Resolve conflicts 1
@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 14.01.2021.
#include <cmath>
#include "Camera.h"
#include "utils/Log.h"
#include "Consts.h"
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Triangle>> Camera::project(std::shared_ptr<Mesh> mesh) {
if (!_ready) {
Log::log("Camera::project(): cannot project _tris without camera initialization ( Camera::init() ) ");
return _triangles;
if (!mesh->isVisible()) {
return this->_triangles;
// Model transform matrix: translate _tris in the origin of body.
Matrix4x4 M = mesh->model();
Matrix4x4 V = invModel();
// We don't want to waste time re-allocating memory every time
std::vector<Triangle> clippedTriangles, tempBuffer;
for (auto &t : mesh->triangles()) {
Triangle MTriangle = t * M;
double dot = MTriangle.norm().dot((Vec3D(MTriangle[0]) - position()).normalized());
if (dot > 0) {
Triangle VMTriangle = MTriangle * V;
// It needs to be cleared because it's reused through iterations. Usually it doesn't free memory.
// In the beginning we need to to translate triangle from world coordinate to our camera system:
// After that we apply clipping for all planes from _clipPlanes
for (auto &plane : _clipPlanes) {
while (!clippedTriangles.empty()) {
std::vector<Triangle> clipResult = plane.clip(clippedTriangles.back());
for (auto &i : clipResult) {
for (auto &clipped : clippedTriangles) {
sf::Color color = clipped.color();
sf::Color ambientColor = sf::Color(static_cast<sf::Uint8>(color.r * (0.3 * std::abs(dot) + 0.7)),
static_cast<sf::Uint8>(color.g * (0.3 * std::abs(dot) + 0.7)),
static_cast<sf::Uint8>(color.b * (0.3 * std::abs(dot) + 0.7)),
// Finally its time to project our clipped colored drawTriangle from 3D -> 2D
// and transform it's coordinate to screen space (in pixels):
Triangle clippedProjected = clipped * _SP;
Triangle clippedProjectedNormalized = Triangle(clippedProjected[0] / clippedProjected[0].w(),
clippedProjected[1] / clippedProjected[1].w(),
clippedProjected[2] / clippedProjected[2].w(),
return this->_triangles;
void Camera::init(int width, int height, double fov, double ZNear, double ZFar) {
// We need to init camera only after creation or changing width, height, fov, ZNear or ZFar.
// Because here we calculate matrix that does not change during the motion of _objects or camera
_aspect = (double) width / (double) height;
Matrix4x4 P = Matrix4x4::Projection(fov, _aspect, ZNear, ZFar);
Matrix4x4 S = Matrix4x4::ScreenSpace(width, height);
_SP = S * P; // screen-space-projections matrix
// This is planes for clipping _tris.
// Motivation: we are not interest in _tris that we cannot see.
_clipPlanes.emplace_back(Plane(Vec3D{0, 0, 1}, Vec3D{0, 0, ZNear})); // near plane
_clipPlanes.emplace_back(Plane(Vec3D{0, 0, -1}, Vec3D{0, 0, ZFar})); // far plane
double thetta1 = Consts::PI * fov * 0.5 / 180.0;
double thetta2 = atan(_aspect * tan(thetta1));
_clipPlanes.emplace_back(Plane(Vec3D{-cos(thetta2), 0, sin(thetta2)}, Vec3D{0, 0, 0})); // left plane
_clipPlanes.emplace_back(Plane(Vec3D{cos(thetta2), 0, sin(thetta2)}, Vec3D{0, 0, 0})); // right plane
_clipPlanes.emplace_back(Plane(Vec3D{0, cos(thetta1), sin(thetta1)}, Vec3D{0, 0, 0})); // down plane
_clipPlanes.emplace_back(Plane(Vec3D{0, -cos(thetta1), sin(thetta1)}, Vec3D{0, 0, 0})); // up plane
_ready = true;
Log::log("Camera::init(): camera successfully initialized.");
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Triangle>> Camera::sorted() {
// Sort _tris from _back to front
// This is some replacement for Z-buffer
std::sort(_triangles.begin(), _triangles.end(), [](std::shared_ptr<Triangle> &t1, std::shared_ptr<Triangle> &t2) {
std::vector<double> v_z1({(*t1)[0].z(), (*t1)[1].z(), (*t1)[2].z()});
std::vector<double> v_z2({(*t2)[0].z(), (*t2)[1].z(), (*t2)[2].z()});
std::sort(v_z1.begin(), v_z1.end());
std::sort(v_z2.begin(), v_z2.end());
double z1 = v_z1[0] + v_z1[1] + v_z1[2];
double z2 = v_z2[0] + v_z2[1] + v_z2[2];
return z1 > z2;
return _triangles;
void Camera::clear() {
// Cleaning all _tris and recalculation of View matrix
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 14.01.2021.
#include <vector>
#include <SFML/OpenGL.hpp>
#include "math/Plane.h"
#include "Mesh.h"
class Camera final : public Object {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Triangle>> _triangles{};
std::vector<Plane> _clipPlanes{};
bool _ready = false;
double _aspect = 0;
Matrix4x4 _SP;
Camera() : Object(ObjectNameTag("Camera")) {};
Camera(const Camera &camera) = delete;
void init(int width, int height, double fov = 90.0, double ZNear = 0.1, double ZFar = 5000.0);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Triangle>> project(std::shared_ptr<Mesh> mesh);
void clear();
[[nodiscard]] int buffSize() const { return _triangles.size(); }
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Triangle>> sorted();
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 07.10.2021.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include "math/Vec2D.h"
namespace Consts {
const int STANDARD_SCREEN_WIDTH = 1920;
const int STANDARD_SCREEN_HEIGHT = 1080;
const sf::Color BACKGROUND_COLOR = sf::Color(255, 255, 255);
const std::string PROJECT_NAME = "engine";
const bool USE_LOG_FILE = true;
const bool USE_OPEN_GL = true;
const bool SHOW_DEBUG_INFO = false;
const bool SHOW_FPS_COUNTER = true;
const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288;
const double EPS = 0.000001;
const double EPA_EPS = 0.0001;
const double RAY_CAST_MAX_DISTANCE = 10000;
const std::string THIN_FONT = "engine/fonts/Roboto-Thin.ttf";
const std::string MEDIUM_FONT = "engine/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf";
const double LARGEST_TIME_STEP = 1.0 / 15.0;
const double TAP_DELAY = 0.2;
const Vec2D BEZIER[2] = {Vec2D{0.8, 0}, Vec2D{0.2, 1}};
const unsigned NETWORK_VERSION = 3U;
const int NETWORK_TIMEOUT = 5U;
const double NETWORK_RELIABLE_RETRY_TIME = 1.0 / 20;
const uint16_t NETWORK_MAX_CLIENTS = 64;
const sf::Color WHITE_COLORS[] = {
sf::Color(137, 135, 222), // blue
sf::Color(195, 155, 209), // pink
sf::Color(201, 137, 137), // red
sf::Color(116, 204, 135), // green
sf::Color(201, 171, 137), // orange
const sf::Color DARK_COLORS[] = {
sf::Color(16, 18, 69), // blue
sf::Color(77, 0, 62), // pink
sf::Color(99, 20, 20), // red
sf::Color(12, 46, 9), // green
sf::Color(97, 70, 51), // orange
@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 14.01.2021.
#include <iostream>
#include "Engine.h"
#include "utils/Time.h"
#include "utils/ResourceManager.h"
#include "animation/Timeline.h"
#include "io/SoundController.h"
Engine::Engine() {
void Engine::create(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, const std::string &name, bool verticalSync, sf::Color background,
sf::Uint32 style) {
_name = name;
screen->open(screenWidth, screenHeight, name, verticalSync, background, style);
Log::log("Engine::create(): started engine (" + std::to_string(screenWidth) + "x" + std::to_string(screenHeight) +
") with title '" + name + "'.");
camera->init(screenWidth, screenHeight);
while (screen->isOpen()) {
// 'd' in the beginning of the name means debug.
// While printing debug info we will take into account only timer names witch start with 'd '
Time::startTimer("d all");
Time::startTimer("d game update");
Time::stopTimer("d game update");
// sometimes we dont need to update physics world
// (for example in menu or while pause)
// hence we can set '_updateWorld' equal to false in setUpdateWorld(bool):
if (_updateWorld) {
Time::startTimer("d animations");
Time::stopTimer("d animations");
Time::startTimer("d collisions");
Time::stopTimer("d collisions");
Time::startTimer("d projections");
if (_useOpenGL) {
GLfloat *view = camera->glInvModel();
for (auto &it : *world) {
if (it.second->isVisible()) {
GLfloat *model = it.second->glModel();
GLfloat *geometry = it.second->glFloatArray();
screen->glDrawMesh(geometry, view, model, 3 * it.second->triangles().size());
delete[] model;
delete[] view;
} else {
// clear triangles from previous frame
// project triangles to the camera plane
for (auto &it : *world) {
// draw triangles on the screen
for (auto &t : camera->sorted()) {
_triPerSec = camera->buffSize() * Time::fps();
Time::stopTimer("d projections");
if (Consts::SHOW_FPS_COUNTER) {
screen->drawText(std::to_string(Time::fps()) + " fps",
Vec2D(static_cast<double>(screen->width()) - 100.0, 10.0), 25,
sf::Color(100, 100, 100));
Time::stopTimer("d all");
void Engine::exit() {
if (screen->isOpen()) {
Log::log("Engine::exit(): exit engine (" + std::to_string(screen->width()) + "x" +
std::to_string(screen->height()) + ") with title '" + screen->title() + "'.");
void Engine::printDebugInfo() const {
if (_showDebugInfo) {
// coordinates & fps:
std::string text = _name + "\n\n X: " +
std::to_string((camera->position().x())) + "\n Y: " +
std::to_string((camera->position().y())) + "\n Z: " +
std::to_string((camera->position().z())) + "\n RY:" +
std::to_string(camera->angle().y()/Consts::PI) + "PI\n RL: " +
std::to_string(camera->angleLeftUpLookAt().x()/Consts::PI) + "PI\n\n" +
std::to_string(screen->width()) + "x" +
std::to_string(screen->height()) + "\t" +
std::to_string(Time::fps()) + " fps";
if (_useOpenGL) {
text += "\n Using OpenGL acceleration";
} else {
text += "\n" + std::to_string(_triPerSec) + " tris/s";
sf::Text t;
t.setPosition(static_cast<float>(screen->width()) - 400.0f, 10.0f);
// timers:
int timerWidth = screen->width() - 100;
float xPos = 50;
float yPos = 300;
int height = 50;
double totalTime = Time::elapsedTimerSeconds("d all");
double timeSum = 0;
int i = 0;
for (auto &[timerName, timer] : Time::timers()) {
int width = timerWidth * timer.elapsedSeconds() / totalTime;
if (timerName == "d all" || timerName[0] != 'd') {
screen->drawTetragon(Vec2D{xPos, yPos + height * i},
Vec2D{xPos + width, yPos + height * i},
Vec2D{xPos + width, yPos + height + height * i},
Vec2D{xPos, yPos + height + height * i},
{static_cast<sf::Uint8>(255.0 * static_cast<double>(width) / timerWidth),
static_cast<sf::Uint8>(255.0 * (1.0 - static_cast<double>(width) / timerWidth)),
0, 100});
timerName.substr(2, timerName.size()) + ":\t" + std::to_string(timer.elapsedMilliseconds()) + " ms \t (" +
std::to_string((int) (100 * timer.elapsedSeconds() / totalTime)) + "%)",
Vec2D{xPos + 10, yPos + height * i + 5}, 30,
sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 150));
timeSum += timer.elapsedSeconds();
int width = timerWidth * (totalTime - timeSum) / totalTime;
screen->drawTetragon(Vec2D{xPos, yPos + height * i},
Vec2D{xPos + width, yPos + height * i},
Vec2D{xPos + width, yPos + height + height * i},
Vec2D{xPos, yPos + height + height * i},
{static_cast<sf::Uint8>(255.0 * static_cast<double>(width) / timerWidth),
static_cast<sf::Uint8>(255.0 * (1.0 - static_cast<double>(width) / timerWidth)),
0, 100});
screen->drawText("other:\t" + std::to_string(1000*(totalTime - timeSum)) + " ms \t (" +
std::to_string((int) (100 * (totalTime - timeSum) / totalTime)) + "%)",
Vec2D{xPos + 10, yPos + height * i + 5}, 30,
sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 150));
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 14.01.2021.
#include "io/Screen.h"
#include "io/Keyboard.h"
#include "io/Mouse.h"
#include "World.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "utils/Log.h"
class Engine {
std::string _name;
int _triPerSec = 0;
bool _updateWorld = true;
bool _showDebugInfo = Consts::SHOW_DEBUG_INFO;
bool _useOpenGL = Consts::USE_OPEN_GL;
void printDebugInfo() const;
const std::shared_ptr<Screen> screen = std::make_shared<Screen>();
const std::shared_ptr<Keyboard> keyboard = std::make_shared<Keyboard>();
const std::shared_ptr<Mouse> mouse = std::make_shared<Mouse>(screen);
const std::shared_ptr<World> world = std::make_shared<World>();
const std::shared_ptr<Camera> camera = std::make_shared<Camera>();
virtual void start() {};
virtual void update() {};
[[nodiscard]] bool showDebugInfo() const { return _showDebugInfo; }
void setDebugInfo(bool value) { _showDebugInfo = value; }
void setUpdateWorld(bool value) { _updateWorld = value; }
void setGlEnable(bool value) { _useOpenGL = value; }
[[nodiscard]] bool glEnable() const { return _useOpenGL; }
virtual void gui() {}
virtual ~Engine() = default;
void create(int screenWidth = Consts::STANDARD_SCREEN_WIDTH, int screenHeight = Consts::STANDARD_SCREEN_HEIGHT,
const std::string &name = Consts::PROJECT_NAME, bool verticalSync = true,
sf::Color background = Consts::BACKGROUND_COLOR, sf::Uint32 style = sf::Style::Default);
void exit();
@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 13.01.2021.
#include <utility>
#include "Mesh.h"
#include "utils/ResourceManager.h"
#include "io/Screen.h"
using namespace std;
Mesh &Mesh::operator*=(const Matrix4x4 &matrix4X4) {
std::vector<Triangle> newTriangles;
for (auto &t : _tris) {
newTriangles.emplace_back(t * matrix4X4);
return *this;
void Mesh::loadObj(const std::string &filename, const Vec3D &scale) {
auto objects = ResourceManager::loadObjects(filename);
for (auto &obj : objects) {
for (auto &tri : obj->triangles()) {
Mesh::Mesh(ObjectNameTag nameTag, const std::string &filename, const Vec3D &scale) : Object(std::move(nameTag)) {
loadObj(filename, scale);
Mesh::Mesh(ObjectNameTag nameTag, const vector<Triangle> &tries) : Object(std::move(nameTag)), _tris(tries) {}
void Mesh::setColor(const sf::Color &c) {
_color = c;
for (auto &t : _tris) {
// because we change the color of mesh we should update geometry with a new color
Mesh::LineTo(ObjectNameTag nameTag, const Vec3D &from, const Vec3D &to, double line_width, const sf::Color &color) {
Mesh line(std::move(nameTag));
Vec3D v1 = (to - from).normalized();
Vec3D v2 = from.cross(from + Vec3D{1, 0, 0}).normalized();
Vec3D v3 = v1.cross(v2).normalized();
// from plane
Vec4D p1 = (- v2 * line_width / 2.0 - v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p2 = (- v2 * line_width / 2.0 + v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p3 = ( v2 * line_width / 2.0 + v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p4 = ( v2 * line_width / 2.0 - v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
// to plane
Vec4D p5 = (to - from - v2 * line_width / 2.0 - v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p6 = (to - from - v2 * line_width / 2.0 + v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p7 = (to - from + v2 * line_width / 2.0 + v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p8 = (to - from + v2 * line_width / 2.0 - v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
line._tris = std::move(std::vector<Triangle>{
{p2, p4, p1},
{p2, p3, p4},
{p1, p6, p2},
{p1, p5, p6},
{p2, p6, p7},
{p2, p7, p3},
{p6, p5, p8},
{p6, p8, p7},
{p4, p3, p7},
{p4, p7, p8},
{p1, p8, p5},
{p1, p4, p8}
return line;
Mesh Mesh::ArrowTo(ObjectNameTag nameTag, const Vec3D &from, const Vec3D &to, double line_width, sf::Color color) {
Mesh arrow(std::move(nameTag));
Vec3D v1 = (to - from).normalized();
Vec3D v2 = from.cross(from + Vec3D{1, 0, 0}).normalized();
Vec3D v3 = v1.cross(v2).normalized();
Vec3D to_line = to - v1*0.4;
// from plane
Vec4D p1 = (- v2 * line_width / 2.0 - v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p2 = (- v2 * line_width / 2.0 + v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p3 = ( v2 * line_width / 2.0 + v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p4 = ( v2 * line_width / 2.0 - v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
// to plane
Vec4D p5 = (to_line - from - v2 * line_width / 2.0 - v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p6 = (to_line - from - v2 * line_width / 2.0 + v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p7 = (to_line - from + v2 * line_width / 2.0 + v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p8 = (to_line - from + v2 * line_width / 2.0 - v3 * line_width / 2.0).makePoint4D();
// arrow
Vec4D p9 = (to_line - from - v2 * line_width*2 - v3 * line_width*2).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p10 = (to_line - from - v2 * line_width*2 + v3 * line_width*2).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p11 = (to_line - from + v2 * line_width*2 + v3 * line_width*2).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p12 = (to_line - from + v2 * line_width*2 - v3 * line_width*2).makePoint4D();
Vec4D p13 = (to - from).makePoint4D();
arrow._tris = std::move(std::vector<Triangle>{
{p2, p4, p1},
{p2, p3, p4},
{p1, p6, p2},
{p1, p5, p6},
{p2, p6, p7},
{p2, p7, p3},
{p6, p5, p8},
{p6, p8, p7},
{p4, p3, p7},
{p4, p7, p8},
{p1, p8, p5},
{p1, p4, p8},
{ p9, p10, p13 },
{ p10, p11, p13 },
{ p11, p12, p13 },
{ p12, p9, p13 },
return arrow;
void Mesh::setOpacity(double t) {
setColor(sf::Color(_color.r, _color.g, _color.b, t*255));
void Mesh::setTriangles(vector<Triangle>&& t) {
_tris = std::move(t);
Mesh::~Mesh() {
delete[] _geometry;
_geometry = nullptr;
void Mesh::glFreeFloatArray() {
delete[] _geometry;
_geometry = nullptr;
GLfloat *Mesh::glFloatArray() const {
if(_geometry != nullptr) {
return _geometry;
_geometry = new GLfloat[7 * 3 * _tris.size()];
for (size_t i = 0; i < _tris.size(); i++) {
unsigned stride = 21 * i;
Triangle triangle = _tris[i];
Vec3D norm = (model()*triangle.norm()).normalized();
float dot = static_cast<float>(, 1, 2).normalized()));
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
sf::Color color = triangle.color();
GLfloat ambientColor[4] = {
static_cast<float>(color.r) * (0.3f * std::fabs(dot) + 0.7f) / 255.0f,
static_cast<float>(color.g) * (0.3f * std::fabs(dot) + 0.7f) / 255.0f,
static_cast<float>(color.b) * (0.3f * std::fabs(dot) + 0.7f) / 255.0f,
static_cast<float>(color.a) / 255.0f
_geometry[stride + 7 * k + 0] = static_cast<GLfloat>(triangle[k].x());
_geometry[stride + 7 * k + 1] = static_cast<GLfloat>(triangle[k].y());
_geometry[stride + 7 * k + 2] = static_cast<GLfloat>(triangle[k].z());
_geometry[stride + 7 * k + 3] = ambientColor[0];
_geometry[stride + 7 * k + 4] = ambientColor[1];
_geometry[stride + 7 * k + 5] = ambientColor[2];
_geometry[stride + 7 * k + 6] = ambientColor[3];
return _geometry;
Mesh Mesh::Cube(ObjectNameTag tag, double size, sf::Color color) {
Mesh cube(std::move(tag));
cube._tris = {
{ Vec4D{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0} },
{ Vec4D{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0} },
{ Vec4D{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0} },
{ Vec4D{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0} },
{ Vec4D{1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0} },
{ Vec4D{1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0} },
{ Vec4D{0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0} },
{ Vec4D{0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0} },
{ Vec4D{0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0} },
{ Vec4D{0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0} },
{ Vec4D{1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0} },
{ Vec4D{1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, Vec4D{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0} },
return cube *= Matrix4x4::Scale(Vec3D(size, size, size))*Matrix4x4::Translation(Vec3D(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5));
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 13.01.2021.
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include "Triangle.h"
#include "Object.h"
class Mesh : public Object {
std::vector<Triangle> _tris;
sf::Color _color = sf::Color(255, 245, 194);
bool _visible = true;
Mesh &operator*=(const Matrix4x4 &matrix4X4);
// OpenGL
mutable GLfloat* _geometry = nullptr;
explicit Mesh(ObjectNameTag nameTag) : Object(std::move(nameTag)) {};
Mesh &operator=(const Mesh &mesh) = delete;
Mesh(const Mesh &mesh) = default;
explicit Mesh(ObjectNameTag nameTag, const std::vector<Triangle> &tries);
explicit Mesh(ObjectNameTag nameTag, const std::string &filename, const Vec3D &scale = Vec3D{1, 1, 1});
void loadObj(const std::string &filename, const Vec3D &scale = Vec3D{1, 1, 1});
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<Triangle> const &triangles() const { return _tris; }
void setTriangles(std::vector<Triangle>&& t);
[[nodiscard]] size_t size() const { return _tris.size() * 3; }
[[nodiscard]] sf::Color color() const { return _color; }
void setColor(const sf::Color &c);
void setOpacity(double t);
void setVisible(bool visibility) { _visible = visibility; }
[[nodiscard]] bool isVisible() const { return _visible; }
~Mesh() override;
Mesh static Cube(ObjectNameTag tag, double size = 1.0, sf::Color color = sf::Color(0,0,0));
Mesh static LineTo(ObjectNameTag nameTag, const Vec3D &from, const Vec3D &to, double line_width = 0.1,
const sf::Color &color = {150, 150, 150, 100});
Mesh static ArrowTo(ObjectNameTag nameTag, const Vec3D& from, const Vec3D& to, double line_width = 0.1, sf::Color color = {150, 150, 150, 255});
// OpenGL functions
GLfloat *glFloatArray() const;
void glFreeFloatArray();
#endif //INC_3DZAVR_MESH_H
@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 15.03.2021.
#include <stdexcept>
#include "Object.h"
#include "math/Matrix4x4.h"
bool ObjectNameTag::contains(const ObjectNameTag &nameTag) const {
if(_name.find(nameTag.str()) != std::string::npos) {
return true;
return false;
void Object::transform(const Matrix4x4 &t) {
_transformMatrix = t * _transformMatrix;
for (auto &[attachedName, attachedObject] : _attachedObjects) {
if (!attachedObject.expired()) {
attachedObject.lock()->transformRelativePoint(position(), t);
void Object::transformRelativePoint(const Vec3D &point, const Matrix4x4 &transform) {
// translate object in new coordinate system (connected with point)
_transformMatrix = Matrix4x4::Translation(position() - point) * _transformMatrix;
// transform object in the new coordinate system
_transformMatrix = transform * _transformMatrix;
// translate object back in self connected coordinate system
_position = _transformMatrix.w() + point;
_transformMatrix = Matrix4x4::Translation(-_transformMatrix.w()) * _transformMatrix;
for (auto &[attachedName, attachedObject] : _attachedObjects) {
if (!attachedObject.expired()) {
attachedObject.lock()->transformRelativePoint(point, transform);
void Object::translate(const Vec3D &dv) {
_position = _position + dv;
for (auto &[attachedName, attachedObject] : _attachedObjects) {
if (!attachedObject.expired()) {
void Object::scale(const Vec3D &s) {
void Object::rotate(const Vec3D &r) {
_angle = _angle + r;
Matrix4x4 rotationMatrix = Matrix4x4::RotationX(r.x()) * Matrix4x4::RotationY(r.y()) * Matrix4x4::RotationZ(r.z());
void Object::rotate(const Vec3D &v, double rv) {
transform(Matrix4x4::Rotation(v, rv));
void Object::rotateRelativePoint(const Vec3D &s, const Vec3D &r) {
_angle = _angle + r;
transformRelativePoint(s, Matrix4x4::Rotation(r));
void Object::rotateRelativePoint(const Vec3D &s, const Vec3D &v, double r) {
transformRelativePoint(s, Matrix4x4::Rotation(v, r));
void Object::rotateLeft(double rl) {
_angleLeftUpLookAt = Vec3D{_angleLeftUpLookAt.x() + rl,
rotate(left(), rl);
void Object::rotateUp(double ru) {
_angleLeftUpLookAt = Vec3D{_angleLeftUpLookAt.x(),
_angleLeftUpLookAt.y() + ru,
rotate(up(), ru);
void Object::rotateLookAt(double rlAt) {
_angleLeftUpLookAt = Vec3D{_angleLeftUpLookAt.x(),
_angleLeftUpLookAt.z() + rlAt};
rotate(lookAt(), rlAt);
void Object::translateToPoint(const Vec3D &point) {
translate(point - position());
void Object::attractToPoint(const Vec3D &point, double value) {
Vec3D v = (point - position()).normalized();
void Object::rotateToAngle(const Vec3D &v) {
rotate(v - _angle);
std::shared_ptr<Object> Object::attached(const ObjectNameTag &tag) {
if (_attachedObjects.count(tag) == 0 || _attachedObjects.find(tag)->second.expired()) {
return nullptr;
return _attachedObjects.find(tag)->second.lock();
bool Object::checkIfAttached(Object *obj) {
for (const auto&[nameTag, attachedObject] : _attachedObjects) {
if (obj == attachedObject.lock().get() || attachedObject.lock()->checkIfAttached(obj)) {
return true;
return false;
void Object::attach(std::shared_ptr<Object> object) {
if (this != object.get()) {
if (!object->checkIfAttached(this)) {
_attachedObjects.emplace(object->name(), object);
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument{"Object::attach: You tried to create infinite recursive call chains"};
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument{"Object::attach: You cannot attach object to itself"};
void Object::unattach(const ObjectNameTag &tag) {
// OpenGL function
GLfloat *Object::glInvModel() const {
auto *v = new GLfloat[4 * 4];
Vec3D _left = _transformMatrix.x();
Vec3D _up = _transformMatrix.y();
Vec3D _lookAt = _transformMatrix.z();
v[0] = -static_cast<GLfloat>(_left.x());
v[4] = -static_cast<GLfloat>(_left.y());
v[8] = -static_cast<GLfloat>(_left.z());
v[12] = static_cast<GLfloat>(position().dot(_left));
v[1] = static_cast<GLfloat>(_up.x());
v[5] = static_cast<GLfloat>(_up.y());
v[9] = static_cast<GLfloat>(_up.z());
v[13] = -static_cast<GLfloat>(position().dot(_up));
v[2] = -static_cast<GLfloat>(_lookAt.x());
v[6] = -static_cast<GLfloat>(_lookAt.y());
v[10] = -static_cast<GLfloat>(_lookAt.z());
v[14] = static_cast<GLfloat>(position().dot(_lookAt));
v[3] = static_cast<GLfloat>(0.0f);
v[7] = static_cast<GLfloat>(0.0f);
v[11] = static_cast<GLfloat>(0.0f);
v[15] = static_cast<GLfloat>(1.0f);
return v;
GLfloat *Object::glModel() const {
auto *m = new GLfloat[4 * 4];
Vec3D _left = _transformMatrix.x();
Vec3D _up = _transformMatrix.y();
Vec3D _lookAt = _transformMatrix.z();
m[0] = static_cast<GLfloat>(_left.x());
m[4] = static_cast<GLfloat>(_up.x());
m[8] = static_cast<GLfloat>(_lookAt.x());
m[12] = static_cast<GLfloat>(position().x());
m[1] = static_cast<GLfloat>(_left.y());
m[5] = static_cast<GLfloat>(_up.y());
m[9] = static_cast<GLfloat>(_lookAt.y());
m[13] = static_cast<GLfloat>(position().y());
m[2] = static_cast<GLfloat>(_left.z());
m[6] = static_cast<GLfloat>(_up.z());
m[10] = static_cast<GLfloat>(_lookAt.z());
m[14] = static_cast<GLfloat>(position().z());
m[3] = static_cast<GLfloat>(0.0f);
m[7] = static_cast<GLfloat>(0.0f);
m[11] = static_cast<GLfloat>(0.0f);
m[15] = static_cast<GLfloat>(1.0f);
return m;
Object::~Object() {
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 15.03.2021.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
#include "math/Vec3D.h"
#include "math/Matrix4x4.h"
#include <SFML/OpenGL.hpp>
class ObjectNameTag final {
const std::string _name;
explicit ObjectNameTag(std::string name = "") : _name(std::move(name)) {}
[[nodiscard]] std::string str() const { return _name; }
bool operator==(const ObjectNameTag &tag) const { return _name == tag._name; }
bool operator!=(const ObjectNameTag &tag) const { return _name != tag._name; }
bool operator<(const ObjectNameTag &tag) const { return _name < tag._name; }
[[nodiscard]] bool contains(const ObjectNameTag& nameTag) const;
class Object {
bool checkIfAttached(Object *obj);
const ObjectNameTag _nameTag;
Matrix4x4 _transformMatrix = Matrix4x4::Identity();
Vec3D _position{0, 0, 0};
* Take into account when you rotate body,
* you change '_angle' & '_angleLeftUpLookAt' only for this particular body,
* but not for attached objects! This way during rotation
* '_angle' & '_angleLeftUpLookAt' stays constant all attached objects.
Vec3D _angle{0, 0, 0};
Vec3D _angleLeftUpLookAt{0, 0, 0};
std::map<ObjectNameTag, std::weak_ptr<Object>> _attachedObjects;
explicit Object(ObjectNameTag nameTag) : _nameTag(std::move(nameTag)) {};
Object(const Object &object) : _nameTag(object._nameTag),
_angleLeftUpLookAt(object._angleLeftUpLookAt) {};
// TODO: implement rotations using quaternions (?)
void transform(const Matrix4x4 &t);
void transformRelativePoint(const Vec3D &point, const Matrix4x4 &transform);
void translate(const Vec3D &dv);
void translateToPoint(const Vec3D &point);
void attractToPoint(const Vec3D &point, double value);
void scale(const Vec3D &s);
void rotate(const Vec3D &r);
void rotate(const Vec3D &v, double rv);
void rotateToAngle(const Vec3D &v);
void rotateRelativePoint(const Vec3D &s, const Vec3D &r);
void rotateRelativePoint(const Vec3D &s, const Vec3D &v, double r);
void rotateLeft(double rl);
void rotateUp(double ru);
void rotateLookAt(double rlAt);
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D left() const { return _transformMatrix.x().normalized(); }
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D up() const { return _transformMatrix.y().normalized(); }
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D lookAt() const { return _transformMatrix.z().normalized(); }
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D position() const { return _position; }
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D angle() const { return _angle; }
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D angleLeftUpLookAt() const { return _angleLeftUpLookAt; }
void attach(std::shared_ptr<Object> object);
void unattach(const ObjectNameTag &tag);
std::shared_ptr<Object> attached(const ObjectNameTag &tag);
[[nodiscard]] ObjectNameTag name() const { return _nameTag; }
[[nodiscard]] Matrix4x4 model() const { return Matrix4x4::Translation(_position) * _transformMatrix; }
[[nodiscard]] Matrix4x4 invModel() const { return Matrix4x4::View(model()); }
// OpenGL function
[[nodiscard]] GLfloat *glModel() const;
[[nodiscard]] GLfloat *glInvModel() const;
virtual ~Object();
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 13.01.2021.
#include "Triangle.h"
#include "Consts.h"
Triangle::Triangle(const Vec4D &p1, const Vec4D &p2, const Vec4D &p3, sf::Color color) : _color(color),
_points{p1, p2, p3} {
void Triangle::calculateNormal() {
Vec3D v1 = Vec3D(_points[1] - _points[0]);
Vec3D v2 = Vec3D(_points[2] - _points[0]);
Vec3D crossProduct = v1.cross(v2);
if (crossProduct.sqrAbs() > Consts::EPS) {
_normal = crossProduct.normalized();
} else {
_normal = Vec3D(0);
Triangle::Triangle(const Triangle &triangle) : _points{triangle._points[0], triangle._points[1], triangle._points[2]},
_color(triangle._color), _normal(triangle._normal) {
Triangle Triangle::operator*(const Matrix4x4 &matrix4X4) const {
return Triangle(matrix4X4 * _points[0], matrix4X4 * _points[1], matrix4X4 * _points[2], _color);
Vec3D Triangle::norm() const {
return _normal;
const Vec4D& Triangle::operator[](int i) const {
return _points[i];
bool Triangle::isPointInside(const Vec3D &point) const {
Vec3D triangleNorm = norm();
double dot1 = (point - Vec3D(_points[0])).cross(Vec3D(_points[1] - _points[0])).dot(triangleNorm);
double dot2 = (point - Vec3D(_points[1])).cross(Vec3D(_points[2] - _points[1])).dot(triangleNorm);
double dot3 = (point - Vec3D(_points[2])).cross(Vec3D(_points[0] - _points[2])).dot(triangleNorm);
if ((dot1 >= 0 && dot2 >= 0 && dot3 >= 0) || (dot1 <= 0 && dot2 <= 0 && dot3 <= 0)) {
return true;
return false;
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 13.01.2021.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include "math/Vec4D.h"
#include "math/Vec3D.h"
#include "math/Matrix4x4.h"
class Triangle final {
sf::Color _color;
Vec4D _points[3];
Vec3D _normal;
void calculateNormal();
Triangle() = default;
Triangle(const Triangle &triangle);
Triangle(const Vec4D &p1, const Vec4D &p2, const Vec4D &p3, sf::Color color = {0, 0, 0});
Triangle &operator=(const Triangle &) = default;
[[nodiscard]] const Vec4D& operator[](int i) const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D position() const { return Vec3D(_points[0] + _points[1] + _points[2])/3; }
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D norm() const;
// Operations with Matrix4x4
[[nodiscard]] Triangle operator*(const Matrix4x4 &matrix4X4) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool isPointInside(const Vec3D &point) const;
[[nodiscard]] sf::Color color() const { return _color; }
void setColor(sf::Color newColor) { _color = newColor; }
[[nodiscard]] double distance(const Vec3D &vec) const { return norm().dot(Vec3D(_points[0]) - vec); }
@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 13.01.2021.
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include "World.h"
#include "utils/Log.h"
#include "math/Plane.h"
#include "utils/ResourceManager.h"
using namespace std;
std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> World::addBody(std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> body) {
_objects.emplace(body->name(), body);
Log::log("World::addBody(): inserted body '" + body->name().str() + "' with " +
std::to_string(_objects[body->name()]->triangles().size()) + " tris.");
return _objects[body->name()];
std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> World::loadBody(const ObjectNameTag &tag, const string &filename, const Vec3D &scale) {
_objects.emplace(tag, std::make_shared<RigidBody>(tag, filename, scale));
Log::log("World::loadBody(): inserted body from " + filename + " with title '" + tag.str() + "' with " +
std::to_string(_objects[tag]->triangles().size()) + " tris.");
return _objects[tag];
IntersectionInformation World::rayCast(const Vec3D &from, const Vec3D &to, const std::string &skipTags) {
// make vector of tags, that we are going to escape
vector<std::string> tagsToSkip;
stringstream s(skipTags);
std::string t;
while (s >> t) {
bool intersected = false;
Vec3D point{};
Triangle triangle;
std::string bodyName;
double minDistance = Consts::RAY_CAST_MAX_DISTANCE;
std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> intersectedBody = nullptr;
for (auto&[name, body] : _objects) {
bool escapeThisBody = false;
for (auto &escapeTag : tagsToSkip) {
if (name.contains(ObjectNameTag(escapeTag))) {
escapeThisBody = true;
if (escapeThisBody) {
Matrix4x4 model = body->model();
// It is computationally more efficient not to transform all object's triangles from model to global
// coordinate system, but translate 'from' and 'to' vectors inside once and check triangles without performing
// many matrix multiplication.
Matrix4x4 invModel = body->invModel();
Vec3D v = (to - from).normalized();
Vec3D v_model = invModel*v;
Vec3D from_model = invModel*(from - body->position());
Vec3D to_model = invModel*(to - body->position());
for (auto &tri : body->triangles()) {
if(tri.norm().dot(v_model) > 0) {
auto intersection = Plane(tri).intersection(from_model, to_model);
if (intersection.second > 0 && tri.isPointInside(intersection.first)) {
// When you change to model coordinate system you also will get distance scaled by invModel.
// Due-to this effect if you scale some object in x times you will get distance in x times smaller.
// That's why we need to perform distance calculation in the global coordinate system where metric
// is the same for all objects.
Triangle globalTriangle(model * tri[0], model * tri[1], model * tri[2], tri.color());
auto globalIntersection = Plane(globalTriangle).intersection(from, to);
double globalDistance = (globalIntersection.first - from).abs();
if(globalDistance < minDistance) {
minDistance = globalDistance;
point = globalIntersection.first;
triangle = globalTriangle;
bodyName = name.str();
intersected = true;
intersectedBody = body;
//Triangle triangleRED = Triangle(model * tri[0], model * tri[1], model * tri[2], sf::Color(255, 0, 0));
//addBody(std::make_shared<RigidBody>(Mesh(ObjectNameTag("Test" + std::to_string(rand())), std::vector<Triangle>({triangleRED}))));
return IntersectionInformation{point, sqrt(minDistance), triangle, ObjectNameTag(bodyName), intersectedBody, intersected};
void World::loadMap(const std::string &filename, const Vec3D &scale) {
auto objs = ResourceManager::loadObjects(filename);
for (auto &i : objs) {
std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> obj = std::make_shared<RigidBody>(*i, false);
void World::removeBody(const ObjectNameTag &tag) {
if (_objects.erase(tag) > 0) {
Log::log("World::removeBody(): removed body '" + tag.str() + "'");
} else {
Log::log("World::removeBody(): cannot remove body '" + tag.str() + "': body does not exist.");
void World::checkCollision(const ObjectNameTag &tag) {
if (_objects[tag]->hasCollision()) {
for (auto it = _objects.begin(); it != _objects.end();) {
auto obj = it->second;
ObjectNameTag name = it->first;
if ((name == tag) || !(obj->isCollider() || obj->isTrigger())) {
std::pair<bool, Simplex> gjk = _objects[tag]->checkGJKCollision(obj);
if (gjk.first) {
if (obj->isCollider()) {
CollisionPoint epa = _objects[tag]->EPA(gjk.second, obj);
if (_objects[tag]->collisionCallBack() != nullptr) {
_objects[tag]->collisionCallBack()(name, obj);
void World::update() {
for (auto &[nameTag, obj] : _objects) {
std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> World::body(const ObjectNameTag &tag) {
if (_objects.count(tag) == 0) {
return nullptr;
return _objects.find(tag)->second;
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 13.01.2021.
#include <map>
#include "Camera.h"
#include "io/Screen.h"
#include "physics/RigidBody.h"
struct IntersectionInformation final {
const Vec3D pointOfIntersection;
const double distanceToObject;
const Triangle intersectedTriangle;
const ObjectNameTag objectName;
const std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> obj;
const bool intersected;
class World final {
std::map<ObjectNameTag, std::shared_ptr<RigidBody>> _objects;
void checkCollision(const ObjectNameTag &tag);
World() = default;
void update();
std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> addBody(std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> mesh);
std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> body(const ObjectNameTag &tag);
void removeBody(const ObjectNameTag &tag);
std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> loadBody(const ObjectNameTag &tag, const std::string &filename, const Vec3D &scale = Vec3D{1, 1, 1});
void loadMap(const std::string &filename, const Vec3D &scale = Vec3D{1, 1, 1});
// std::string skipTags is a string that consist of all objects we want to skip in ray casting
IntersectionInformation rayCast(const Vec3D &from, const Vec3D &to, const std::string &skipTags = "");
std::map<ObjectNameTag, std::shared_ptr<RigidBody>>::iterator begin() { return _objects.begin(); }
std::map<ObjectNameTag, std::shared_ptr<RigidBody>>::iterator end() { return _objects.end(); }
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 01.11.2021.
#include "Animation.h"
#include "../Object.h"
class AAttractToPoint : public Animation {
const std::weak_ptr<Object> _object;
const Vec3D _targetPoint;
const double _valueToAttract;
void update() override {
auto obj = _object.lock();
if (obj == nullptr) {
obj->attractToPoint(_targetPoint, _valueToAttract * dprogress());
AAttractToPoint(std::weak_ptr<Object> object, const Vec3D &targetPoint, double valueToAttract, double duration = 1,
Animation::LoopOut looped = LoopOut::None,
Animation::InterpolationType interpolationType = InterpolationType::Bezier)
: Animation(duration, looped, interpolationType), _object(object), _targetPoint(targetPoint),
_valueToAttract(valueToAttract) {}
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 02.06.2021.
#include "Animation.h"
#include "../Mesh.h"
class AColor final : public Animation {
const std::weak_ptr<Mesh> _mesh;
sf::Color _startColor;
const sf::Color _newColor;
bool _started = false;
void update() override {
auto mesh = _mesh.lock();
if (mesh == nullptr) {
if (!_started) {
_started = true;
_startColor = mesh->color();
Vec4D start(_startColor.r, _startColor.g, _startColor.b, _startColor.a);
Vec4D end(_newColor.r, _newColor.g, _newColor.b, _newColor.a);
Vec4D mid = start + (end - start) * progress();
mesh->setColor(sf::Color(static_cast<sf::Uint8>(mid.x()), static_cast<sf::Uint8>(mid.y()),
static_cast<sf::Uint8>(mid.z()), static_cast<sf::Uint8>(mid.w())));
AColor(std::weak_ptr<Mesh> mesh, const sf::Color &color, double duration = 1, LoopOut looped = LoopOut::None,
InterpolationType interpolationType = InterpolationType::Linear) : Animation(duration, looped,
_mesh(mesh), _newColor(color) {
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 23.02.2022.
#include "Animation.h"
#include "../Mesh.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
class ADecompose final : public Animation {
const std::weak_ptr<Mesh> _mesh;
std::vector<Triangle> _triangles;
double _value;
bool _started = false;
void update() override {
auto mesh = _mesh.lock();
if (mesh == nullptr) {
if (!_started) {
_started = true;
_triangles = _mesh.lock()->triangles();
std::vector<Triangle> newTriangles;
for(auto &t : _triangles) {
newTriangles.emplace_back((t * Matrix4x4::Translation(t.position().normalized()*progress()*_value)));
ADecompose(std::weak_ptr<Mesh> mesh, double value, double duration = 1, LoopOut looped = LoopOut::None,
InterpolationType interpolationType = InterpolationType::Bezier) : Animation(duration, looped,
_value(value), _mesh(mesh) {}
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 06.04.2021.
#include "Animation.h"
class AFunction final : public Animation {
int _callsCounter = 0;
const int _allCalls = 1;
const std::function<void()> _callBack;
void update() override {
if (_allCalls != 0 && progress() >= (double) (_callsCounter + 1) / _allCalls) {
explicit AFunction(std::function<void()> function, int calls = 1, double duration = 1,
LoopOut looped = LoopOut::None, InterpolationType interpolationType = InterpolationType::Linear)
: Animation(duration, looped, interpolationType), _callBack(std::move(function)), _allCalls(calls) {
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 29.01.2021.
#include "Animation.h"
#include "../Object.h"
class ARotate final : public Animation {
const std::weak_ptr<Object> _object;
const Vec3D _rotationValue;
void update() override {
auto obj = _object.lock();
if (obj == nullptr) {
obj->rotate(_rotationValue * dprogress());
ARotate(std::weak_ptr<Object> object, const Vec3D &r, double duration = 1, LoopOut looped = LoopOut::None,
InterpolationType interpolationType = InterpolationType::Bezier)
: Animation(duration, looped, interpolationType), _object(object), _rotationValue(r) {
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 01.11.2021.
#include "Animation.h"
#include "../Object.h"
class ARotateLeft final : public Animation {
const std::weak_ptr<Object> _object;
const double _rotationValue;
void update() override {
auto obj = _object.lock();
if (obj == nullptr) {
ARotateLeft(std::weak_ptr<Object> object, double r, double duration = 1, LoopOut looped = LoopOut::None,
InterpolationType interpolationType = InterpolationType::Bezier)
: Animation(duration, looped, interpolationType), _object(object), _rotationValue(r) {}
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 01.11.2021.
#include "Animation.h"
#include "../Object.h"
class ARotateLeftUpLookAt final : public Animation {
const std::weak_ptr<Object> _object;
const Vec3D _rotationValue;
void update() override {
auto obj = _object.lock();
if (obj == nullptr) {
ARotateLeftUpLookAt(std::weak_ptr<Object> object, const Vec3D &r, double duration = 1, LoopOut looped = LoopOut::None,
InterpolationType interpolationType = InterpolationType::Bezier)
: Animation(duration, looped, interpolationType), _object(object), _rotationValue(r) {}
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 01.11.2021.
#include "Animation.h"
#include "../Object.h"
class ARotateRelativePoint : public Animation {
const std::weak_ptr<Object> _object;
const Vec3D _targetPoint;
const Vec3D _rotationValue;
void update() override {
auto obj = _object.lock();
if (obj == nullptr) {
obj->rotateRelativePoint(_targetPoint, _rotationValue * dprogress());
ARotateRelativePoint(std::weak_ptr<Object> object, const Vec3D &targetPoint, const Vec3D &rotationValue,
double duration = 1, Animation::LoopOut looped = LoopOut::None,
Animation::InterpolationType interpolationType = InterpolationType::Bezier)
: Animation(duration, looped, interpolationType), _object(object), _targetPoint(targetPoint),
_rotationValue(rotationValue) {}
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 29.01.2021.
#include "Animation.h"
#include "../Object.h"
class AScale final : public Animation {
const std::weak_ptr<Object> _object;
const Vec3D _scalingValue;
Vec3D _prevScaleFactor{1, 1, 1};
void update() override {
auto obj = _object.lock();
if (obj == nullptr) {
// invert scale
obj->scale(Vec3D(1.0/_prevScaleFactor.x(), 1.0/_prevScaleFactor.y(), 1.0/_prevScaleFactor.z()));
Vec3D scaleFactor = Vec3D{1, 1, 1} + (_scalingValue - Vec3D{1, 1, 1}) * progress();
_prevScaleFactor = scaleFactor;
AScale(std::weak_ptr<Object> object, const Vec3D &s, double duration = 1, LoopOut looped = LoopOut::None,
InterpolationType interpolationType = InterpolationType::Bezier) : Animation(duration, looped,
_object(object), _scalingValue(s) {
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 10.11.2021.
#include "Animation.h"
#include "../Mesh.h"
class AShowCreation final : public Animation {
const std::weak_ptr<Mesh> _mesh;
const std::vector<Triangle> _triangles;
void update() override {
auto mesh = _mesh.lock();
if (mesh == nullptr) {
std::vector<Triangle> newTriangles;
double shift = 0.95/_triangles.size();
double oneTriangleTime = 1.0 - shift*_triangles.size();
double k = 0.0;
for(auto &t : _triangles) {
if(progress() >= shift*k) {
if(progress() <= shift*k + oneTriangleTime) {
double triProgressLinear = (progress() - shift*k) / oneTriangleTime;
double triProgressBezier = Interpolation::Bezier(Consts::BEZIER[0], Consts::BEZIER[1], triProgressLinear);
newTriangles.emplace_back(t[0], t[1], t[1] + (t[2] - t[1]) * triProgressBezier, sf::Color(t.color().r, t.color().g, t.color().b, t.color().a*triProgressBezier));
} else {
newTriangles.emplace_back(t[0], t[1], t[2], t.color());
} else {
newTriangles.emplace_back(t[0], t[0], t[0]);
k = k + 1.0;
AShowCreation(std::weak_ptr<Mesh> mesh, double duration = 1, LoopOut looped = LoopOut::None,
InterpolationType interpolationType = InterpolationType::Bezier) : Animation(duration, looped,
_mesh(mesh), _triangles(mesh.lock()->triangles()) {}
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 10.11.2021.
#include "Animation.h"
#include "../Mesh.h"
class AShowUncreation final : public Animation {
const std::weak_ptr<Mesh> _mesh;
const std::vector<Triangle> _triangles;
void update() override {
auto mesh = _mesh.lock();
if (mesh == nullptr) {
std::vector<Triangle> newTriangles;
double shift = 0.95/_triangles.size();
double oneTriangleTime = 1.0 - shift*_triangles.size();
double k = 0.0;
double progress_inv = 1 - progress();
for(auto &t : _triangles) {
if(progress_inv >= shift*k) {
if(progress_inv <= shift*k + oneTriangleTime) {
double triProgressLinear = (progress_inv - shift*k) / oneTriangleTime;
double triProgressBezier = Interpolation::Bezier(Consts::BEZIER[0], Consts::BEZIER[1], triProgressLinear);
newTriangles.emplace_back(t[0], t[1], t[1] + (t[2] - t[1]) * triProgressBezier, sf::Color(t.color().r, t.color().g, t.color().b, t.color().a*triProgressBezier));
} else {
newTriangles.emplace_back(t[0], t[1], t[2], t.color());
} else {
newTriangles.emplace_back(t[0], t[0], t[0]);
k = k + 1.0;
AShowUncreation(std::weak_ptr<Mesh> mesh, double duration = 1, LoopOut looped = LoopOut::None,
InterpolationType interpolationType = InterpolationType::Bezier) : Animation(duration, looped,
_mesh(mesh), _triangles(mesh.lock()->triangles()) {}
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 29.01.2021.
#include "Animation.h"
#include "../Object.h"
class ATranslate final : public Animation {
const std::weak_ptr<Object> _object;
const Vec3D _translationValue;
void update() override {
auto obj = _object.lock();
if (obj == nullptr) {
obj->translate(_translationValue * dprogress());
ATranslate(std::weak_ptr<Object> object, const Vec3D &t, double duration = 1, LoopOut looped = LoopOut::None,
InterpolationType interpolationType = InterpolationType::Bezier) : Animation(duration, looped,
_translationValue(t) {
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 29.01.2021.
#include "Animation.h"
#include "../Object.h"
class ATranslateToPoint final : public Animation {
const std::weak_ptr<Object> _object;
const Vec3D _targetPoint;
Vec3D _translationValue;
bool _started = false;
void update() override {
auto obj = _object.lock();
if (obj == nullptr) {
if (!_started) {
_started = true;
_translationValue = _targetPoint - _object.lock()->position();
obj->translate(_translationValue * dprogress());
ATranslateToPoint(std::weak_ptr<Object> object, const Vec3D &p, double duration = 1, LoopOut looped = LoopOut::None,
InterpolationType interpolationType = InterpolationType::Bezier)
: Animation(duration, looped, interpolationType), _targetPoint(p), _object(object) {
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 29.01.2021.
#include "Animation.h"
class AWait final : public Animation {
void update() override {}
explicit AWait(double duration = 1) : Animation(duration, LoopOut::None, InterpolationType::Linear, true) {
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 27.01.2021.
#include "Animation.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
#include "../utils/Time.h"
Animation::Animation(double duration, Animation::LoopOut looped, Animation::InterpolationType intType, bool waitForFinish)
: _duration(duration), _looped(looped), _intType(intType), _waitForFinish(waitForFinish) {
bool Animation::updateState() {
if (_finished || std::abs(_duration) < Consts::EPS) {
_finished = true;
return false;
// linear normalized time:
_dtime = Time::deltaTime() / _duration;
switch (_intType) {
case InterpolationType::Bezier:
_dprogress = Interpolation::dBezier(Consts::BEZIER[0], Consts::BEZIER[1], _time, _dtime);
case InterpolationType::Bouncing:
_dprogress = Interpolation::dBouncing(_time, _dtime);
case InterpolationType::Linear:
_dprogress = Interpolation::dLinear(_time, _dtime);
case InterpolationType::Cos:
_dprogress = Interpolation::dCos(_time, _dtime);
throw std::logic_error{
"Animation::updateState: unknown interpolation type " + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(_intType))
if (_time + _dtime > 1.0) {
_dtime = 1.0 - _time;
_time = 1.0;
_dprogress = 1.0 - _progress;
_progress = 1.0;
_finished = true;
} else {
_time += _dtime;
_progress += _dprogress;
if (_looped == LoopOut::Continue && _time > 0.5) {
_time = 0.5;
return !_finished;
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 26.01.2021.
#include "Interpolation.h"
class Animation {
enum class InterpolationType {
enum class LoopOut {
// normalized time (from 0 to 1)
double _time = 0;
double _dtime = 0;
bool _finished = false;
double _progress = 0;
double _dprogress = 0;
// If '_waitForFinish' == true then we need to finish all animation before starting this one. (for example AWait)
// In addition new animations in particular animation list will be started only after finishing this animation.
const bool _waitForFinish;
const double _duration = 0;
const LoopOut _looped = LoopOut::None;
const InterpolationType _intType = InterpolationType::Bezier;
// You should override this method for your particular animation
virtual void update() = 0;
[[nodiscard]] double progress() const { return _progress; }
[[nodiscard]] double dprogress() const { return _dprogress; }
void stop() { _finished = true; }
Animation(double duration, LoopOut looped, InterpolationType intType, bool waitForFinish = false);
virtual ~Animation() = default;
bool updateState();
[[nodiscard]] bool isWaitingForFinish() const { return _waitForFinish; }
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 09.11.2021.
#include "Timeline.h"
#include "AAttractToPoint.h"
#include "AColor.h"
#include "AFunction.h"
#include "ARotate.h"
#include "ARotateLeft.h"
#include "ARotateRelativePoint.h"
#include "AScale.h"
#include "ATranslate.h"
#include "ATranslateToPoint.h"
#include "AWait.h"
#include "AShowCreation.h"
#include "AShowUncreation.h"
#include "ARotateLeftUpLookAt.h"
#include "ADecompose.h"
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 09.11.2021.
#include <cmath>
#include "Interpolation.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
double Interpolation::Linear(double t) {
if (t < 0) {
t = -t;
int integer = static_cast<int>(t);
return (integer % 2) ? 1.0 - (t - integer) : (t - integer);
double Interpolation::Bezier(const Vec2D &p1, const Vec2D &p2, double t) {
// TODO: implement bezier curve without finding the root of equation
t = Interpolation::Linear(t);
double h = Consts::EPS;
double eps = Consts::EPS;
// We are trying to find 's' when px = t
auto f = [=](double s) {
return 3.0 * (1.0 - s) * (1.0 - s) * s * p1.x() + 3.0 * (1.0 - s) * s * s * p2.x() + s * s * s - t;
// Using found 's' we will calculate resulting py
auto py = [=](double s) {
return 3.0 * (1.0 - s) * (1.0 - s) * s * p1.y() + 3.0 * (1.0 - s) * s * s * p2.y() + s * s * s;
auto df = [=](double s) {
return (f(s + h) - f(s - h)) / (2.0 * h);
// Newton method
double s1 = 0.0, s2 = 0.5;
int i = 0;
while (std::abs(s1 - s2) > eps) {
s1 = s2;
s2 = s1 - f(s1) / df(s1);
return py(s1);
double Interpolation::Bouncing(double t) {
t = Interpolation::Linear(t);
return 0.5 * (1.0 / (1.0 + exp(10.0 * (-4.0 * t + 0.8))) +
(1.0 + 2.5 * sin(50.0 * (t - 1.0 / 3.0)) * exp(-7.0 * t)) / (1.0 + exp(10.0 * (-15.0 * t + 3.1))));
double Interpolation::dLinear(double t, double dt) {
return ((int) trunc(t) % 2) ? -dt : dt;
double Interpolation::dCos(double t, double dt) {
return 0.5 * Consts::PI * sin(Consts::PI * t) * dt;
double Interpolation::dBezier(const Vec2D &p1, const Vec2D &p2, double t, double dt) {
return Interpolation::Bezier(p1, p2, t + dt) - Interpolation::Bezier(p1, p2, t);
double Interpolation::dBouncing(double t, double dt) {
return Bouncing(t + dt) - Bouncing(t);
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 26.01.2021.
#include "../math/Vec2D.h"
namespace Interpolation {
double Linear(double t);
double Bezier(const Vec2D &p1, const Vec2D &p2, double t);
double Bouncing(double t);
double dLinear(double t, double dt);
double dCos(double t, double dt);
double dBezier(const Vec2D &p1, const Vec2D &p2, double t, double dt);
double dBouncing(double t, double dt);
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 03.10.2021.
#include <list>
#include "Timeline.h"
#include "../utils/Log.h"
Timeline *Timeline::_instance = nullptr;
void Timeline::init() {
delete _instance;
_instance = new Timeline();
Log::log("Timeline::init(): animation timeline was initialized");
void Timeline::deleteAllAnimations() {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
Log::log("Timeline::deleteAllAnimations(): all " + std::to_string(_instance->_animations.size()) + " list was deleted");
void Timeline::deleteAnimationList(const AnimationListTag &listName) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
auto it = _instance->_animations.find(listName);
if(it != _instance->_animations.end()) {
} else {
Log::log("Timeline::deleteAnimationList(): list '" + listName.str() + "' does not exist");
[[nodiscard]] bool Timeline::isInAnimList(const AnimationListTag &listName) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
return false;
auto it = _instance->_animations.find(listName);
if(it != _instance->_animations.end()) {
return !it->second.empty();
return false;
void Timeline::update() {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
for (auto iter = _instance->_animations.begin(); iter != _instance->_animations.end(); ) {
if (iter->second.empty()) {
auto& animationList = iter->second;
auto it = animationList.begin();
// If it the front animation is 'AWait' we should wait until waiting time is over
if ((it != animationList.end()) && (*it)->isWaitingForFinish()) {
if (!(*it)->updateState()) {
// Otherwise we iterate over all animation until we meet animations.end() or wait animation
while (!animationList.empty() && (it != animationList.end()) && (!(*it)->isWaitingForFinish())) {
if (!(*it)->updateState()) {
} else {
void Timeline::free() {
delete _instance;
_instance = nullptr;
Log::log("Timeline::free(): pointer to 'Timeline' was freed");
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 03.10.2021.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "Animation.h"
class AnimationListTag final {
const std::string _name;
explicit AnimationListTag(std::string name = "") : _name(std::move(name)) {}
[[nodiscard]] std::string str() const { return _name; }
bool operator==(const AnimationListTag &tag) const { return _name == tag._name; }
bool operator!=(const AnimationListTag &tag) const { return _name != tag._name; }
bool operator<(const AnimationListTag &tag) const { return _name < tag._name; }
class Timeline {
std::map<AnimationListTag, std::list<std::shared_ptr<Animation>>> _animations;
static Timeline *_instance;
Timeline() = default;
Timeline(const Timeline &) = delete;
Timeline &operator=(Timeline &) = delete;
static void update();
static void deleteAllAnimations();
static void deleteAnimationList(const AnimationListTag &listName);
[[nodiscard]] static bool isInAnimList(const AnimationListTag &listName);
static void init();
static void free();
template <typename T, typename... Arguments>
static void addAnimation(const AnimationListTag &listName, Arguments... args) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
template <typename T, typename... Arguments>
static void addAnimation(Arguments... args) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 26.03.2021.
#include <utility>
#include "Button.h"
#include "../utils/ResourceManager.h"
void Button::select() {
if (!_selected && !_pressed) {
_button.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(_selectedState.tx, _selectedState.ty, _w, _h));
_selected = true;
void Button::unSelect() {
if (_selected && !_pressed) {
_button.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(_usualState.tx, _usualState.ty, _w, _h));
_selected = false;
void Button::press() {
if (!_pressed) {
_button.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(_pressedState.tx, _pressedState.ty, _w, _h));
if (_checkBox) {
_pressed = true;
} else {
_button.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(_usualState.tx, _usualState.ty, _w, _h));
if (_checkBox) {
_pressed = false;
void Button::init() {
_button.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(_usualState.tx, _usualState.ty, _w, _h));
_button.scale(static_cast<float>(_sx), static_cast<float>(_sy));
_button.setPosition(static_cast<float>(_x) - static_cast<float>(_w * _sx) / 2.0f,
static_cast<float>(_y) - static_cast<float>(_h * _sy) / 2.0f);
_text.setCharacterSize(static_cast<unsigned int>((_h * _sy) / 2));
_text.setPosition(static_cast<float>(_x) - _text.getLocalBounds().width / 2.0f,
static_cast<float>(_y) - static_cast<float>(_h * _sy) / 2.0f + _text.getLocalBounds().height / 4.0f);
Button::Button(int x, int y, int width, int height, std::function<void()> click, std::string text, double sx,
double sy, std::string texture, tPos usualState, tPos selectedState, tPos pressedState,
std::string font, sf::Color textColor) : _x(x), _y(y), _w(width), _h(height), _click(std::move(click)),
_textString(std::move(text)), _sx(sx), _sy(sy),
_texture(std::move(texture)), _usualState(usualState),
_selectedState(selectedState), _pressedState(pressedState),
_font(std::move(font)), _textColor(textColor) {
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 26.03.2021.
#include <functional>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
struct tPos final {
const int tx;
const int ty;
class Button final {
const int _x{};
const int _y{};
const int _w{};
const int _h{};
const std::function<void()> _click;
const std::string _textString;
const double _sx{};
const double _sy{};
const std::string _texture;
const tPos _usualState{};
const tPos _selectedState{};
const tPos _pressedState{};
const std::string _font;
const sf::Color _textColor;
sf::Sprite _button;
sf::Text _text;
bool _selected = false;
bool _pressed = false;
bool _checkBox = false;
Button() = default;
Button(int x, int y, int width, int height, std::function<void()> click, std::string text, double sx, double sy,
std::string texture, tPos usualState, tPos selectedState, tPos pressedState, std::string font,
sf::Color textColor);
void select();
void unSelect();
void press();
void init();
[[nodiscard]] int x() const { return _x; }
[[nodiscard]] int y() const { return _y; }
[[nodiscard]] int w() const { return _w; }
[[nodiscard]] int h() const { return _h; }
[[nodiscard]] double sx() const { return _sx; }
[[nodiscard]] double sy() const { return _sy; }
[[nodiscard]] sf::Sprite const &sprite() const { return _button; }
[[nodiscard]] sf::Text const &text() const { return _text; }
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 26.03.2021.
#include <utility>
#include "Window.h"
#include "../utils/ResourceManager.h"
void Window::addButton(int x, int y, int w, int h, std::function<void()> click, const std::string &text, double sx,
double sy,
const std::string &texture, tPos usualState, tPos selectedState, tPos pressedState,
const std::string &font, sf::Color textColor) {
_buttons.emplace_back(x, y, w, h, std::move(click), text, sx, sy, texture, usualState, selectedState, pressedState,
font, textColor);
void Window::update() {
Vec2D mousePos = _mouse->getMousePosition();
Vec2D dMousePos = mousePos - _prevMousePosition;
_prevMousePosition = mousePos;
_back.setPosition(_back.getPosition() - sf::Vector2f(static_cast<float>(dMousePos.x()) / 30.0f,
static_cast<float>(dMousePos.y()) / 30.0f));
bool isPressed = _mouse->isButtonTapped(sf::Mouse::Left);
for (auto &button : _buttons) {
if (mousePos.x() > button.x() - button.w() * / 2.0f &&
mousePos.y() > button.y() - button.h() * / 2.0f &&
mousePos.x() < button.x() + button.w() * / 2.0f &&
mousePos.y() < button.y() + button.h() * / 2.0f) {
if (isPressed)
} else {
if (_screen->isOpen()) {
void Window::setBackgroundTexture(const std::string &texture, double sx, double sy, int w, int h) {
_backTexture = texture;
std::shared_ptr<sf::Texture> t = ResourceManager::loadTexture(_backTexture);
_back = sf::Sprite(*t, sf::IntRect(0, 0, static_cast<int>(w + w / 30.0), static_cast<int>(h + h / 30.0)));
_back.scale((float) sx, (float) sy);
_back.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(static_cast<float>(-w) / 30.0f, static_cast<float>(-h) / 30.0f));
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 26.03.2021.
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
#include "Button.h"
#include "../io/Screen.h"
#include "../io/Mouse.h"
class Window final {
std::string _name;
std::string _backTexture;
std::vector<Button> _buttons;
sf::Sprite _back;
Vec2D _prevMousePosition{0, 0};
std::shared_ptr<Screen> _screen;
std::shared_ptr<Mouse> _mouse;
explicit Window(std::shared_ptr<Screen> screen, std::shared_ptr<Mouse> mouse, std::string name = "Menu",
std::string backTexture = "") : _screen(screen), _mouse(mouse),
_name(std::move(name)), _backTexture(std::move(backTexture)) {}
void addButton(int x, int y, int w, int h,
std::function<void()> click,
const std::string &text = "_button", double sx = 1, double sy = 1,
const std::string &texture = "", tPos usualState = {}, tPos selectedState = {},
tPos pressedState = {},
const std::string &font = Consts::MEDIUM_FONT, sf::Color textColor = {255, 255, 255});
void setTitle(const std::string &title) { _name = title; }
void setBackgroundTexture(const std::string &texture, double sx = 1, double sy = 1, int w = 1920, int h = 1080);
void update();
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 19.09.2021.
#include "Keyboard.h"
#include "../utils/Time.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
bool Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key key) {
return sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(key);
bool Keyboard::isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::Key key) {
if (!Keyboard::isKeyPressed(key)) {
return false;
if (_tappedKeys.count(key) == 0) {
_tappedKeys.emplace(key, Time::time());
return true;
} else if ((Time::time() - _tappedKeys[key]) > Consts::TAP_DELAY) {
_tappedKeys[key] = Time::time();
return true;
return false;
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 19.09.2021.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
class Keyboard final {
std::map<sf::Keyboard::Key, double> _tappedKeys;
Keyboard() = default;
// returns true if this key is _pressed
static bool isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key key);
// returns true if this key is tapped and 1/5 sec passed (_button bouncing problem solved)
bool isKeyTapped(sf::Keyboard::Key key);
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 19.09.2021.
#include "Mouse.h"
#include "../utils/Time.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
Vec2D Mouse::getMousePosition() const {
sf::Vector2<int> pos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(*_screen->renderWindow());
return Vec2D(pos.x, pos.y);
Vec2D Mouse::getMouseDisplacement() const {
sf::Vector2<int> mousePos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(*_screen->renderWindow());
sf::Vector2<int> center = sf::Vector2<int>(_screen->width() / 2, _screen->height() / 2);
sf::Vector2<int> displacement = mousePos - center;
return Vec2D(displacement.x, displacement.y);
void Mouse::setMouseInCenter() const {
sf::Vector2<int> center = sf::Vector2<int>(_screen->width() / 2, _screen->height() / 2);
bool Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Button button) {
return sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(button);
bool Mouse::isButtonTapped(sf::Mouse::Button button) {
if (!Mouse::isButtonPressed(button)) {
return false;
if (_tappedButtons.count(button) == 0) {
_tappedButtons.emplace(button, Time::time());
return true;
} else if ((Time::time() - _tappedButtons[button]) > Consts::TAP_DELAY) {
_tappedButtons[button] = Time::time();
return true;
return false;
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 19.09.2021.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "Screen.h"
#include "../math/Vec2D.h"
class Mouse final {
const std::shared_ptr<Screen> _screen;
std::map<sf::Mouse::Button, double> _tappedButtons;
explicit Mouse(std::shared_ptr<Screen> screen) : _screen(std::move(screen)) {};
// returns true if this _button is _pressed
static bool isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Button button);
// returns true if this _button is tapped and 1/5 sec passed (_button bouncing problem solved)
bool isButtonTapped(sf::Mouse::Button button);
[[nodiscard]] Vec2D getMousePosition() const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec2D getMouseDisplacement() const;
void setMouseInCenter() const;
@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 14.01.2021.
#include <utility>
#include <cmath>
#include <SFML/OpenGL.hpp>
#include "Screen.h"
#include "../utils/Time.h"
#include "../utils/Log.h"
#include "../utils/ResourceManager.h"
void Screen::open(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, const std::string &name, bool verticalSync, sf::Color background,
sf::Uint32 style) {
_title = name;
_background = background;
sf::ContextSettings settings;
settings.depthBits = 12;
settings.antialiasingLevel = 1;
_window->create(sf::VideoMode(screenWidth, screenHeight), name, style, settings);
void Screen::display() {
sf::Event event{};
inputSymbols = "";
while (_window->pollEvent(event)) {
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) {
else if (event.type == sf::Event::TextEntered) {
if (event.text.unicode < 128) {
inputSymbols += static_cast<char>(event.text.unicode);
std::string title = _title + " (" + std::to_string(Time::fps()) + " fps)";
if(_renderVideo) {
sf::Texture copyTexture;
copyTexture.create(_window->getSize().x, _window->getSize().y);
// most of the time of video rendering is wasting on saving .png sequence
// that's why we will save all images in the end
// TODO: sometimes we have a huge time delay here for no obvious reason
void Screen::startRender() {
Log::log("Screen::startRender(): start recording the screen");
_renderVideo = true;
void Screen::stopRender() {
if(_renderVideo) {
Log::log("Screen::stopRender(): stop recording the screen");
Log::log("Screen::stopRender(): start saving .png sequence");
std::string c = "rm film/png/*.png";
_popen(c.c_str(), "w");
int i = 0;
for(; i < _renderSequence.size(); i++) {
_renderSequence[i].copyToImage().saveToFile("film/png/" + std::to_string(i) + ".png");
Log::log("Screen::stopRender(): saving .png sequence (" + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(100*i/_renderSequence.size())) + "%)");
Log::log("Screen::stopRender(): start rendering final video");
// TODO: .png sequence looks better than a final video (poor clarity and desaturated colors)
c = "ffmpeg -stats -r 60 -i film/png/%d.png -vcodec libx264 -crf 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -frames " + std::to_string(i) + " film/mp4/" + std::to_string(_scene) + "_" + _title + "_" + std::to_string(rand()) + ".mp4";
_popen(c.c_str(), "w");
_renderVideo = false;
Log::log("Screen::stopRender(): finish rendering final video");
void Screen::clear() {
// Clear the depth buffer
void Screen::drawTriangle(const Triangle &triangle) {
sf::Vertex tris[3] =
sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(static_cast<float>(triangle[0].x()), static_cast<float>(triangle[0].y())),
sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(static_cast<float>(triangle[1].x()), static_cast<float>(triangle[1].y())),
sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(static_cast<float>(triangle[2].x()), static_cast<float>(triangle[2].y())),
_window->draw(tris, 3, sf::Triangles);
void Screen::setTitle(const std::string &title) {
_title = title;
bool Screen::isOpen() {
return _window->isOpen();
void Screen::close() {
void Screen::setMouseCursorVisible(bool visible) {
void Screen::drawTetragon(const Vec2D &p1, const Vec2D &p2, const Vec2D &p3, const Vec2D &p4, sf::Color color) {
sf::ConvexShape polygon;
polygon.setPoint(0, sf::Vector2f(static_cast<float>(p1.x()), static_cast<float>(p1.y())));
polygon.setPoint(1, sf::Vector2f(static_cast<float>(p2.x()), static_cast<float>(p2.y())));
polygon.setPoint(2, sf::Vector2f(static_cast<float>(p3.x()), static_cast<float>(p3.y())));
polygon.setPoint(3, sf::Vector2f(static_cast<float>(p4.x()), static_cast<float>(p4.y())));
void Screen::drawText(const std::string &string, const Vec2D &position, int size, sf::Color color) {
sf::Text text;
text.setPosition(static_cast<float>(position.x()), static_cast<float>(position.y()));
void Screen::drawSprite(const sf::Sprite &sprite) {
void Screen::drawText(const sf::Text &text) {
// OpenGL functions
void Screen::prepareToGlDrawMesh() {
glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); // enable culling face
glCullFace(GL_BACK); // cull faces from back
glFrontFace(GL_CCW); // vertex order (counter clock wise)
// Enable Z-buffer read and write
// Disable lighting
// enable alpha channel:
//glEnable( GL_ALPHA_TEST );
//glAlphaFunc(GL_NOTEQUAL, 0.0);
// Configure the viewport (the same size as the window)
glViewport(0, 0, _window->getSize().x, _window->getSize().y);
// Setup a perspective projection
GLfloat ratio = static_cast<float>(_window->getSize().x) / _window->getSize().y;
glFrustum(-ratio, ratio, -1.f, 1.f, 1.0f, 500.f);
// Enable position and texture coordinates vertex components
// Disable normal and color vertex components
// Prepare to apply some transformations
// OpenGL functions
void Screen::glDrawMesh(GLfloat* geometry, GLfloat* view, GLfloat* model, size_t count) {
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 7 * sizeof(GLfloat), geometry);
glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, 7 * sizeof(GLfloat), geometry + 3);
// Draw the mesh
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, count);
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 14.01.2021.
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include "../Triangle.h"
#include "../utils/Time.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
#include "../Mesh.h"
#include "../Camera.h"
class Screen final {
int _scene = 0;
bool _renderVideo = false;
std::vector<sf::Texture> _renderSequence;
std::string _title;
sf::Color _background;
std::string inputSymbols;
const std::shared_ptr<sf::RenderWindow> _window = std::make_shared<sf::RenderWindow>();
void open(int screenWidth = Consts::STANDARD_SCREEN_WIDTH, int screenHeight = Consts::STANDARD_SCREEN_HEIGHT,
const std::string &name = Consts::PROJECT_NAME, bool verticalSync = true,
sf::Color background = Consts::BACKGROUND_COLOR, sf::Uint32 style = sf::Style::Default);
void display();
void clear();
[[nodiscard]] bool hasFocus() const { return _window->hasFocus(); }
void drawTriangle(const Triangle &triangle);
void drawTetragon(const Vec2D &p1, const Vec2D &p2, const Vec2D &p3, const Vec2D &p4, sf::Color color);
void drawText(const std::string &string, const Vec2D &position, int size, sf::Color color);
void drawText(const sf::Text &text);
void drawSprite(const sf::Sprite &sprite);
void setTitle(const std::string &title);
[[nodiscard]] std::string title() const { return _title; };
bool isOpen();
[[nodiscard]] int width() const { return _window->getSize().x; }
[[nodiscard]] int height() const { return _window->getSize().y; }
void close();
void setMouseCursorVisible(bool visible);
// OpenGL functions
void prepareToGlDrawMesh();
void glDrawMesh(GLfloat *geometry, GLfloat *view, GLfloat *model, size_t count);
[[nodiscard]] std::shared_ptr<sf::RenderWindow> renderWindow() { return _window; }
void pushGLStates() { _window->pushGLStates(); };
void popGLStates() { _window->popGLStates(); };
void startRender();
void stopRender();
std::string getInputSymbols() { return inputSymbols; };
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 17.10.2021.
#include "SoundController.h"
#include "../utils/ResourceManager.h"
#include "../utils/Log.h"
SoundController *SoundController::_instance = nullptr;
void SoundController::init() {
delete _instance;
_instance = new SoundController();
Log::log("SoundController::init(): sound controller was initialized");
void SoundController::loadAndPlay(const SoundTag &soundTag, const std::string& filename) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
if (_instance->_sounds.count(soundTag) != 0) {
_instance->_sounds[soundTag] = sf::Sound(*ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer(filename));
} else {
_instance->_sounds.emplace(soundTag, sf::Sound(*ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer(filename)));
void SoundController::playSound(const SoundTag &soundTag) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
if (_instance->_sounds.count(soundTag) != 0) {
void SoundController::pauseSound(const SoundTag &soundTag) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
if (_instance->_sounds.count(soundTag) > 0) {
void SoundController::stopSound(const SoundTag &soundTag) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
if (_instance->_sounds.count(soundTag) > 0) {
sf::Sound::Status SoundController::getStatus(const SoundTag &soundTag) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
return sf::Sound::Status::Stopped;
if (_instance->_sounds.count(soundTag) > 0) {
return _instance->_sounds[soundTag].getStatus();
} else {
return sf::Sound::Status::Stopped;
void SoundController::free() {
if (_instance != nullptr) {
for (auto&[soundTag, sound] : _instance->_sounds) {
delete _instance;
_instance = nullptr;
Log::log("SoundController::free(): pointer to 'SoundController' was freed");
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 17.10.2021.
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <SFML/Audio.hpp>
class SoundTag final {
const std::string _name;
explicit SoundTag(std::string name = "") : _name(std::move(name)) {}
[[nodiscard]] std::string str() const { return _name; }
bool operator==(const SoundTag &tag) const { return _name == tag._name; }
bool operator!=(const SoundTag &tag) const { return _name != tag._name; }
bool operator<(const SoundTag &tag) const { return _name < tag._name; }
class SoundController final {
std::map<SoundTag, sf::Sound> _sounds;
static SoundController *_instance;
SoundController() = default;
SoundController(const SoundController &) = delete;
SoundController &operator=(SoundController &) = delete;
static void loadAndPlay(const SoundTag &soundTag, const std::string& filename);
static void playSound(const SoundTag &soundTag);
static void pauseSound(const SoundTag &soundTag);
static void stopSound(const SoundTag &soundTag);
static sf::Sound::Status getStatus(const SoundTag &soundTag);
static void init();
static void free();
@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 12.01.2021.
#include <cmath>
#include "Matrix4x4.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::operator*(const Matrix4x4 &matrix4X4) const {
Matrix4x4 result = Matrix4x4::Zero();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
result._arr[i][j] += _arr[i][k] * matrix4X4._arr[k][j];
return result;
Vec4D Matrix4x4::operator*(const Vec4D &point4D) const {
return Vec4D(
_arr[0][0] * point4D.x() + _arr[0][1] * point4D.y() + _arr[0][2] * point4D.z() + _arr[0][3] * point4D.w(),
_arr[1][0] * point4D.x() + _arr[1][1] * point4D.y() + _arr[1][2] * point4D.z() + _arr[1][3] * point4D.w(),
_arr[2][0] * point4D.x() + _arr[2][1] * point4D.y() + _arr[2][2] * point4D.z() + _arr[2][3] * point4D.w(),
_arr[3][0] * point4D.x() + _arr[3][1] * point4D.y() + _arr[3][2] * point4D.z() + _arr[3][3] * point4D.w()
Vec3D Matrix4x4::operator*(const Vec3D &vec) const {
return Vec3D(
_arr[0][0] * vec.x() + _arr[0][1] * vec.y() + _arr[0][2] * vec.z(),
_arr[1][0] * vec.x() + _arr[1][1] * vec.y() + _arr[1][2] * vec.z(),
_arr[2][0] * vec.x() + _arr[2][1] * vec.y() + _arr[2][2] * vec.z()
Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::Identity() {
Matrix4x4 result;
result._arr[0][0] = 1.0;
result._arr[1][1] = 1.0;
result._arr[2][2] = 1.0;
result._arr[3][3] = 1.0;
return result;
Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::Constant(double value) {
Matrix4x4 result;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
result._arr[j][i] = value;
return result;
Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::Zero() {
return Matrix4x4::Constant(0);
Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::Scale(const Vec3D &factor) {
Matrix4x4 s{};
s._arr[0][0] = factor.x();
s._arr[1][1] = factor.y();
s._arr[2][2] = factor.z();
s._arr[3][3] = 1;
return s;
Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::Translation(const Vec3D &v) {
Matrix4x4 t{};
t._arr[0][0] = 1.0;
t._arr[1][1] = 1.0;
t._arr[2][2] = 1.0;
t._arr[3][3] = 1.0;
t._arr[0][3] = v.x();
t._arr[1][3] = v.y();
t._arr[2][3] = v.z();
return t;
Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::RotationX(double rx) {
Matrix4x4 Rx{};
double c = cos(rx), s = sin(rx);
Rx._arr[0][0] = 1.0;
Rx._arr[1][1] = c;
Rx._arr[1][2] = -s;
Rx._arr[2][1] = s;
Rx._arr[2][2] = c;
Rx._arr[3][3] = 1.0;
return Rx;
Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::RotationY(double ry) {
Matrix4x4 Ry{};
double c = cos(ry), s = sin(ry);
Ry._arr[1][1] = 1.0;
Ry._arr[0][0] = c;
Ry._arr[0][2] = s;
Ry._arr[2][0] = -s;
Ry._arr[2][2] = c;
Ry._arr[3][3] = 1.0;
return Ry;
Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::RotationZ(double rz) {
Matrix4x4 Rz{};
double c = cos(rz), s = sin(rz);
Rz._arr[2][2] = 1.0;
Rz._arr[0][0] = c;
Rz._arr[0][1] = -s;
Rz._arr[1][0] = s;
Rz._arr[1][1] = c;
Rz._arr[3][3] = 1.0;
return Rz;
Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::Rotation(const Vec3D &r) {
return RotationX(r.x()) * RotationY(r.y()) * RotationZ(r.z());
Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::Rotation(const Vec3D &v, double rv) {
Matrix4x4 Rv{};
Vec3D nv(v.normalized());
double c = cos(rv), s = sin(rv);
Rv._arr[0][0] = c + (1.0 - c) * nv.x() * nv.x();
Rv._arr[0][1] = (1.0 - c) * nv.x() * nv.y() - s * nv.z();
Rv._arr[0][2] = (1.0 - c) * nv.x() * nv.z() + s * nv.y();
Rv._arr[1][0] = (1.0 - c) * nv.x() * nv.y() + s * nv.z();
Rv._arr[1][1] = c + (1.0 - c) * nv.y() * nv.y();
Rv._arr[1][2] = (1.0 - c) * nv.y() * nv.z() - s * nv.x();
Rv._arr[2][0] = (1.0 - c) * nv.z() * nv.x() - s * nv.y();
Rv._arr[2][1] = (1.0 - c) * nv.z() * nv.y() + s * nv.x();
Rv._arr[2][2] = c + (1.0 - c) * nv.z() * nv.z();
Rv._arr[3][3] = 1.0;
return Rv;
Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::Projection(double fov, double aspect, double ZNear, double ZFar) {
Matrix4x4 p{};
p._arr[0][0] = 1.0 / (tan(Consts::PI * fov * 0.5 / 180.0) * aspect);
p._arr[1][1] = 1.0 / tan(Consts::PI * fov * 0.5 / 180.0);
p._arr[2][2] = ZFar / (ZFar - ZNear);
p._arr[2][3] = -ZFar * ZNear / (ZFar - ZNear);
p._arr[3][2] = 1.0;
return p;
Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::ScreenSpace(int width, int height) {
Matrix4x4 s{};
s._arr[0][0] = -0.5 * width;
s._arr[1][1] = -0.5 * height;
s._arr[2][2] = 1.0;
s._arr[0][3] = 0.5 * width;
s._arr[1][3] = 0.5 * height;
s._arr[3][3] = 1.0;
return s;
Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::View(const Matrix4x4 &transformMatrix) {
Matrix4x4 V = Zero();
Vec3D left = transformMatrix.x();
Vec3D up = transformMatrix.y();
Vec3D lookAt = transformMatrix.z();
Vec3D eye = transformMatrix.w();
double left_sqrAbs = left.sqrAbs();
double up_sqrAbs = up.sqrAbs();
double lookAt_sqrAbs = lookAt.sqrAbs();
V._arr[0][0] = left.x()/left_sqrAbs;
V._arr[0][1] = left.y()/left_sqrAbs;
V._arr[0][2] = left.z()/left_sqrAbs;
V._arr[0][3] =;
V._arr[1][0] = up.x()/up_sqrAbs;
V._arr[1][1] = up.y()/up_sqrAbs;
V._arr[1][2] = up.z()/up_sqrAbs;
V._arr[1][3] =;
V._arr[2][0] = lookAt.x()/lookAt_sqrAbs;
V._arr[2][1] = lookAt.y()/lookAt_sqrAbs;
V._arr[2][2] = lookAt.z()/lookAt_sqrAbs;
V._arr[2][3] =;
V._arr[3][3] = 1.0;
return V;
Vec3D Matrix4x4::x() const {
return Vec3D(_arr[0][0], _arr[1][0], _arr[2][0]);
Vec3D Matrix4x4::y() const {
return Vec3D(_arr[0][1], _arr[1][1], _arr[2][1]);
Vec3D Matrix4x4::z() const {
return Vec3D(_arr[0][2], _arr[1][2], _arr[2][2]);
Vec3D Matrix4x4::w() const {
return Vec3D(_arr[0][3], _arr[1][3], _arr[2][3]);
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 12.01.2021.
#include <array>
#include "Vec4D.h"
#include "Vec3D.h"
class Matrix4x4 final {
std::array<std::array<double, 4>, 4> _arr{};
Matrix4x4() = default;
Matrix4x4 &operator=(const Matrix4x4 &matrix4X4) = default;
[[nodiscard]] Matrix4x4 operator*(const Matrix4x4 &matrix4X4) const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec4D operator*(const Vec4D &point4D) const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D operator*(const Vec3D &vec) const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D x() const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D y() const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D z() const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D w() const;
// Any useful matrix (static methods)
Matrix4x4 static Identity();
Matrix4x4 static Zero();
Matrix4x4 static Constant(double value);
Matrix4x4 static Scale(const Vec3D &factor);
Matrix4x4 static Translation(const Vec3D &v);
Matrix4x4 static Rotation(const Vec3D &r);
Matrix4x4 static RotationX(double rx);
Matrix4x4 static RotationY(double ry);
Matrix4x4 static RotationZ(double rz);
Matrix4x4 static Rotation(const Vec3D &v, double rv);
Matrix4x4 static View(const Matrix4x4 &transformMatrix);
Matrix4x4 static Projection(double fov = 90.0, double aspect = 1.0, double ZNear = 1.0, double ZFar = 10.0);
Matrix4x4 static ScreenSpace(int width, int height);
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 19.01.2021.
#include "Plane.h"
Plane::Plane(const Triangle &tri) : _normal(tri.norm()), _point(tri[0]) {
Plane::Plane(const Vec3D &N, const Vec3D &P) : _normal(N.normalized()), _point(P) {
double Plane::distance(const Vec3D &point) const {
return -;
std::pair<Vec3D, double> Plane::intersection(const Vec3D &start, const Vec3D &end) const {
double s_dot_n =;
double k = (s_dot_n - / (s_dot_n -;
Vec3D res = start + (end - start) * k;
return std::make_pair(res, k);
std::vector<Triangle> Plane::clip(const Triangle &tri) const {
std::vector<Triangle> result;
std::vector<Vec3D> insidePoints;
std::vector<Vec3D> outsidePoints;
double distances[3] = {distance(Vec3D(tri[0])),
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (distances[i] >= 0) {
} else {
if (insidePoints.size() == 1) {
std::pair<Vec3D, double> intersect1 = intersection(insidePoints[0], outsidePoints[0]);
std::pair<Vec3D, double> intersect2 = intersection(insidePoints[0], outsidePoints[1]);
if (insidePoints.size() == 2) {
std::pair<Vec3D, double> intersect1 = intersection(insidePoints[0], outsidePoints[0]);
std::pair<Vec3D, double> intersect2 = intersection(insidePoints[1], outsidePoints[0]);
if (insidePoints.size() == 3) {
return result;
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 19.01.2021.
#include "Vec4D.h"
#include "../Triangle.h"
class Plane final {
const Vec3D _normal;
const Vec3D _point;
Plane() = delete;
Plane(const Plane &plane) = default;
// You can define plane by defining the points in 3D space
explicit Plane(const Triangle &tri);
// Or by defining normal vector and one val laying on the plane
Plane(const Vec3D &N, const Vec3D &P);
[[nodiscard]] double distance(const Vec3D &point4D) const;
// Vec4D in space where line ('start' to 'end') intersects plain with normal vector '_n' and val '_p' lays on the plane
[[nodiscard]] std::pair<Vec3D, double> intersection(const Vec3D &start, const Vec3D &end) const;
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<Triangle> clip(const Triangle &tri) const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D N() const { return _normal; }
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D P() const { return _point; }
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 10.10.2021.
#include <cmath>
#include "Vec2D.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
Vec2D::Vec2D(const Vec2D &vec) {
_arr_point[0] = vec.x();
_arr_point[1] = vec.y();
Vec2D::Vec2D(double x, double y) {
_arr_point[0] = x;
_arr_point[1] = y;
Vec2D::Vec2D(const Vec4D &point4D) {
_arr_point[0] = point4D.x();
_arr_point[1] = point4D.y();
Vec2D Vec2D::operator-() const {
return Vec2D(-x(), -y());
bool Vec2D::operator==(const Vec2D &vec) const {
return (*this - vec).sqrAbs() < Consts::EPS;
bool Vec2D::operator!=(const Vec2D &vec) const {
return !(*this == vec);
Vec2D Vec2D::operator+(const Vec2D &vec) const {
return Vec2D(x() + vec.x(), y() + vec.y());
Vec2D Vec2D::operator-(const Vec2D &vec) const {
return *this + -vec;
Vec2D Vec2D::operator*(double number) const {
return Vec2D(x() * number, y() * number);
Vec2D Vec2D::operator/(double number) const {
if (std::abs(number) > Consts::EPS) {
return *this * (1.0 / number);
} else {
throw std::domain_error{"Vec2D::operator/(double number): division by zero"};
// Other useful methods
double Vec2D::sqrAbs() const {
return x() * x() + y() * y();
double Vec2D::abs() const {
return sqrt(sqrAbs());
Vec2D Vec2D::normalized() const {
double vecAbs = sqrAbs();
if (vecAbs > Consts::EPS) {
return *this / sqrt(vecAbs);
} else {
return Vec2D(0);
double Vec2D::dot(const Vec2D &vec) const {
return vec.x() * x() + vec.y() * y();
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 10.10.2021.
#include <array>
#include "Vec4D.h"
class Vec2D final {
std::array<double, 2> _arr_point{};
Vec2D() = default;
Vec2D(const Vec2D &vec);
explicit Vec2D(const Vec4D &point4D);
explicit Vec2D(double x, double y = 0.0);
Vec2D &operator=(const Vec2D &) = default;
[[nodiscard]] double x() const { return _arr_point[0]; }
[[nodiscard]] double y() const { return _arr_point[1]; }
[[nodiscard]] Vec2D operator-() const;
// Boolean operations
bool operator==(const Vec2D &vec) const;
bool operator!=(const Vec2D &vec) const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec2D operator+(const Vec2D &vec) const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec2D operator-(const Vec2D &vec) const;
[[nodiscard]] double dot(const Vec2D &vec) const; // Returns dot product
// Operations with numbers
[[nodiscard]] Vec2D operator*(double number) const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec2D operator/(double number) const;
// Other useful methods
[[nodiscard]] double sqrAbs() const; // Returns squared vector length
[[nodiscard]] double abs() const; // Returns vector length
[[nodiscard]] Vec2D normalized() const; // Returns normalized vector without changing
#endif //SHOOTER_VEC2D_H
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 09.10.2021.
#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "Vec3D.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
Vec3D::Vec3D(const Vec3D &vec) {
_arr_point[0] = vec.x();
_arr_point[1] = vec.y();
_arr_point[2] = vec.z();
Vec3D::Vec3D(const Vec4D &point4D) {
_arr_point[0] = point4D.x();
_arr_point[1] = point4D.y();
_arr_point[2] = point4D.z();
Vec3D::Vec3D(double x, double y, double z) {
_arr_point[0] = x;
_arr_point[1] = y;
_arr_point[2] = z;
Vec3D Vec3D::operator-() const {
return Vec3D(-x(), -y(), -z());
bool Vec3D::operator==(const Vec3D &vec) const {
return (*this - vec).sqrAbs() < Consts::EPS;
bool Vec3D::operator!=(const Vec3D &vec) const {
return !(*this == vec);
// Operations with Vec3D
Vec3D Vec3D::operator+(const Vec3D &vec) const {
return Vec3D(x() + vec.x(), y() + vec.y(), z() + vec.z());
Vec3D Vec3D::operator-(const Vec3D &vec) const {
return *this + -vec;
Vec3D Vec3D::operator*(double number) const {
return Vec3D(x() * number, y() * number, z() * number);
Vec3D Vec3D::operator/(double number) const {
if (std::abs(number) > Consts::EPS) {
return *this * (1.0 / number);
} else {
throw std::domain_error{"Vec3D::operator/(double number): division by zero"};
// Other useful methods
double Vec3D::sqrAbs() const {
return x() * x() + y() * y() + z() * z();
double Vec3D::abs() const {
return sqrt(sqrAbs());
Vec3D Vec3D::normalized() const {
double vecAbs = sqrAbs();
if (vecAbs > Consts::EPS) {
return *this / sqrt(vecAbs);
} else {
return Vec3D(1);
double Vec3D::dot(const Vec3D &vec) const {
return vec.x() * x() + vec.y() * y() + vec.z() * z();
Vec3D Vec3D::cross(const Vec3D &vec) const {
return Vec3D{y() * vec.z() - vec.y() * z(),
z() * vec.x() - vec.z() * x(),
x() * vec.y() - vec.x() * y()};
Vec4D Vec3D::makePoint4D() const {
return Vec4D(x(), y(), z(), 1.0);
Vec3D Vec3D::Random() {
return Vec3D((double) rand() / RAND_MAX, (double) rand() / RAND_MAX, (double) rand() / RAND_MAX);
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 09.10.2021.
#include <array>
#include "Vec4D.h"
class Vec3D final {
std::array<double, 3> _arr_point{};
Vec3D() = default;
Vec3D(const Vec3D &vec);
explicit Vec3D(const Vec4D &vec);
explicit Vec3D(double x, double y = 0.0, double z = 0.0);
Vec3D &operator=(const Vec3D &) = default;
[[nodiscard]] double x() const { return _arr_point[0]; }
[[nodiscard]] double y() const { return _arr_point[1]; }
[[nodiscard]] double z() const { return _arr_point[2]; }
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D operator-() const;
// Boolean operations
bool operator==(const Vec3D &vec) const;
bool operator!=(const Vec3D &vec) const;
// Operations with Vec4D
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D operator+(const Vec3D &vec) const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D operator-(const Vec3D &vec) const;
[[nodiscard]] double dot(const Vec3D &vec) const; // Returns dot product
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D cross(const Vec3D &vec) const; // Returns cross product
// Operations with numbers
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D operator*(double number) const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D operator/(double number) const;
// Other useful methods
[[nodiscard]] double sqrAbs() const; // Returns squared vector length
[[nodiscard]] double abs() const; // Returns vector length
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D normalized() const; // Returns normalized vector without changing
[[nodiscard]] Vec4D makePoint4D() const;
static Vec3D Random();
#endif //SHOOTER_VEC3D_H
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 12.01.2021.
#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "Vec4D.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
Vec4D::Vec4D(double x, double y, double z, double w) {
_arr_point[0] = x;
_arr_point[1] = y;
_arr_point[2] = z;
_arr_point[3] = w;
Vec4D::Vec4D(const Vec4D &point4D) {
_arr_point[0] = point4D.x();
_arr_point[1] = point4D.y();
_arr_point[2] = point4D.z();
_arr_point[3] = point4D.w();
[[nodiscard]] Vec4D Vec4D::operator-() const {
return Vec4D(-x(), -y(), -z(), -w());
bool Vec4D::operator==(const Vec4D &point4D) const {
return (*this - point4D).sqrAbs() < Consts::EPS;
bool Vec4D::operator!=(const Vec4D &point4D) const {
return !(*this == point4D);
// Operations with Vec4D
Vec4D Vec4D::operator+(const Vec4D &point4D) const {
return Vec4D(x() + point4D.x(), y() + point4D.y(), z() + point4D.z(), w() + point4D.w());
Vec4D Vec4D::operator-(const Vec4D &point4D) const {
return *this + -point4D;
Vec4D Vec4D::operator*(double number) const {
return Vec4D(x() * number, y() * number, z() * number, w() * number);
Vec4D Vec4D::operator/(double number) const {
if (std::abs(number) > Consts::EPS) {
return *this * (1.0 / number);
} else {
throw std::domain_error{"Vec4D::operator/(double number): division by zero"};
// Other useful methods
double Vec4D::sqrAbs() const {
return x() * x() + y() * y() + z() * z() + w() * w();
double Vec4D::abs() const {
return sqrt(sqrAbs());
Vec4D Vec4D::normalized() const {
double vecAbs = sqrAbs();
if (vecAbs > Consts::EPS) {
return *this / sqrt(vecAbs);
} else {
return Vec4D(1);
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 12.01.2021.
#include <array>
class Vec4D final {
std::array<double, 4> _arr_point{};
Vec4D() = default;
Vec4D(const Vec4D &point4D);
explicit Vec4D(double x, double y = 0.0, double z = 0.0, double w = 0.0);
Vec4D &operator=(const Vec4D &point4D) = default;
[[nodiscard]] double x() const { return _arr_point[0]; }
[[nodiscard]] double y() const { return _arr_point[1]; }
[[nodiscard]] double z() const { return _arr_point[2]; }
[[nodiscard]] double w() const { return _arr_point[3]; }
[[nodiscard]] Vec4D operator-() const;
// Boolean operations
bool operator==(const Vec4D &point4D) const;
bool operator!=(const Vec4D &point4D) const;
// Operations with Vec4D
[[nodiscard]] Vec4D operator+(const Vec4D &point4D) const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec4D operator-(const Vec4D &point4D) const;
// Operations with numbers
[[nodiscard]] Vec4D operator*(double number) const;
[[nodiscard]] Vec4D operator/(double number) const;
// Other useful methods
[[nodiscard]] double sqrAbs() const; // Returns squared vector length
[[nodiscard]] double abs() const; // Returns vector length
[[nodiscard]] Vec4D normalized() const; // Returns normalized vector without changing
@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
// Created by Neirokan on 30.04.2020
#include "ClientUDP.h"
#include "MsgType.h"
#include "../utils/Time.h"
#include "../utils/Log.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
ClientUDP::ClientUDP() {
_socket.setTimeoutCallback([this](sf::Uint16 id) { return ClientUDP::timeout(id); });
bool ClientUDP::connected() const {
return _socket.ownId();
bool ClientUDP::isWorking() const {
return _working;
void ClientUDP::connect(sf::IpAddress ip, sf::Uint16 port) {
_ip = ip;
_port = port;
sf::Packet packet;
packet << MsgType::Connect << Consts::NETWORK_VERSION;
_working = _socket.bind(0);
_socket.addConnection(_socket.serverId(), ip, port);
_socket.sendRely(packet, _socket.serverId());
Log::log("ClientUDP::connect(): connecting to the server...");
void ClientUDP::update() {
if (!isWorking()) {
while (isWorking() && process()) {}
// Send new client information to server
if (Time::time() - _lastBroadcast > 1.0 / Consts::NETWORK_WORLD_UPDATE_RATE && connected()) {
_lastBroadcast = Time::time();
// Socket update
void ClientUDP::disconnect() {
sf::Packet packet;
packet << MsgType::Disconnect << _socket.ownId();
_socket.send(packet, _socket.serverId());
_working = false;
Log::log("ClientUDP::disconnect(): disconnected from the server.");
bool ClientUDP::timeout(sf::Uint16 id) {
Log::log("ClientUDP::timeout(): timeout from the server.");
if (id != _socket.serverId()) {
return true;
return false;
// Recive and process message.
// Returns true, if some message was received.
bool ClientUDP::process() {
sf::Packet packet;
sf::Uint16 senderId;
sf::Uint16 targetId;
MsgType type = _socket.receive(packet, senderId);
if (type == MsgType::Empty) {
return false;
if (!connected() && type != MsgType::Init) {
return true;
switch (type) {
// here we process any operations based on msg type
case MsgType::Init:
packet >> targetId;
Log::log("ClientUDP::process(): client Id = " + std::to_string(targetId) + " connected.");
case MsgType::ServerUpdate:
case MsgType::NewClient:
Log::log("ClientUDP::process(): new client init...");
case MsgType::Disconnect:
packet >> targetId;
if (targetId == _socket.ownId()) {
Log::log("ClientUDP::process(): client Id = " + std::to_string(targetId) + " disconnected from the server");
case MsgType::Custom:
case MsgType::Error:
Log::log("ClientUDP::process(): Error message");
Log::log("ClientUDP::process(): unknown message type " + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(type)));
return true;
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
// Created by Neirokan on 30.04.2020
#include "ReliableMsg.h"
#include "UDPSocket.h"
#include <memory>
#include <limits>
class ClientUDP {
UDPSocket _socket;
double _lastBroadcast = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
bool _working = false;
sf::Uint16 _port{};
sf::IpAddress _ip{};
bool process();
bool timeout(sf::Uint16 id);
// create new ClientUDP()
explicit ClientUDP();
[[nodiscard]] bool isWorking() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool connected() const;
void connect(sf::IpAddress ip, sf::Uint16 port);
void disconnect();
void update();
[[nodiscard]] sf::IpAddress serverIp() const { return _ip; }
[[nodiscard]] sf::Uint16 serverPort() const { return _port; }
// virtual functions
virtual void updatePacket() {};
virtual void processInit(sf::Packet &packet) {};
virtual void processUpdate(sf::Packet &packet) {};
virtual void processNewClient(sf::Packet &packet) {};
virtual void processDisconnect(sf::Uint16 targetId) {};
virtual void processCustomPacket(sf::Packet &packet) {};
virtual void processDisconnected() {};
virtual ~ClientUDP() = default;
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// Created by Neirokan on 30.04.2020
#include "MsgType.h"
sf::Packet &operator<<(sf::Packet &packet, MsgType type) {
return packet << (sf::Uint16) type;
sf::Packet &operator>>(sf::Packet &packet, MsgType &type) {
sf::Uint16 temp;
packet >> temp;
type = (MsgType) temp;
return packet;
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
// Created by Neirokan on 30.04.2020
#include <SFML/Network.hpp>
enum class MsgType {
// internal messages
Empty, // Empty message (there are no message)
Error, // Error message (something went wrong)
Confirm, // confirm receive
// external messages
Connect, // connection (client ---> server)
Disconnect, // disconnect (client <==> server)
Init, // initialization (client <--- server)
ServerUpdate, // update (client <--- server)
ClientUpdate, // update (client ---> server)
NewClient, // add new client (client <--- server)
// this is for higher level clients & servers
sf::Packet &operator<<(sf::Packet &packet, MsgType type);
sf::Packet &operator>>(sf::Packet &packet, MsgType &type);
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
// Created by Neirokan on 30.04.2020
#include "ReliableMsg.h"
#include "../utils/Time.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
ReliableMsg::ReliableMsg(sf::Packet &packet, sf::IpAddress address, sf::Uint16 port) : packet(packet), address(address),
firstTry(Time::time()) {}
ReliableMsg::ReliableMsg(const ReliableMsg &msg) : packet(msg.packet), address(msg.address), port(msg.port),
lastTry(msg.lastTry), firstTry(msg.firstTry) {}
bool ReliableMsg::trySend(sf::UdpSocket &socket) {
if (Time::time() - firstTry > Consts::NETWORK_TIMEOUT) {
return false;
if (Time::time() - lastTry > Consts::NETWORK_RELIABLE_RETRY_TIME) {
lastTry = Time::time();
socket.send(packet, address, port);
return true;
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
// Created by Neirokan on 30.04.2020
#include <SFML/Network.hpp>
class ReliableMsg final {
sf::Packet packet;
const sf::IpAddress address;
const sf::Uint16 port;
const double firstTry;
double lastTry;
ReliableMsg(sf::Packet &packet, sf::IpAddress address, sf::Uint16 port);
ReliableMsg(const ReliableMsg &msg);
bool trySend(sf::UdpSocket &socket);
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
// Created by Neirokan on 30.04.2020
#include "ServerUDP.h"
#include "MsgType.h"
#include "../utils/Log.h"
ServerUDP::ServerUDP() {
_socket.setTimeoutCallback([this](sf::Uint16 playerId) { return timeout(playerId); });
bool ServerUDP::isWorking() const {
return _working;
bool ServerUDP::start(sf::Uint16 port) {
_working = _socket.bind(port);
if (_working) {
Log::log("ServerUDP::start(): the server was successfully started.");
} else {
Log::log("ServerUDP::start(): failed to start the server.");
return _working;
void ServerUDP::update() {
if (!isWorking()) {
while (process()) {}
// World state broadcast
if (Time::time() - _lastBroadcast > 1.0 / Consts::NETWORK_WORLD_UPDATE_RATE) {
_lastBroadcast = Time::time();
// Socket update
void ServerUDP::stop() {
for (auto it = _clients.begin(); it != _clients.end();) {
sf::Packet packet;
packet << MsgType::Disconnect << *it;
_socket.send(packet, *it);
_working = false;
Log::log("ServerUDP::stop(): the server was killed.");
bool ServerUDP::timeout(sf::Uint16 playerId) {
sf::Packet packet;
packet << MsgType::Disconnect << playerId;
for (auto client : _clients) {
_socket.sendRely(packet, client);
Log::log("ServerUDP::timeout(): client Id = " + std::to_string(playerId) + " disconnected due to timeout.");
return true;
// Recive and process message.
// Returns true, if some message was received.
bool ServerUDP::process() {
sf::Packet packet;
sf::Packet sendPacket;
sf::Uint16 senderId;
MsgType type = _socket.receive(packet, senderId);
if (type == MsgType::Empty) {
return false;
switch (type) {
// here we process any operations based on msg type
case MsgType::Connect:
Log::log("ServerUDP::process(): client Id = " + std::to_string(senderId) + " connecting...");
case MsgType::ClientUpdate:
processClientUpdate(senderId, packet);
case MsgType::Disconnect:
Log::log("ServerUDP::process(): client Id = " + std::to_string(senderId) + " disconnected.");
sendPacket << MsgType::Disconnect << senderId;
for (auto client : _clients) {
_socket.sendRely(sendPacket, client);
case MsgType::Custom:
processCustomPacket(packet, senderId);
case MsgType::Error:
Log::log("ServerUDP::process(): Error message");
Log::log("ServerUDP::process(): message type " + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(type)));
return true;
ServerUDP::~ServerUDP() {
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
// Created by Neirokan on 30.04.2020
#include "../World.h"
#include "../Camera.h"
#include "ReliableMsg.h"
#include "UDPSocket.h"
#include <memory>
#include <limits>
#include <set>
class ServerUDP {
UDPSocket _socket;
double _lastBroadcast = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
bool _working = false;
bool process();
bool timeout(sf::Uint16 id);
std::set<sf::Uint16> _clients{};
explicit ServerUDP();
[[nodiscard]] bool isWorking() const;
bool start(sf::Uint16 port);
void stop();
void update();
virtual void updateInfo() {};
// virtual functions
virtual void broadcast() {};
// here you have to send Init message _back to 'targetId' and send NewClient message to all '_clients'
virtual void processConnect(sf::Uint16 senderId) {};
virtual void processClientUpdate(sf::Uint16 senderId, sf::Packet &packet) {};
virtual void processDisconnect(sf::Uint16 senderId) {};
virtual void processCustomPacket(sf::Packet &packet, sf::Uint16 senderId) {};
virtual void processStop() {};
virtual ~ServerUDP();
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
// Created by Neirokan on 30.04.2020
#include "UDPConnection.h"
#include "../utils/Time.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
UDPConnection::UDPConnection(sf::Uint16 id, sf::IpAddress ip, sf::Uint16 port) : _id(id), _ip(ip), _port(port),
lastMsg(Time::time()) {}
sf::Uint16 UDPConnection::id() const {
return _id;
const sf::IpAddress &UDPConnection::ip() const {
return _ip;
sf::Uint16 UDPConnection::port() const {
return _port;
bool UDPConnection::timeout() const {
return Time::time() - lastMsg > Consts::NETWORK_TIMEOUT;
bool UDPConnection::same(sf::IpAddress &ip, sf::Uint16 port) const {
return _ip == ip && _port == port;
void UDPConnection::update() {
lastMsg = Time::time();
void UDPConnection::send(sf::UdpSocket &socket, sf::Packet &packet) {
socket.send(packet, _ip, _port);
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// Created by Neirokan on 30.04.2020
#include <SFML/Network.hpp>
class UDPConnection final {
const sf::Uint16 _id;
const sf::IpAddress _ip;
const sf::Uint16 _port;
double lastMsg;
explicit UDPConnection(sf::Uint16 id, sf::IpAddress ip, sf::Uint16 port);
[[nodiscard]] sf::Uint16 id() const;
[[nodiscard]] const sf::IpAddress &ip() const;
[[nodiscard]] sf::Uint16 port() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool timeout() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool same(sf::IpAddress &ip, sf::Uint16 port) const;
void update();
void send(sf::UdpSocket &socket, sf::Packet &packet);
@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
// Created by Neirokan on 30.04.2020
#include <algorithm>
#include "UDPSocket.h"
#include "../utils/Time.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
UDPSocket::UDPSocket() : _ownId(0), _nextRelyMsgId(0) {
void UDPSocket::addConnection(sf::Uint16 id, sf::IpAddress ip, sf::Uint16 port) {
_connections.insert({id, UDPConnection(id, ip, port)});
void UDPSocket::removeConnection(sf::Uint16 id) {
bool UDPSocket::bind(sf::Uint16 port) {
return _socket.bind(port) == sf::Socket::Status::Done;
void UDPSocket::unbind() {
sf::Packet packet;
packet << MsgType::Disconnect << _ownId;
for (auto it = _connections.begin(); it != _connections.end();) {
send(packet, it->first);
void UDPSocket::setTimeoutCallback(std::function<bool(sf::Uint16)> callback) {
_timeoutCallback = std::move(callback);
void UDPSocket::setId(sf::Uint16 id) {
_ownId = id;
sf::Uint16 UDPSocket::ownId() const {
return _ownId;
sf::Uint16 UDPSocket::serverId() const {
return _serverId;
void UDPSocket::sendRely(const sf::Packet &packet, const sf::IpAddress &ip, sf::Uint16 port) {
sf::Packet finalPacket;
finalPacket << _ownId << true << _nextRelyMsgId;
finalPacket.append(packet.getData(), packet.getDataSize());
_relyPackets.insert({_nextRelyMsgId++, ReliableMsg(finalPacket, ip, port)});
void UDPSocket::sendRely(const sf::Packet &packet, sf::Uint16 id) {
if (!_connections.count(id)) {
void UDPSocket::send(const sf::Packet &packet, const sf::IpAddress &ip, sf::Uint16 port) {
sf::Packet finalPacket;
finalPacket << _ownId << false << _serverId;
finalPacket.append(packet.getData(), packet.getDataSize());
_socket.send(finalPacket, ip, port);
void UDPSocket::send(const sf::Packet &packet, sf::Uint16 id) {
if (!_connections.count(id)) {
void UDPSocket::update() {
for (auto it = _connections.begin(); it != _connections.end();) {
if (!it->second.timeout()) {
} else {
if (_timeoutCallback && !_timeoutCallback(it->first)) {
for (auto it = _relyPackets.begin(); it != _relyPackets.end();) {
if (!it->second.trySend(_socket)) {
} else {
for (auto it = _confirmTimes.begin(); it != _confirmTimes.end();) {
if (Time::time() - it->second > Consts::NETWORK_TIMEOUT) {
} else {
MsgType UDPSocket::receive(sf::Packet &packet, sf::Uint16 &senderId) {
// Receive message
sf::IpAddress ip;
sf::Uint16 port;
if (_socket.receive(packet, ip, port) != sf::Socket::Status::Done) {
return MsgType::Empty;
// Read header
bool reply = false;
sf::Uint16 msgId = 0;
MsgType type;
senderId = 0;
if (!(packet >> senderId >> reply >> msgId >> type)) {
return MsgType::Error;
if (_connections.count(senderId)) {
if (type == MsgType::Confirm) {
// you don't need this information on the highest levels
return MsgType::Empty;
if (type == MsgType::Connect) {
sf::Uint32 version = 0;
if (!(packet >> version) || version != Consts::NETWORK_VERSION) {
return MsgType::Error;
sf::Uint16 tmp;
for (tmp = Consts::NETWORK_MAX_CLIENTS; tmp >= 1; tmp--) {
if (!_connections.count(tmp)) {
senderId = tmp;
} else {
if (, port)) {
return MsgType::Error;
_connections.insert({senderId, UDPConnection(senderId, ip, port)});
if (!_connections.count(senderId) || !, port) ||
reply && confirmed(msgId, senderId)) {
return MsgType::Error;
return type;
bool UDPSocket::confirmed(sf::Uint16 msgId, sf::Uint16 senderId) {
sf::Packet confirmPacket;
confirmPacket << _ownId << false << msgId << MsgType::Confirm;
||||, confirmPacket);
sf::Uint32 confirmId;
confirmId = (senderId << 16) | msgId;
bool repeat = _confirmTimes.count(confirmId);
_confirmTimes[confirmId] = Time::time();
return repeat;
UDPSocket::~UDPSocket() {
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
// Created by Neirokan on 30.04.2020
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include "ReliableMsg.h"
#include "UDPConnection.h"
#include "MsgType.h"
class UDPSocket final {
sf::UdpSocket _socket;
sf::Uint16 _nextRelyMsgId;
sf::Uint16 _ownId;
const sf::Uint16 _serverId = 0;
std::map<sf::Uint16, UDPConnection> _connections;
std::map<sf::Uint16, ReliableMsg> _relyPackets;
std::map<sf::Uint32, double> _confirmTimes;
std::function<bool(sf::Uint16)> _timeoutCallback;
bool confirmed(sf::Uint16 msgId, sf::Uint16 senderId);
explicit UDPSocket();
bool bind(sf::Uint16 port);
void unbind();
void setTimeoutCallback(std::function<bool(sf::Uint16)> callback);
void addConnection(sf::Uint16 id, sf::IpAddress ip, sf::Uint16 port);
void removeConnection(sf::Uint16 id);
void setId(sf::Uint16 id);
[[nodiscard]] sf::Uint16 ownId() const;
[[nodiscard]] sf::Uint16 serverId() const;
void send(const sf::Packet &packet, const sf::IpAddress &ip, sf::Uint16 port);
void send(const sf::Packet &packet, sf::Uint16 id);
void sendRely(const sf::Packet &packet, const sf::IpAddress &ip, sf::Uint16 port);
void sendRely(const sf::Packet &packet, sf::Uint16 id);
void update();
MsgType receive(sf::Packet &packet, sf::Uint16 &senderId);
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 04.11.2021.
#include <set>
#include <cmath>
#include "HitBox.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
bool HitBox::Vec3DLess::operator()(const Vec3D& lhs, const Vec3D& rhs) const noexcept {
if (fabs(lhs.x() - rhs.x()) >= Consts::EPS)
return lhs.x() < rhs.x();
else if (fabs(lhs.y() - rhs.y()) >= Consts::EPS)
return lhs.y() < rhs.y();
else if (fabs(lhs.z() - rhs.z()) >= Consts::EPS)
return lhs.z() < rhs.z();
return false;
HitBox::HitBox(const Mesh& mesh, bool useSimpleBox) {
if (useSimpleBox) {
} else {
void HitBox::generateSimple(const Mesh &mesh) {
double maxX = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
double maxY = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
double maxZ = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
double minX = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
double minY = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
double minZ = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for(const auto& t : mesh.triangles()) {
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
auto point = Vec3D(t[i]);
if(point.x() > maxX) {
maxX = point.x();
if(point.y() > maxY) {
maxY = point.y();
if(point.z() > maxZ) {
maxZ = point.z();
if(point.x() < minX) {
minX = point.x();
if(point.y() < minY) {
minY = point.y();
if(point.z() < minZ) {
minZ = point.z();
_hitBox.emplace_back(minX, minY, minZ);
_hitBox.emplace_back(minX, maxY, minZ);
_hitBox.emplace_back(maxX, minY, minZ);
_hitBox.emplace_back(maxX, maxY, minZ);
_hitBox.emplace_back(minX, minY, maxZ);
_hitBox.emplace_back(minX, maxY, maxZ);
_hitBox.emplace_back(maxX, minY, maxZ);
_hitBox.emplace_back(maxX, maxY, maxZ);
void HitBox::generateDetailed(const Mesh &mesh) {
// we dont need to add the same points in hit box
std::set<Vec3D, HitBox::Vec3DLess> points;
for (const auto& t : mesh.triangles())
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (const auto& it : points)
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 04.11.2021.
#include "../Mesh.h"
class HitBox final {
struct Vec3DLess {
bool operator()(const Vec3D& lhs, const Vec3D& rhs) const noexcept;
std::vector<Vec3D> _hitBox;
void generateSimple(const Mesh &mesh);
void generateDetailed(const Mesh &mesh);
HitBox() = default;
HitBox(const HitBox &hitBox) = default;
explicit HitBox(const Mesh &mesh, bool useSimpleBox = true);
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<Vec3D>::iterator begin() { return _hitBox.begin(); }
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<Vec3D>::iterator end() { return _hitBox.end(); }
@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 05.02.2021.
#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
#include "RigidBody.h"
#include "../utils/Log.h"
#include "../utils/Time.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
RigidBody::RigidBody(ObjectNameTag nameTag, const std::string &filename, const Vec3D &scale, bool useSimpleBox) : Mesh(std::move(nameTag),
filename, scale),
_hitBox(*this, useSimpleBox) {
RigidBody::RigidBody(const Mesh &mesh, bool useSimpleBox) : Mesh(mesh), _hitBox(mesh, useSimpleBox) {
Vec3D RigidBody::_findFurthestPoint(const Vec3D &direction) {
Vec3D maxPoint{0, 0, 0};
double maxDistance = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
Vec3D transformedDirection = (invModel() * direction).normalized();
for(auto & it : _hitBox) {
double distance =;
if (distance > maxDistance) {
maxDistance = distance;
maxPoint = it;
return model() * maxPoint + position();
Vec3D RigidBody::_support(std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> obj, const Vec3D &direction) {
Vec3D p1 = _findFurthestPoint(direction);
Vec3D p2 = obj->_findFurthestPoint(-direction);
return p1 - p2;
NextSimplex RigidBody::_nextSimplex(const Simplex &points) {
switch (points.type()) {
case SimplexType::Line:
return _lineCase(points);
case SimplexType::Triangle:
return _triangleCase(points);
case SimplexType::Tetrahedron:
return _tetrahedronCase(points);
throw std::logic_error{"RigidBody::_nextSimplex: simplex is not Line, Triangle or Tetrahedron"};
NextSimplex RigidBody::_lineCase(const Simplex &points) {
Simplex newPoints(points);
Vec3D newDirection;
Vec3D a = points[0];
Vec3D b = points[1];
Vec3D ab = b - a;
Vec3D ao = -a;
if ( > 0) {
newDirection = ab.cross(ao).cross(ab);
} else {
newPoints = Simplex{a};
newDirection = ao;
return NextSimplex{newPoints, newDirection, false};
NextSimplex RigidBody::_triangleCase(const Simplex &points) {
Simplex newPoints(points);
Vec3D newDirection;
Vec3D a = points[0];
Vec3D b = points[1];
Vec3D c = points[2];
Vec3D ab = b - a;
Vec3D ac = c - a;
Vec3D ao = -a;
Vec3D abc = ab.cross(ac);
if (abc.cross(ac).dot(ao) > 0) {
if ( > 0) {
newPoints = Simplex{a, c};
newDirection = ac.cross(ao).cross(ac);
} else {
return _lineCase(Simplex{a, b});
} else {
if (ab.cross(abc).dot(ao) > 0) {
return _lineCase(Simplex{a, b});
} else {
if ( > 0) {
newDirection = abc;
} else {
newPoints = Simplex{a, c, b};
newDirection = -abc;
return NextSimplex{newPoints, newDirection, false};
NextSimplex RigidBody::_tetrahedronCase(const Simplex &points) {
Vec3D a = points[0];
Vec3D b = points[1];
Vec3D c = points[2];
Vec3D d = points[3];
Vec3D ab = b - a;
Vec3D ac = c - a;
Vec3D ad = d - a;
Vec3D ao = -a;
Vec3D abc = ab.cross(ac);
Vec3D acd = ac.cross(ad);
Vec3D adb = ad.cross(ab);
if ( > 0) {
return _triangleCase(Simplex{a, b, c});
if ( > 0) {
return _triangleCase(Simplex{a, c, d});
if ( > 0) {
return _triangleCase(Simplex{a, d, b});
return NextSimplex{points, Vec3D(), true};
std::pair<bool, Simplex> RigidBody::checkGJKCollision(std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> obj) {
// This is implementation of GJK algorithm for collision detection.
// It builds a simplex (a simplest shape that can select point in space) around
// zero for Minkowski Difference. Collision happend when zero point is inside.
// See references:
// Get initial support point in any direction
Vec3D support = _support(obj, Vec3D{1, 0, 0});
// Simplex is an array of points, max count is 4
Simplex points{};
// New direction is towards the origin
Vec3D direction = -support;
size_t iters = 0;
while (iters++ < size() + obj->size()) {
support = _support(obj, direction);
if ( <= 0) {
return std::make_pair(false, points); // no collision
NextSimplex nextSimplex = _nextSimplex(points);
direction = nextSimplex.newDirection;
points = nextSimplex.newSimplex;
if (nextSimplex.finishSearching) {
if (obj->isCollider()) {
_inCollision = true;
return std::make_pair(true, points);
return std::make_pair(false, points);
CollisionPoint RigidBody::EPA(const Simplex &simplex, std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> obj) {
// This is implementation of EPA algorithm for solving collision.
// It uses a simplex from GJK around and expand it to the border.
// The goal is to calculate the nearest normal and the intersection depth.
// See references:
std::vector<Vec3D> polytope(simplex.begin(), simplex.end());
std::vector<size_t> faces = {
0, 1, 2,
0, 3, 1,
0, 2, 3,
1, 3, 2
auto faceNormals = _getFaceNormals(polytope, faces);
std::vector<FaceNormal> normals = faceNormals.first;
size_t minFace = faceNormals.second;
Vec3D minNormal = normals[minFace].normal;
double minDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
size_t iters = 0;
while (minDistance == std::numeric_limits<double>::max() && iters++ < size() + obj->size()) {
minNormal = normals[minFace].normal;
minDistance = normals[minFace].distance;
Vec3D support = _support(obj, minNormal);
double sDistance =;
if (std::abs(sDistance - minDistance) > Consts::EPA_EPS) {
minDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> uniqueEdges;
size_t f = 0;
for (auto &normal : normals) {
if ( > 0) {
uniqueEdges = _addIfUniqueEdge(uniqueEdges, faces, f + 0, f + 1);
uniqueEdges = _addIfUniqueEdge(uniqueEdges, faces, f + 1, f + 2);
uniqueEdges = _addIfUniqueEdge(uniqueEdges, faces, f + 2, f + 0);
faces.erase(faces.begin() + f);
faces.erase(faces.begin() + f);
faces.erase(faces.begin() + f);
} else {
f += 3;
std::vector<size_t> newFaces;
newFaces.reserve(uniqueEdges.size() * 3);
for (auto[edgeIndex1, edgeIndex2] : uniqueEdges) {
faces.insert(faces.end(), newFaces.begin(), newFaces.end());
auto newFaceNormals = _getFaceNormals(polytope, faces);
normals = std::move(newFaceNormals.first);
minFace = newFaceNormals.second;
_collisionNormal = minNormal;
if (std::abs(minDistance - std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) < Consts::EPS) {
return CollisionPoint{minNormal, 0};
return CollisionPoint{minNormal, minDistance + Consts::EPA_EPS};
std::pair<std::vector<FaceNormal>, size_t>
RigidBody::_getFaceNormals(const std::vector<Vec3D> &polytope, const std::vector<size_t> &faces) {
std::vector<FaceNormal> normals;
normals.reserve(faces.size() / 3);
size_t nearestFaceIndex = 0;
double minDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for (size_t i = 0; i < faces.size(); i += 3) {
Vec3D a = polytope[faces[i + 0]];
Vec3D b = polytope[faces[i + 1]];
Vec3D c = polytope[faces[i + 2]];
Vec3D normal = (b - a).cross(c - a).normalized();
double distance =;
if (distance < -Consts::EPS) {
normal = -normal;
distance *= -1;
normals.emplace_back(FaceNormal{normal, distance});
if (distance < minDistance) {
nearestFaceIndex = i / 3;
minDistance = distance;
return {normals, nearestFaceIndex};
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>
RigidBody::_addIfUniqueEdge(const std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> &edges, const std::vector<size_t> &faces,
size_t a, size_t b) {
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> newEdges = edges;
// We are interested in reversed edge
// 0--<--3
// / \ B / A: 2-0
// / A \ / B: 0-2
// 1-->--2
auto reverse = std::find(newEdges.begin(), newEdges.end(), std::make_pair(faces[b], faces[a]));
if (reverse != newEdges.end()) {
} else {
newEdges.emplace_back(faces[a], faces[b]);
return newEdges;
void RigidBody::solveCollision(const CollisionPoint &collision) {
Vec3D velocity_perpendicular = collision.normal * velocity().dot(collision.normal);
Vec3D velocity_parallel = velocity() - velocity_perpendicular;
translate(-collision.normal * collision.depth);
void RigidBody::updatePhysicsState() {
translate(_velocity * Time::deltaTime());
_velocity = _velocity + _acceleration * Time::deltaTime();
void RigidBody::setVelocity(const Vec3D &velocity) {
_velocity = velocity;
void RigidBody::addVelocity(const Vec3D &velocity) {
_velocity = _velocity + velocity;
void RigidBody::setAcceleration(const Vec3D &acceleration) {
_acceleration = acceleration;
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 05.02.2021.
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include "../Triangle.h"
#include "Simplex.h"
#include "../Mesh.h"
#include "HitBox.h"
struct CollisionPoint final {
const Vec3D normal;
const double depth;
struct FaceNormal final {
const Vec3D normal;
const double distance;
struct NextSimplex final {
const Simplex newSimplex;
const Vec3D newDirection;
const bool finishSearching;
class RigidBody : public Mesh {
Vec3D _velocity{0, 0, 0};
Vec3D _acceleration{0, 0, 0};
bool _hasCollision = false;
bool _isCollider = true;
bool _isTrigger = false;
HitBox _hitBox{};
bool _inCollision = false;
Vec3D _collisionNormal{0, 0, 0};
Vec3D _findFurthestPoint(const Vec3D &direction);
Vec3D _support(std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> obj, const Vec3D &direction);
std::function<void(const ObjectNameTag &, std::shared_ptr<RigidBody>)> _collisionCallBack;
static NextSimplex _nextSimplex(const Simplex &points);
static NextSimplex _lineCase(const Simplex &points);
static NextSimplex _triangleCase(const Simplex &points);
static NextSimplex _tetrahedronCase(const Simplex &points);
static std::pair<std::vector<FaceNormal>, size_t>
_getFaceNormals(const std::vector<Vec3D> &polytope, const std::vector<size_t> &faces);
static std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>
_addIfUniqueEdge(const std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> &edges, const std::vector<size_t> &faces, size_t a,
size_t b);
explicit RigidBody(ObjectNameTag nameTag) : Mesh(std::move(nameTag)) {};
RigidBody(const RigidBody &rigidBody) = default;
explicit RigidBody(const Mesh &mesh, bool useSimpleBox = true);
RigidBody(ObjectNameTag nameTag, const std::string &filename, const Vec3D &scale = Vec3D{1, 1, 1}, bool useSimpleBox = true);
[[nodiscard]] std::pair<bool, Simplex> checkGJKCollision(std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> obj);
[[nodiscard]] CollisionPoint EPA(const Simplex &simplex, std::shared_ptr<RigidBody> obj);
void solveCollision(const CollisionPoint &collision);
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D collisionNormal() const { return _collisionNormal; }
[[nodiscard]] bool hasCollision() const { return _hasCollision; }
[[nodiscard]] bool inCollision() const { return _inCollision; }
[[nodiscard]] bool isCollider() const { return _isCollider; }
[[nodiscard]] bool isTrigger() const { return _isTrigger; }
void setInCollision(bool c) { _inCollision = c; }
void setCollision(bool c) { _hasCollision = c; }
void setCollider(bool c) { _isCollider = c; }
void setTrigger(bool t) { _isTrigger = t; }
void updatePhysicsState();
void setVelocity(const Vec3D &velocity);
void addVelocity(const Vec3D &velocity);
void setAcceleration(const Vec3D &acceleration);
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D velocity() const { return _velocity; }
[[nodiscard]] Vec3D acceleration() const { return _acceleration; }
[[nodiscard]] const std::function<void(const ObjectNameTag &, std::shared_ptr<RigidBody>)> &
collisionCallBack() const { return _collisionCallBack; }
void setCollisionCallBack(const std::function<void(const ObjectNameTag &tag,
std::shared_ptr<RigidBody>)> &f) { _collisionCallBack = f; }
~RigidBody() override = default;
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 08.03.2021.
#include <list>
#include "../math/Vec3D.h"
enum class SimplexType {
struct Simplex final {
std::list<Vec3D> _points{};
Simplex() = default;
Simplex(std::initializer_list<Vec3D> list) {
for (const auto &v : list) {
if (_points.size() > 4) {
void push_front(const Vec3D &point) {
if (_points.size() > 4) {
Vec3D operator[](unsigned i) const {
auto it = _points.begin();
for (unsigned k = 0; k < i; k++) {
return *it;
[[nodiscard]] unsigned size() const { return _points.size(); }
[[nodiscard]] auto begin() const { return _points.begin(); }
[[nodiscard]] auto end() const { return _points.end(); }
[[nodiscard]] SimplexType type() const { return static_cast<SimplexType>(_points.size()); }
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 13.01.2021.
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "Log.h"
#include "Time.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
namespace Log {
void log(const std::string &message) {
if (Consts::USE_LOG_FILE) {
std::time_t const now_c = std::time(nullptr);
auto dt = std::put_time(std::localtime(&now_c), "%F %T");
std::fstream file("engine_log.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::app);
file << dt << "\t" << message << " (" << Time::fps() << " fps)" << std::endl;
std::cout << dt << "\t" << message << " (" << Time::fps() << " fps)" << std::endl;
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 13.01.2021.
#ifndef ENGINE_LOG_H
#define ENGINE_LOG_H
#include <string>
namespace Log {
void log(const std::string &message);
#endif //INC_3DZAVR_LOG_H
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 22.01.2022.
#include "ObjectController.h"
#include "Time.h"
#include "../math/Vec2D.h"
ObjectController::ObjectController(std::shared_ptr<Object> object,
std::shared_ptr<Mouse> mouse) :
void ObjectController::update() {
// Left and right
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::A))
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::D))
// Forward and backward
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::W))
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::S))
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::LShift))
_object->translate(Vec3D{0.0, -Time::deltaTime()*5.0, 0});
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Space))
_object->translate(Vec3D{0.0, Time::deltaTime()*5.0, 0});
// Mouse movement
Vec2D disp = _mouse->getMouseDisplacement();
_object->rotate(Vec3D{0, -disp.x()/1000.0, 0});
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 22.01.2022.
#include "../Object.h"
#include "../io/Keyboard.h"
#include "../io/Mouse.h"
class ObjectController {
std::shared_ptr<Object> _object;
std::shared_ptr<Mouse> _mouse;
ObjectController(std::shared_ptr<Object> object,
std::shared_ptr<Mouse> mouse);
void update();
@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
// Created by Neirokan on 09.05.2020
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include "ResourceManager.h"
#include "Log.h"
ResourceManager *ResourceManager::_instance = nullptr;
void ResourceManager::init() {
delete _instance;
_instance = new ResourceManager();
Log::log("ResourceManager::init(): resource manager was initialized");
std::shared_ptr<sf::Texture> ResourceManager::loadTexture(const std::string &filename) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
// If texture is already loaded - return pointer to it
auto it = _instance->_textures.find(filename);
if (it != _instance->_textures.end()) {
return it->second;
// Otherwise - try to load it. If failure - return zero
std::shared_ptr<sf::Texture> texture(new sf::Texture);
if (!texture->loadFromFile(filename)) {
Log::log("ResourceManager::loadTexture: error with loading texture '" + filename + "'");
return nullptr;
Log::log("ResourceManager::loadTexture: texture '" + filename + "' was loaded");
// If success - remember and return texture pointer
_instance->_textures.emplace(filename, texture);
return texture;
std::shared_ptr<sf::SoundBuffer> ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer(const std::string &filename) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
// If sound buffer is already loaded - return pointer to it
auto it = _instance->_soundBuffers.find(filename);
if (it != _instance->_soundBuffers.end()) {
return it->second;
// Otherwise - try to load it. If failure - return zero
std::shared_ptr<sf::SoundBuffer> soundBuffer(new sf::SoundBuffer);
if (!soundBuffer->loadFromFile(filename)) {
Log::log("ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer: error with loading sound buffer '" + filename + "'");
return nullptr;
Log::log("ResourceManager::loadSoundBuffer: sound buffer '" + filename + "' was loaded");
// If success - remember and return sound pointer
_instance->_soundBuffers.emplace(filename, soundBuffer);
return soundBuffer;
std::shared_ptr<sf::Font> ResourceManager::loadFont(const std::string &filename) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
// If font is already loaded - return pointer to it
auto it = _instance->_fonts.find(filename);
if (it != _instance->_fonts.end()) {
return it->second;
// Otherwise - try to load it. If failure - return zero
std::shared_ptr<sf::Font> font(new sf::Font);
if (!font->loadFromFile(filename)) {
Log::log("ResourceManager::loadFont: error with loading font: '" + filename + "'");
return nullptr;
Log::log("ResourceManager::loadFont: font '" + filename + "' was loaded");
// If success - remember and return font pointer
_instance->_fonts.emplace(filename, font);
return font;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Mesh>> ResourceManager::loadObjects(const std::string &filename) {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Mesh>> objects{};
std::map<std::string, sf::Color> maters{};
if (_instance == nullptr) {
return objects;
// If objects is already loaded - return pointer to it
auto it = _instance->_objects.find(filename);
if (it != _instance->_objects.end()) {
return it->second;
std::ifstream file(filename);
if (!file.is_open()) {
Log::log("Mesh::LoadObjects(): cannot load file from '" + filename + "'");
return objects;
std::vector<Vec4D> verts{};
std::vector<Triangle> tris{};
sf::Color currentColor = sf::Color(255, 245, 194, 255);
while (!file.eof()) {
char line[128];
file.getline(line, 128);
std::stringstream s;
s << line;
char junk;
if (line[0] == 'o') {
if (!tris.empty())
std::make_shared<Mesh>(ObjectNameTag(filename + "_temp_obj_" + std::to_string(objects.size())), tris));
if (line[0] == 'v') {
double x, y, z;
s >> junk >> x >> y >> z;
verts.emplace_back(x, y, z, 1.0);
if (line[0] == 'g') {
std::string matInfo;
s >> junk >> matInfo;
std::string colorName = matInfo.substr(matInfo.size() - 3, 3);
currentColor = maters[matInfo.substr(matInfo.size() - 3, 3)];
if (line[0] == 'f') {
int f[3];
s >> junk >> f[0] >> f[1] >> f[2];
tris.emplace_back(verts[f[0] - 1], verts[f[1] - 1], verts[f[2] - 1], currentColor);
if (line[0] == 'm') {
int color[4];
std::string matName;
s >> junk >> matName >> color[0] >> color[1] >> color[2] >> color[3];
maters.insert({matName, sf::Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3])});
if (!tris.empty()) {
std::make_shared<Mesh>(ObjectNameTag(filename + "_temp_obj_" + std::to_string(objects.size())), tris));
Log::log("Mesh::LoadObjects(): obj '" + filename + "' was loaded");
// If success - remember and return vector of objects pointer
_instance->_objects.emplace(filename, objects);
return objects;
void ResourceManager::unloadTextures() {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
int texturesCounter = _instance->_textures.size();
for (auto &_texture : _instance->_textures) {
Log::log("ResourceManager::unloadTextures(): all " + std::to_string(texturesCounter) + " textures was unloaded");
void ResourceManager::unloadSoundBuffers() {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
int soundBuffersCounter = _instance->_soundBuffers.size();
for (auto &_soundBuffer : _instance->_soundBuffers) {
Log::log("ResourceManager::unloadSoundBuffers(): all " + std::to_string(soundBuffersCounter) +
" soundBuffers was unloaded");
void ResourceManager::unloadFonts() {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
int fontsCounter = _instance->_fonts.size();
for (auto &_font : _instance->_fonts) {
Log::log("ResourceManager::unloadFonts(): all " + std::to_string(fontsCounter) + " fonts was unloaded");
void ResourceManager::unloadObjects() {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
int objCounter = _instance->_objects.size();
Log::log("ResourceManager::unloadObjects(): all " + std::to_string(objCounter) + " objects was unloaded");
void ResourceManager::unloadAllResources() {
Log::log("ResourceManager::unloadAllResources(): all resources was unloaded");
void ResourceManager::free() {
delete _instance;
_instance = nullptr;
Log::log("ResourceManager::free(): pointer to 'ResourceManager' was freed");
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
// Created by Neirokan on 09.05.2020
#include <memory>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Audio.hpp>
#include "../Mesh.h"
class ResourceManager final {
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<sf::Texture>> _textures;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<sf::Font>> _fonts;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<sf::SoundBuffer>> _soundBuffers;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Mesh>>> _objects;
static ResourceManager *_instance;
ResourceManager() = default;
// Unloads all currently loaded textures.
static void unloadObjects();
static void unloadTextures();
static void unloadSoundBuffers();
static void unloadFonts();
ResourceManager(const ResourceManager &) = delete;
ResourceManager &operator=(ResourceManager &) = delete;
static void unloadAllResources();
static void init();
static void free();
// Try to load texture from file.
// If success returns pointer to texture.
// Otherwise returns nullptr.
static std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Mesh>> loadObjects(const std::string &filename);
static std::shared_ptr<sf::Texture> loadTexture(const std::string &filename);
static std::shared_ptr<sf::Font> loadFont(const std::string &filename);
static std::shared_ptr<sf::SoundBuffer> loadSoundBuffer(const std::string &filename);
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 11.01.2021.
#include "Time.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "../Consts.h"
using namespace std::chrono;
Time *Time::_instance = nullptr;
void Time::init() {
delete _instance;
_instance = new Time();
Log::log("Time::init(): time was initialized");
double Time::time() {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
return 0;
return _instance->_time;
double Time::deltaTime() {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
return 0;
return _instance->_deltaTime;
void Time::update() {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
high_resolution_clock::time_point t = high_resolution_clock::now();
_instance->_deltaTime = duration<double>(t - _instance->_last).count();
_instance->_time = duration<double>(t - _instance->_start).count();
// in case when fps < 10 it is useful to decrease _deltaTime (to avoid collision problems)
if (_instance->_deltaTime > Consts::LARGEST_TIME_STEP) {
_instance->_deltaTime = Consts::LARGEST_TIME_STEP;
_instance->_last = t;
if (_instance->_deltaTime > 10) {
if (t - _instance->_fpsStart > _instance->_fpsCountTime) {
_instance->_lastFps = _instance->_fpsCounter / duration<double>(t - _instance->_fpsStart).count();
_instance->_fpsCounter = 0;
_instance->_fpsStart = t;
int Time::fps() {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
return 0;
// Cast is faster than floor and has the same behavior for positive numbers
return static_cast<int>(_instance->_lastFps);
void Time::startTimer(const std::string &timerName) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
_instance->_timers.insert({timerName, Timer()});
void Time::stopTimer(const std::string &timerName) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
if(_instance->_timers.count(timerName) > 0) {
double Time::elapsedTimerMilliseconds(const std::string &timerName) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
return 0;
if(_instance->_timers.count(timerName) > 0) {
return _instance->_timers[timerName].elapsedMilliseconds();
return 0;
double Time::elapsedTimerSeconds(const std::string &timerName) {
if (_instance == nullptr) {
return 0;
if(_instance->_timers.count(timerName) > 0) {
return _instance->_timers[timerName].elapsedSeconds();
return 0;
void Time::free() {
delete _instance;
_instance = nullptr;
Log::log("Time::free(): pointer to 'Time' was freed");
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 11.01.2021.
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include "Timer.h"
class Time final {
std::map<std::string, Timer> _timers;
// High precision time
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point _start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point _last = _start;
// FPS counter
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point _fpsStart{};
std::chrono::milliseconds _fpsCountTime = std::chrono::milliseconds(1000);
int _fpsCounter = 0;
double _lastFps = 0;
// Compatibility
double _time = 0;
double _deltaTime = 0;
static Time *_instance;
Time() = default;
Time(const Time &) = delete;
Time &operator=(Time &) = delete;
static int fps();
static double time();
static double deltaTime();
static void update();
static void init();
static void free();
static void startTimer(const std::string& timerName);
static void stopTimer(const std::string& timerName);
[[nodiscard]] static double elapsedTimerMilliseconds(const std::string& timerName);
[[nodiscard]] static double elapsedTimerSeconds(const std::string& timerName);
[[nodiscard]] static std::map<std::string, Timer> const & timers() { return _instance->_timers; }
#endif //INC_3DZAVR_TIME_H
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 03.11.2021.
#include "Timer.h"
using namespace std::chrono;
void Timer::start() {
_startTime = high_resolution_clock::now();
_isRunning = true;
void Timer::stop() {
_endTime = high_resolution_clock::now();
_isRunning = false;
double Timer::elapsedMilliseconds() const {
return elapsedSeconds()*1000;
double Timer::elapsedSeconds() const {
high_resolution_clock::time_point endTime;
if(_isRunning) {
endTime = high_resolution_clock::now();
} else {
endTime = _endTime;
return duration<double>(endTime - _startTime).count();
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
// Created by Иван Ильин on 03.11.2021.
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>
class Timer {
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point _startTime;
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point _endTime;
bool _isRunning = false;
void start();
void stop();
[[nodiscard]] double elapsedMilliseconds() const;
[[nodiscard]] double elapsedSeconds() const;
Reference in New Issue