.Dd August 24, 2024 .Dt NAKIDAI.RU 7 .Os Nakidai . .Sh SYNOPSYS .Nm mail .Mt plaza521@inbox.ru . .Sh NAME .Nm nakidai .Nd C & Python developer . .Sh DESCRIPTION I'm coder from Russia. I used to like playing games, but now I'm tired of it a little I think. . .Pp I'm writing my projects mostly in Python, but sometime on dark nights I want to relax and write something in C, usually after several hours since I started coding I will go cry because of my stupidness, and then close to morning I will go sleep). . .Pp This is links to places where you can find me: .Bl -bullet .It .Lk https://discord.com/users/596659213124763649 discord .It .Lk https://git.nakidai.ru/nakidai gitea .It .Lk https://github.com/nakidai github .El . .Pp Also since I'm coder, I write some projects. There you can find some: .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Lk https://github.com/latexds LaTeXDS LaTeX renderer in Discord .It Lk https://github.com/nakidai/stp stp SVG renderer in web .It Lk https://github.com/nakidai/NotABot NotABot QoL bot for Vectozavr's Discord server .It Lk https://github.com/nakidai/MQEC MQEC .Lk https://github.com/UltraQbik/SMC-MQ-CPU MQ emulator .It Lk https://git.nakidai.ru/nakidai/mycfetch mycfetch Simple system fetch tool .El . .Pp Also there you can see my key which I use for signing commits: .Bl -bullet .It .Lk https://nakidai.ru/pubkey.asc link .El .Bd -literal -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Comment: Nakidai Comment: C & Python developer Comment: Fingerprint: A0294D0C6040EFAA74F538C718AD605FDA13FE5A mDMEZeYYIhYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdAW2JvE2Q+Bv2vJ3r9ZXqeFXS4HllW6A79G6Wr ay3Gr260Mk5ha2lkYWkgKEMgJiBQeXRob24gZGV2ZWxvcGVyKSA8cGxhemE1MjFA aW5ib3gucnU+iJMEExYKADsWIQSgKU0MYEDvqnT1OMcYrWBf2hP+WgUCZeYYIgIb AwULCQgHAgIiAgYVCgkICwIEFgIDAQIeBwIXgAAKCRAYrWBf2hP+WgctAP9U/M/S 3F4Cls4CQgmsErAYmfRQ2UKYC1fQVeg16yZT/AEAjZRoAFnf3J/fb7rByPsW454v hVmB+tNyVDeqqQ0xage4OARl5hgiEgorBgEEAZdVAQUBAQdATk8I26tjHH2+PtpA kG/I+GmxWJqqjWcsm0WL68MJa3cDAQgHiHgEGBYKACAWIQSgKU0MYEDvqnT1OMcY rWBf2hP+WgUCZeYYIgIbDAAKCRAYrWBf2hP+WqZWAP46h/hgCJZF+XKs8/djVs7b RrWbuSGUxxPc7SVzL+yrEAD8C1SSfs+uWTgUTEIeIZ/QHtkUTEH8wcgmfHIGRUYE SwA= =Limc -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- .Ed . .Sh SEE ALSO .Bl -bullet .It .Lk https://causal.agency "Site that made me love manuals" .It .Lk https://stp.nakidai.ru stp .It .Lk https://latexds.nakidai.ru latexds .El