// // Created by Иван Ильин on 02.06.2021. // #include #include "Shotgun.h" using namespace std; Shotgun::Shotgun(int ammo, const std::string& weaponName) : Weapon(weaponName, "../obj/shotgun.obj", "../obj/shotgun_mat.txt", Point4D{3, 3, 3}, Point4D{-0.95, 1.3, -0.6}, Point4D{0, M_PI, 0}) { fireSound.setBuffer(*ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer("../sound/weapons/shotgun.ogg")); reloadSound.setBuffer(*ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer("../sound/weapons/reload_shotgun.ogg")); //reloadSound.setVolume(30); _initialPack = 15; _clipCapacity = 1; // how much ammo can be stored in one clipx _stockAmmo = ammo - _clipCapacity; // how much ammo do you have in stock _clipAmmo = _clipCapacity; // how much ammo do you have in current clip _reloadTime = 1; _fireDelay = 1; // time delay between fires _damage = 400; _spreading = 5; } std::map Shotgun::processFire(std::shared_ptr world, std::shared_ptr camera) { std::map damagedPlayers; for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { //generate random vector Point4D randV(10*_spreading*(1.0 - 2.0*(double)rand()/RAND_MAX), 10*_spreading*(1.0 - 2.0*(double)rand()/RAND_MAX), 10*_spreading*(1.0 - 2.0*(double)rand()/RAND_MAX)); // damage player auto rayCast = world->rayCast(camera->position(), camera->position() + camera->lookAt() * 1000 + randV); if (rayCast.second.find("Player") != std::string::npos) { damagedPlayers[rayCast.second] += _damage / (1.0 + (camera->position() - rayCast.first).abs()); } // add trace line Point4D to = rayCast.first.w() == -1 ? camera->position() + camera->lookAt() * 1000 + randV: rayCast.first; string traceName = _name + "_trace_nr_" + std::to_string(fireTraces++); Point4D from = _objects[_name + "_" + to_string(9)]->position() + _objects[_name + "_" + to_string(9)]->triangles()[0][0]; world->addMesh(make_shared(Mesh::LineTo(from, to, 0.05)), traceName); (*world)[traceName]->setCollider(false); // remove trace line after some time (*world)[traceName]->a_color("color_trace", {255, 255, 255, 0}, 1, Animation::None, Animation::linear); (*world)["map_0"]->a_function(traceName + "delete", [world, traceName]() { deleteTrace(world, traceName); }, 1, 2); addTraceCallBack(from, to); } return damagedPlayers; }