// SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
// Copyright (C) 2007-2018 Laurent Gomila (laurent@sfml-dev.org)
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
// In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
// subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
//    you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
//    If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
//    in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
//    and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.


// Headers
#include <SFML/Config.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window/Joystick.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window/Keyboard.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window/Mouse.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window/Sensor.hpp>

namespace sf
/// \brief Defines a system event and its parameters
class Event

    /// \brief Size events parameters (Resized)
    struct SizeEvent
        unsigned int width;  ///< New width, in pixels
        unsigned int height; ///< New height, in pixels

    /// \brief Keyboard event parameters (KeyPressed, KeyReleased)
    struct KeyEvent
        Keyboard::Key code;    ///< Code of the key that has been pressed
        bool          alt;     ///< Is the Alt key pressed?
        bool          control; ///< Is the Control key pressed?
        bool          shift;   ///< Is the Shift key pressed?
        bool          system;  ///< Is the System key pressed?

    /// \brief Text event parameters (TextEntered)
    struct TextEvent
        Uint32 unicode; ///< UTF-32 Unicode value of the character

    /// \brief Mouse move event parameters (MouseMoved)
    struct MouseMoveEvent
        int x; ///< X position of the mouse pointer, relative to the left of the owner window
        int y; ///< Y position of the mouse pointer, relative to the top of the owner window

    /// \brief Mouse buttons events parameters
    ///        (MouseButtonPressed, MouseButtonReleased)
    struct MouseButtonEvent
        Mouse::Button button; ///< Code of the button that has been pressed
        int           x;      ///< X position of the mouse pointer, relative to the left of the owner window
        int           y;      ///< Y position of the mouse pointer, relative to the top of the owner window

    /// \brief Mouse wheel events parameters (MouseWheelMoved)
    /// \deprecated This event is deprecated and potentially inaccurate.
    ///             Use MouseWheelScrollEvent instead.
    struct MouseWheelEvent
        int delta; ///< Number of ticks the wheel has moved (positive is up, negative is down)
        int x;     ///< X position of the mouse pointer, relative to the left of the owner window
        int y;     ///< Y position of the mouse pointer, relative to the top of the owner window

    /// \brief Mouse wheel events parameters (MouseWheelScrolled)
    struct MouseWheelScrollEvent
        Mouse::Wheel wheel; ///< Which wheel (for mice with multiple ones)
        float        delta; ///< Wheel offset (positive is up/left, negative is down/right). High-precision mice may use non-integral offsets.
        int          x;     ///< X position of the mouse pointer, relative to the left of the owner window
        int          y;     ///< Y position of the mouse pointer, relative to the top of the owner window

    /// \brief Joystick connection events parameters
    ///        (JoystickConnected, JoystickDisconnected)
    struct JoystickConnectEvent
        unsigned int joystickId; ///< Index of the joystick (in range [0 .. Joystick::Count - 1])

    /// \brief Joystick axis move event parameters (JoystickMoved)
    struct JoystickMoveEvent
        unsigned int   joystickId; ///< Index of the joystick (in range [0 .. Joystick::Count - 1])
        Joystick::Axis axis;       ///< Axis on which the joystick moved
        float          position;   ///< New position on the axis (in range [-100 .. 100])

    /// \brief Joystick buttons events parameters
    ///        (JoystickButtonPressed, JoystickButtonReleased)
    struct JoystickButtonEvent
        unsigned int joystickId; ///< Index of the joystick (in range [0 .. Joystick::Count - 1])
        unsigned int button;     ///< Index of the button that has been pressed (in range [0 .. Joystick::ButtonCount - 1])

    /// \brief Touch events parameters (TouchBegan, TouchMoved, TouchEnded)
    struct TouchEvent
        unsigned int finger; ///< Index of the finger in case of multi-touch events
        int x;               ///< X position of the touch, relative to the left of the owner window
        int y;               ///< Y position of the touch, relative to the top of the owner window

    /// \brief Sensor event parameters (SensorChanged)
    struct SensorEvent
        Sensor::Type type; ///< Type of the sensor
        float x;           ///< Current value of the sensor on X axis
        float y;           ///< Current value of the sensor on Y axis
        float z;           ///< Current value of the sensor on Z axis

    /// \brief Enumeration of the different types of events
    enum EventType
        Closed,                 ///< The window requested to be closed (no data)
        Resized,                ///< The window was resized (data in event.size)
        LostFocus,              ///< The window lost the focus (no data)
        GainedFocus,            ///< The window gained the focus (no data)
        TextEntered,            ///< A character was entered (data in event.text)
        KeyPressed,             ///< A key was pressed (data in event.key)
        KeyReleased,            ///< A key was released (data in event.key)
        MouseWheelMoved,        ///< The mouse wheel was scrolled (data in event.mouseWheel) (deprecated)
        MouseWheelScrolled,     ///< The mouse wheel was scrolled (data in event.mouseWheelScroll)
        MouseButtonPressed,     ///< A mouse button was pressed (data in event.mouseButton)
        MouseButtonReleased,    ///< A mouse button was released (data in event.mouseButton)
        MouseMoved,             ///< The mouse cursor moved (data in event.mouseMove)
        MouseEntered,           ///< The mouse cursor entered the area of the window (no data)
        MouseLeft,              ///< The mouse cursor left the area of the window (no data)
        JoystickButtonPressed,  ///< A joystick button was pressed (data in event.joystickButton)
        JoystickButtonReleased, ///< A joystick button was released (data in event.joystickButton)
        JoystickMoved,          ///< The joystick moved along an axis (data in event.joystickMove)
        JoystickConnected,      ///< A joystick was connected (data in event.joystickConnect)
        JoystickDisconnected,   ///< A joystick was disconnected (data in event.joystickConnect)
        TouchBegan,             ///< A touch event began (data in event.touch)
        TouchMoved,             ///< A touch moved (data in event.touch)
        TouchEnded,             ///< A touch event ended (data in event.touch)
        SensorChanged,          ///< A sensor value changed (data in event.sensor)

        Count                   ///< Keep last -- the total number of event types

    // Member data
    EventType type; ///< Type of the event

        SizeEvent             size;              ///< Size event parameters (Event::Resized)
        KeyEvent              key;               ///< Key event parameters (Event::KeyPressed, Event::KeyReleased)
        TextEvent             text;              ///< Text event parameters (Event::TextEntered)
        MouseMoveEvent        mouseMove;         ///< Mouse move event parameters (Event::MouseMoved)
        MouseButtonEvent      mouseButton;       ///< Mouse button event parameters (Event::MouseButtonPressed, Event::MouseButtonReleased)
        MouseWheelEvent       mouseWheel;        ///< Mouse wheel event parameters (Event::MouseWheelMoved) (deprecated)
        MouseWheelScrollEvent mouseWheelScroll;  ///< Mouse wheel event parameters (Event::MouseWheelScrolled)
        JoystickMoveEvent     joystickMove;      ///< Joystick move event parameters (Event::JoystickMoved)
        JoystickButtonEvent   joystickButton;    ///< Joystick button event parameters (Event::JoystickButtonPressed, Event::JoystickButtonReleased)
        JoystickConnectEvent  joystickConnect;   ///< Joystick (dis)connect event parameters (Event::JoystickConnected, Event::JoystickDisconnected)
        TouchEvent            touch;             ///< Touch events parameters (Event::TouchBegan, Event::TouchMoved, Event::TouchEnded)
        SensorEvent           sensor;            ///< Sensor event parameters (Event::SensorChanged)

} // namespace sf

#endif // SFML_EVENT_HPP

/// \class sf::Event
/// \ingroup window
/// sf::Event holds all the informations about a system event
/// that just happened. Events are retrieved using the
/// sf::Window::pollEvent and sf::Window::waitEvent functions.
/// A sf::Event instance contains the type of the event
/// (mouse moved, key pressed, window closed, ...) as well
/// as the details about this particular event. Please note that
/// the event parameters are defined in a union, which means that
/// only the member matching the type of the event will be properly
/// filled; all other members will have undefined values and must not
/// be read if the type of the event doesn't match. For example,
/// if you received a KeyPressed event, then you must read the
/// event.key member, all other members such as event.mouseMove
/// or event.text will have undefined values.
/// Usage example:
/// \code
/// sf::Event event;
/// while (window.pollEvent(event))
/// {
///     // Request for closing the window
///     if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
///         window.close();
///     // The escape key was pressed
///     if ((event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) && (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape))
///         window.close();
///     // The window was resized
///     if (event.type == sf::Event::Resized)
///         doSomethingWithTheNewSize(event.size.width, event.size.height);
///     // etc ...
/// }
/// \endcode