from settings import * from point import Point from food import Food class Player: def __init__(self) -> None: self.start_direciton = MAIN_DIRECTION self.direction = MAIN_DIRECTION self.body = [Point(MAIN_X, MAIN_Y)] = Food(0, 0) self.score = 1 def input(self) -> None: if self.direction == D_UP: self.body.append(Point(self.body[-1].x, self.body[-1].y - 1)) elif self.direction == D_DOWN: self.body.append(Point(self.body[-1].x, self.body[-1].y + 1)) elif self.direction == D_LEFT: self.body.append(Point(self.body[-1].x - 1, self.body[-1].y)) elif self.direction == D_RIGHT: self.body.append(Point(self.body[-1].x + 1, self.body[-1].y)) def _check_collision(body: list[Point]) -> None: for point in body: if point.x < 0 or point.y < 0: raise IndexError("Snake has collision with walls") elif point.x >= WIDTH or point.y >= HEIGHT: raise IndexError("Snake has collision with walls") if len(set(body)) != len(body): raise IndexError("Player has collision with self") def update(self) -> None: self.start_direction = self.direction if self.body[-1] == self.score += 1 else: self.body.pop(0) Player._check_collision(self.body) def left(self, game) -> None: if not game.is_pause and self.start_direction != D_RIGHT: self.direction = D_LEFT def right(self, game) -> None: if not game.is_pause and self.start_direction != D_LEFT: self.direction = D_RIGHT def up(self, game) -> None: if not game.is_pause and self.start_direction != D_DOWN: self.direction = D_UP def down(self, game) -> None: if not game.is_pause and self.start_direction != D_UP: self.direction = D_DOWN