DWM -- Dynamic Window Manager(dwm) 6.2 with patches for gaps Before use -- You may need to add $HOME/.local/bin to $PATH, because this is deafult folder for install. You still can edit prefix in `config.mk` file (e.g. to `/usr/local`). Bar -- I use my own [bar](https://git.nakidai.ru/nakidai/dwmbar) written in python. Bar script itself you can find [there](https://git.nakidai.ru/nakidai/dwmscripts/src/branch/master/sysbar.py). To run it just write something like this in your `.xinitrc`: ```sh python sysbar.py & exec dwm ``` Themes -- - Catppuccin frappe - Catppuccin latte - Tokyo night To change theme change include on line 4 Screenshot -- #### With frappe theme: ![Screenshot](/screenshot.png)