89 lines
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89 lines
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// Created by Иван Ильин on 05.02.2021.
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "../utils/Point4D.h"
#include "../Triangle.h"
#include "Simplex.h"
struct CollisionPoint {
Point4D a; // Furthest point of a into b
Point4D b; // Furthest point of b into a
Point4D normal; // b – a normalized
double depth; // Length of b – a
bool hasCollision;
class RigidBody {
Point4D p_velocity;
Point4D p_acceleration;
Point4D p_angularVelocity;
Point4D p_angularAcceleration;
double _mass = 1.0;
bool _collision = false;
bool _isCollider = true;
bool _inCollision = false;
Point4D _collisionNormal;
Point4D _findFurthestPoint(const Point4D& direction);
Point4D _support(const std::shared_ptr<RigidBody>& obj, const Point4D& direction);
static bool _nextSimplex(Simplex& points, Point4D& direction);
static bool _line(Simplex& points, Point4D& direction);
static bool _triangle(Simplex& points, Point4D& direction);
static bool _tetrahedron(Simplex& points, Point4D& direction);
static std::pair<std::vector<Point4D>, size_t> GetFaceNormals(const std::vector<Point4D>& polytope, const std::vector<size_t>& faces);
static void AddIfUniqueEdge(std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& edges, const std::vector<size_t>& faces, size_t a, size_t b);
RigidBody() = default;
virtual ~RigidBody() = default;
std::pair<bool, Simplex> checkGJKCollision(const std::shared_ptr<RigidBody>& obj);
CollisionPoint EPA(const Simplex& simplex, const std::shared_ptr<RigidBody>& obj);
[[nodiscard]] bool isCollision() const { return _collision; }
[[nodiscard]] bool inCollision() const {return _inCollision; }
[[nodiscard]] bool isCollider() const {return _isCollider; }
[[nodiscard]] Point4D collisionNormal() const {return _collisionNormal; }
void setInCollision(bool c) { _inCollision = c; }
void setCollisionNormal(const Point4D& c) { _collisionNormal = c; }
void setCollision(bool c) { _collision= c; }
void setCollider(bool c) { _isCollider = c; }
[[nodiscard]] virtual std::vector<Triangle>& triangles() = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual Point4D position() const = 0;
virtual void translate(const Point4D& dv) = 0;
virtual void rotate(const Point4D& r) = 0;
void updatePhysicsState();
void setVelocity(const Point4D& velocity);
void setAngularVelocity(const Point4D& angularVelocity);
void addVelocity(const Point4D& velocity);
void setAcceleration(const Point4D& acceleration);
void setAngularAcceleration(const Point4D& angularAcceleration);
[[nodiscard]] Point4D velocity() const { return p_velocity; }
[[nodiscard]] double mass() const { return _mass; }
void setMass(double val) { _mass = val; }