// // Created by Иван Ильин on 14.01.2021. // #include #include "Engine.h" #include "utils/Time.h" #include "ResourceManager.h" #include "animation/Timeline.h" #include "SoundController.h" Engine::Engine() { Time::init(); Timeline::init(); ResourceManager::init(); SoundController::init(); } void Engine::create(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, const std::string &name, bool verticalSync, sf::Color background, sf::Uint32 style) { _name = name; screen->open(screenWidth, screenHeight, name, verticalSync, background, style); Log::log("Engine::create(): started engine (" + std::to_string(screenWidth) + "x" + std::to_string(screenHeight) + ") with title '" + name + "'."); Time::update(); start(); camera->init(screenWidth, screenHeight); while (screen->isOpen()) { // 'd' in the beginning of the name means debug. // While printing debug info we will take into account only timer names witch start with 'd ' Time::startTimer("d all"); screen->clear(); Time::update(); Time::startTimer("d game update"); update(); Time::stopTimer("d game update"); // sometimes we dont need to update physics world // (for example in menu or while pause) // hence we can set '_updateWorld' equal to false in setUpdateWorld(bool): if (_updateWorld) { Time::startTimer("d animations"); Timeline::update(); Time::stopTimer("d animations"); Time::startTimer("d collisions"); world->update(); Time::stopTimer("d collisions"); Time::startTimer("d projections"); if (_useOpenGL) { GLfloat *view = camera->glView(); for (auto &it : *world) { if (it.second->isVisible()) { GLfloat *model = it.second->glModel(); GLfloat *geometry = Screen::glMeshToGLfloatArray(it.second); screen->glDrawMesh(geometry, view, model, 3 * it.second->triangles().size()); delete[] geometry; delete[] model; } } delete[] view; } else { // clear triangles from previous frame camera->clear(); // project triangles to the camera plane for (auto &it : *world) { camera->project(it.second); } // draw triangles on the screen for (auto &t : camera->sorted()) { screen->drawTriangle(*t); } _triPerSec = camera->buffSize() * Time::fps(); } Time::stopTimer("d projections"); if (Consts::SHOW_FPS_COUNTER) { screen->drawText(std::to_string(Time::fps()) + " fps", Vec2D(static_cast(screen->width()) - 100.0, 10.0), 25, sf::Color(100, 100, 100)); } printDebugInfo(); gui(); } screen->display(); Time::stopTimer("d all"); } } void Engine::exit() { if (screen->isOpen()) { screen->close(); } SoundController::free(); ResourceManager::free(); Timeline::free(); Time::free(); Log::log("Engine::exit(): exit engine (" + std::to_string(screen->width()) + "x" + std::to_string(screen->height()) + ") with title '" + screen->title() + "'."); } void Engine::printDebugInfo() const { if (_showDebugInfo) { // coordinates & fps: std::string text = _name + "\n\n X: " + std::to_string((camera->position().x())) + "\n Y: " + std::to_string((camera->position().y())) + "\n Z: " + std::to_string((camera->position().z())) + "\n\n" + std::to_string(screen->width()) + "x" + std::to_string(screen->height()) + "\t" + std::to_string(Time::fps()) + " fps"; if (_useOpenGL) { text += "\n Using OpenGL acceleration"; } else { text += "\n" + std::to_string(_triPerSec) + " tris/s"; } sf::Text t; t.setFont(*ResourceManager::loadFont(Consts::THIN_FONT)); t.setString(text); t.setCharacterSize(30); t.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); t.setPosition(static_cast(screen->width()) - 400.0f, 10.0f); screen->drawText(t); // timers: int timerWidth = screen->width() - 100; float xPos = 50; float yPos = 300; int height = 50; double totalTime = Time::elapsedTimerMilliseconds("d all"); double timeSum = 0; int i = 0; for (auto &[timerName, timer] : Time::timers()) { int width = timerWidth * timer.elapsedMilliseconds() / totalTime; if (timerName == "d all" || timerName[0] != 'd') { continue; } screen->drawTetragon(Vec2D{xPos, yPos + height * i}, Vec2D{xPos + width, yPos + height * i}, Vec2D{xPos + width, yPos + height + height * i}, Vec2D{xPos, yPos + height + height * i}, {static_cast(255 * width / timerWidth), static_cast(255 * (1 - width / timerWidth)), 0, 150}); screen->drawText( timerName.substr(2, timerName.size()) + ":\t" + std::to_string((int) (1.0 / timer.elapsedMilliseconds())) + " / s \t (" + std::to_string((int) (100 * timer.elapsedMilliseconds() / totalTime)) + "%)", Vec2D{xPos + 10, yPos + height * i + 5}, 30, sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 200)); i++; timeSum += timer.elapsedMilliseconds(); } int width = timerWidth * (totalTime - timeSum) / totalTime; screen->drawTetragon(Vec2D{xPos, yPos + height * i}, Vec2D{xPos + width, yPos + height * i}, Vec2D{xPos + width, yPos + height + height * i}, Vec2D{xPos, yPos + height + height * i}, {static_cast(255 * width / timerWidth), static_cast(255 * (1 - width / timerWidth)), 0, 150}); screen->drawText("other:\t" + std::to_string((int) (1.0 / (totalTime - timeSum))) + " / s \t (" + std::to_string((int) (100 * (totalTime - timeSum) / totalTime)) + "%)", Vec2D{xPos + 10, yPos + height * i + 5}, 30, sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 200)); } }