBack; } [[nodiscard]] const std::function<void(const std::string&, std::shared_ptr<RigidBody>)>& collisionCallBack() const { return _collisionCallBack; }
void setCollisionCallBack(const std::function<void(const std::string&, std::shared_ptr<RigidBody>)>& f) { _collisionCallBack = f; } void setCollisionCallBack(const std::function<void(const std::string&, std::shared_ptr<RigidBody>)>& f) { _collisionCallBack = f; }

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "Player.h" #include "Player.h"
#include "ResourceManager.h" #include "ResourceManager.h"
#include "gui/Window.h" #include "gui/Window.h"
#include "PlayerController.h"
#include "Client.h" #include "Client.h"
#include "Server.h" #include "Server.h"
@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ void InitNetwork(shared_ptr<Server> server, shared_ptr<Client> client)
class Shooter : public Engine { class Shooter : public Engine {
private: private:
shared_ptr<Player> player; shared_ptr<Player> player;
shared_ptr<PlayerController> playerController;
sf::Sound backgroundNoise; sf::Sound backgroundNoise;
@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ private:
bool inGame = false; bool inGame = false;
public: public:
Shooter() = default; Shooter() : mainMenu(screen, mouse) {};
void start() override; void start() override;
void update() override; void update() override;
@ -86,11 +88,13 @@ void Shooter::start() {
// This code executed once in the beginning: // This code executed once in the beginning:
setDebugText(false); setDebugText(false);
screen->setMouseCursorVisible(true); mouse->setMouseCursorVisible(true);
world->loadMap("../maps/map1.obj", "map", Point4D{5, 5, 5}); world->loadMap("../maps/map1.obj", "map", Point4D{5, 5, 5});
player = std::make_shared<Player>(); player = std::make_shared<Player>();
playerController = std::make_shared<PlayerController>(player, world, keyboard, mouse);
client = std::make_shared<Client>(player, world); client = std::make_shared<Client>(player, world);
server = std::make_shared<Server>(); server = std::make_shared<Server>();
@ -139,22 +143,23 @@ void Shooter::update() {
client->update(); client->update();
// Check all input after this condition please // Check all input after this condition please
if (!screen->window.hasFocus()) if (!screen->hasFocus())
return; return;
if(screen->isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::Escape)) { if(keyboard->isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::Escape)) {
inGame = !inGame; inGame = !inGame;
screen->setMouseCursorVisible(!inGame); mouse->setMouseCursorVisible(!inGame);
} }
if(inGame) { if(inGame) {
screen->setName("Shooter"); screen->setTitle("Shooter");
player->update(); player->update();
} else { } else {
mainMenu.update(screen); mainMenu.update();
} }
setUpdateWorld(inGame); setUpdateWorld(inGame);
// background sounds and music control // background sounds and music control
@ -172,7 +177,7 @@ void Shooter::gui() {
sprite.scale(3, 3); sprite.scale(3, 3);
sprite.setPosition(screen->width() / 2.0 - 27.0/2.0, screen->height() / 2 - 27.0/2.0); sprite.setPosition(screen->width() / 2.0 - 27.0/2.0, screen->height() / 2 - 27.0/2.0);
sprite.setColor(sf::Color(0,0,0, 200)); sprite.setColor(sf::Color(0,0,0, 200));
screen->window.draw(sprite); screen->drawSprite(sprite);
// health player stats // health player stats
player->drawStats(); player->drawStats();
@ -181,10 +186,10 @@ void Shooter::gui() {
void Shooter::play() { void Shooter::play() {
inGame = true; inGame = true;
screen->setMouseCursorVisible(!inGame); mouse->setMouseCursorVisible(!inGame);
} }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int main() {
Shooter game; Shooter game;
//game.create(1280, 720, "Shooter"); //game.create(1280, 720, "Shooter");